King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, Current Events, Part 2: November 2015- March 2018

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Welcome to King Felipe and Queen Letizia's
Current Events, Part 2

November 3, 2015


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We cannot negotiate with them, we cannot bring them to reason, we cannot appease them, so we must eliminate them...and SOON.
Felipe looks as handsome as ever, yet Letizia, I really do not like that jumpsuit or any jumpsuit even if it was made of gold. That outfit looks like a cheap Hollywood star out for attention getting. Why is she changing the way she dresses? It seems she is favoring sleeveless tops/dresses anymore beside extreme short skirts/dresses. She is a Queen of Spain, not some one trying out for movies. Is there a lack of self-confidence here going on with her and her choices in clothes lately? And I am sorry if this is in the wrong thread because I could not fine the right place to put this.
Basque National Executive Uxue Barkos expels the Royal House of the delivery of the Prince of Viana Navarra awards

The prize is no longer be delivered in Leyre, but in Olite and the Government of Navarra says it "has decided to do without the royal family."

Don Felipe and Letizia will no longer go over to Navarre on invitation by the Provincial Government of Navarra.

Navarra retira al Rey la invitación a los Premios Príncipe de Viana | España | EL MUNDO
Uxue Barkos, president of Navarra, belongs to a nationalist party of Navarra (Geroa Bai), governs with BILDU (party that supports ETA) and Podemos... they hate Spain and this is the result, they need that kind of thing to get publicity, more now that they have lost their representation in national Congress.
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