List of monarchs of Morocco

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Imperial Majesty
Jan 9, 2013
This is the list of rulers of Morocco, since the establishment of the first Moroccan state in 789. The common and formal titles of these rulers has varied, depending on the time period. Since 1957, the designation King has been used.

Idrisid dynasty
  1. Idriss I (788–791)
  2. Idriss II (791–828)
  3. Muhammad ibn Idris (828–836)
  4. Ali ibn Idris (836–848)
  5. Yahya ibn Muhammad (848–864)
  6. Yahya ibn Yahya (864–874)
  7. Ali ibn Umar (874–883)
  8. Yahya ibn Al-Qassim (883–904)
  9. Yahya ibn Idris ibn Umar (904–917)
    The first period of Fatimid overlordship lasted from 922 to 925.
  10. Hassan I al-Hajam (925–927)
    The second period of Fatimid overlordship lasted from 927 to 937.
  11. Al Qasim Gannum (937–948)
  12. Abu l-Aish Ahmad (948–954)
  13. Al-Hasan ben Kannun (954–974)
In 974 the sultan Al-Hasan ben Kannun was defeated by Cordobese Umayyads. A period of Umayyad overlordship followed then.
Almoravid dynasty
  1. Yusuf ibn Tashfin (1061–1106)
  2. Ali ibn Yusuf (1106–1142)
  3. Tashfin ibn Ali (1142–1146)
  4. Ibrahim ibn Tashfin (1146)
  5. Is'haq ibn Ali (1146–1147)
Almohad dynasty
  1. 'Abdul-Mu'min (1145–1163)
  2. Abu Yaqub Yusuf I (1163–1184)
  3. Aby Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur (1184–1199)
  4. Muhammad an-Nasir (1199–1213)
  5. Abu Yaqub Yusuf II (1213–1224)
  6. Abdul-Wahid I (1224)
  7. Abdallah al-Adil (1224–1227)
  8. Yahya (1227–1235)
  9. Idris I (1227–1232)
  10. Abdul-Wahid II (1232–1242)
  11. Ali (1242–1248)
  12. Umar (1248–1266)
  13. Idris II (1266–1269)
Marinid dynasty
  1. Abd al-Haqq I (1195–1217)
  2. Uthman I (1217–1240)
  3. Muhammad I (1240–1244)
  4. Abu Yahya ibn Abd al-Haqq (1244–1258)
  5. Umar (1258–1259)
  6. Abu Yusuf Yaqub (1259–1286)
  7. Abu Yaqub Yusuf (1286–1306)
  8. Abu Thabit (1307–1308)
  9. Abu l-Rabia (1308–1310)
  10. Abu Said Uthman II. (1310–1331)
  11. Abu Al-Hasan ibn Othman (1331–1348)
  12. Abu Inan Faris (1348–1358)
  13. Muhammad II. as Said (1359)
  14. Abu Salim Ali II. (1359–1361)
  15. Abu Umar Taschufin (1361)
  16. Abu Zayyan Muhammad III. (1362–1366)
  17. Abu l-Fariz Abdul Aziz I. (1366–1372)
  18. Abu l-Abbas Ahmad (1372–1374)
  19. Abu Zayyan Muhammad IV. (1384–1386)
  20. Muhammad V. (1386–1387)
  21. Abu l-Abbas Ahmad (1387–1393)
  22. Abdul Aziz II. (1393–1398)
  23. Abdullah (1398–1399)
  24. Abu Said Uthman III. (1399–1420)
  25. Abdalhaqq II. (1420–1465)
Wattasid Dynasty
  1. Abu Zakariya Muhammad al-Saih al-Mahdi (1472–1505)
  2. Abu Abdallah Muhammad I (1505–1524)
  3. Abul Abbas Ahmad (1524–1545)
  4. Nasir ad-Din al-Qasri (1545–1547)
  5. Abul Abbas Ahmad (second time, 1547–1549)
  6. Ali Abu Hassun (1549–1554)
Saadi Dynasty
Saadian princes of Southern Morocco (1509-1554):
  1. Abu Abdallah al-Qaim (1509–1517)
  2. Ahmad al-Araj (1517–1544)
  3. Mohammed ash-Sheikh (1544–1554)
Saadian sultans of Morocco:
  1. Mohammed ash-Sheikh (1554-1557)
  2. Abdallah al-Ghalib (1557–1574)
  3. Abu Abdallah Mohammed II (1574–1576)
  4. Abu Marwan Abd al-Malik I (1576–1578)
  5. Ahmad I al-Mansur (1578–1603)
  6. Abou Fares Abdallah (born 1564) (1603–1608 in parts of Morocco)
  7. Zidan Abu Maali (1603–1627)
  8. Abu Marwan Abd al-Malik II (1627–1631)
  9. Al Walid ben Zidan (1631–1636)
  10. Mohammed Ech Sheik el Seghir (1636–1655)
  11. Ahmad el Abbas (1655–1659)

Saadian rulers based in Fes (1603–1627, with only local power):
  1. Mohammed esh Sheikh el Mamun (born 1560), (1604–1613)
  2. Abdallah II (1613–1623)
  3. Abd el Malek (1623–1627)
  4. Alaouite dynasty
    From 1631 to 1666 the Alaouite dynasty ruled as princes of Tafilalt:
  5. Moulay Ali Cherif (1631–1635)
  6. Muhammad ibn Sharif (1635–1664)
  7. Al-Rashid (1664–1666)
    In 1666 Mulay Al-Rashid was proclaimed Sultan of Morocco at Fez:
  8. Al-Rashid (1666–1672)
  9. Mawlay Ismail Ibn Sharif (1672–1727)
  10. Abu'l Abbas Ahmad II (1727–1728) (first time)
  11. Abdalmalik (1728)
  12. Abu'l Abbas Ahmad II (1728–1729) (second time)
  13. Abdallah (1729–1734) (first time)
  14. Ali (1734–1736)
  15. Abdallah (1736) (second time)
  16. Mohammed II (1736–1738)
  17. Al-Mostadi (1738–1740) (first time)
  18. Abdallah (1740–1741) (third time)
  19. Zin al-Abidin (1741)
  20. Abdallah (1741–1742) (fourth time)
  21. Al-Mostadi (1742–1743) (second time)
  22. Abdallah (1743–1747) (fifth time)
  23. Al-Mostadi (1747–1748) (third time)
  24. Abdallah (1748–1757) (sixth time)
  25. Mohammed III (1757–1790)
  26. Yazid (1790–1792)
  27. Mulay Suleiman (1792–1822)
  28. Abderrahmane (1822–1859)
  29. Mohammed IV (1859–1873)
  30. Hassan I (1873–1894)
  31. Abdelaziz (1894–1908)
  32. Abdelhafid (1908–1912)

Under the French protectorate (1912–1956):
  1. Yusef (1912–1927)
  2. King Mohammed V (1927–1953), changed title of ruler from Sultan to King in 1957. Deposed and exiled to Corsica and Madagascar.
  3. Mohammed Ben Aarafa, installed by France (1953–1955)

From independence (1956 onwards):
  1. King Mohammed V (1955–1961) m. 1.Lalla Hanila bint Mamoun 2.Lalla Abla bint Tahar 3.Lalla Bahia bint Antar
  2. King Hassan II (1961–1999) m. 1.Princess Lalla Fatima 2.Princess Lalla Latifa
  3. King Mohammed VI (1999–present) m. Princess Lalla Salma

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I hope that the wife of future King Hassan III will be titled Queen.
Yes, it would be interesting if the wife of the future King had the title of Queen.
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