King Felipe VI, Current Events Part 3: November 2018 - present

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An Ard Ri

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Jun 30, 2009
An Iarmhí

Arms of King Felipe

Welcome to King Felipe's
Current Events, Part 3

Commencing November 4th,2018

The previous thread can be found here

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King Felipe received Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, for a meeting today, November 6.

Later he attended the opening of the exhibition "Letters to the King: The Humanitarian Mediation of Alfonso XIII in the Great War":

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** gettyimages gallery **

** casareal: Audiencia al Sr. Serguéi Victoróvich Lavrov, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de la Federación de Rusia **

** casareal: Inauguración de la exposición “Cartas al Rey. La mediación humanitaria de Alfonso XIII en la Gran Guerra” **
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It is a pity that such a wonderful event as that made by all the staff of the "Pro-Captive Office" with Alfonso XIII as "boss" and "paid for everything with the king's personal money, is so unknown to the world. for the Europeans that Alfonso XIII helped in the IGM
An intense work of the Office of the European War, which helped thousands of European citizens to locate their loved ones between 1915 and 1918.

In the exhibition can also be seen a draft of the telegram that the King sent to Petrograd in 1917, to ask permission to see the imperial family, arrested in the middle of the Russian revolution, and offering Spain as a place of exile.
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Why did the Queen not go with him? Almost all other Heads of State where accompanied by their partners..
They travel to Peru today. King Felipe has traveled this morning to Paris, he will return to Spain after lunch and will take the plane to Lima (12 hours flight) to start a State Visit tomorrow morning. He has an incredible resistance for time changes and long flights, probably the queen is more human.
Thanks that explains it. But could they not have left to Peru direct from Paris without returning to Spain?
Thanks that explains it. But could they not have left to Peru direct from Paris without returning to Spain?
Usually large group of politicians, diplomats, businessmen and assistants goes with a monarch.
Do you suggest to bring them all in Paris and then in Peru?
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Finally, according to the press, the King will travel by official plane from Paris and the Queen by regular plane from Madrid. The queen will arrive at 1am European time, and the king several hours later.

Today, November 20, King Felipe received the Board of Directors of the National Association of Market Research and Public Opinion Companies with representatives of these companies, the organizing committee of the World Law Congress of the World Jurist Association and representatives of the Union of Spanish Commercial Televisions:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **

** casareal: Audiencia a la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Investigación de Mercados y Opinión Publica (ANEIMO)..**

** casareal: Audiencia al Comité Organizador del “Word Law Congress of the World Jurist Association” **

** casareal: Audiencia a una representación de la Unión de Televisiones Comerciales Españolas que forman parte de UTECA **

King Felipe received the Board of Directors of the Association of ex-deputies and ex-senators of the Cortes Generales today, November 27:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **

** casareal: Audiencia a la Junta Directiva de la Asociación de exdiputados y exsenadores de las Cortes Generales **

And he attended the presentation of the "Comments to the Spanish Constitution. XL anniversary":

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **

** casareal: Presentación de la Obra "Comentarios a la Constitución Española. XL aniversario" **

** gettyimages gallery: King Felipe Of Spain Attend Audiences At Zarzuela Palace **
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