Luxembourg Grand Ducal Family Picture Thread, Part 1

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
That’s a lovely photo! One with the children as well would have been nice!
delightful pictures! i agree that one with the kids would have been even better though, but that is one handsome family.
The photo is lovely and I like the happy summer holiday vibes. I agree that it would have been nice to see a photo with the children though however there were also separate photos of Princess Amalia and her brother Prince Liam, but a photo of all the children together would've been cute indeed.
One of the most beautiful Royal family photos ever!
If I understand well, for now the only heir after Guillaume is Amalia(till he and Stéphanie have a child) ?
If I understand well, for now the only heir after Guillaume is Amalia(till he and Stéphanie have a child) ?


Guillaume de Luxembourg
Félix de Luxembourg
Amalia de Nassau
Liam de Nassau
Alexandra de Luxembourg
Sébastien de Luxembourg
Guillaume de Luxembourg
Paul Louis de Nassau
Léopold de Nassau
Jean André de Nassau
Robert de Luxembourg
Alexandre de Nassau
Frederik de Nassau

Guillaume de Luxembourg
Félix de Luxembourg
Amalia de Nassau
Liam de Nassau
Alexandra de Luxembourg
Sébastien de Luxembourg
Guillaume de Luxembourg
Paul Louis de Nassau
Léopold de Nassau
Jean André de Nassau
Robert de Luxembourg
Alexandre de Nassau
Frederik de Nassau

The last in the line of succession if Prince Jean of Nassau. Prince Robert rennoucned his rights at the time of his marriage.
Succession to the throne of Luxembourg is regulated by the house laws, and the laws are ill-defined. Someone could take the view that the present house laws give succession rights to the descendants of Grand Duke Adolph, the descendants of Grand Duchess Charlotte, or only the descendants of Grand Duke Henri.

It is also difficult to state if persons who renounced their place in the line of succession (such as Prince Louis), who were born outside of marriage and legitimized (such as Louis's older son), or whose parents married without the written approval of the grand duke (such as both of Louis's sons) are removed from the line of succession or not.

The present house laws:
Mémorial B n° 51 de 2012 - Legilux

Translations from Luxarazzi:
Family Bylaws Concerning the House Law of the House of Luxembourg-Nassau
Family Pact of the House of Nassau


Guillaume de Luxembourg
Félix de Luxembourg
Amalia de Nassau
Liam de Nassau
Alexandra de Luxembourg
Sébastien de Luxembourg
Guillaume de Luxembourg
Paul Louis de Nassau
Léopold de Nassau
Jean André de Nassau
Robert de Luxembourg
Alexandre de Nassau
Frederik de Nassau

Either all children of Prince Guillaume have succession rights, or none (likewise with Prince Robert's children). The succession law prior to 2011 was semi-Salic, not Salic.
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And where is Princess Charlotte de Nassau, only daughter of Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibylla?
And where is Princess Charlotte de Nassau, only daughter of Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibylla?

The house laws do not clearly state whether the new laws or the old laws determine the order of succession for persons who do not descend from Grand Duke Henri, if there are any of them in the line of succession. Assuming that the children of Prince Guillaume are in the line of succession, Charlotte may possibly be placed between her brothers under equal primogeniture, or she may possibly be placed after all the male line heirs of Grand Duchess Charlotte under the semi-Salic laws of 1907 (and after the female and male heirs of Grand Duke Henri under the laws of 2011).
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Beautiful photos! Thanks eya!

Yeah, the photos were probably taken separately.
Hmmm... looking at the group photo released earlier, I'm guessing that was taken during National Day? Grand Duchess Maria Teresa doesn't look as tanned.
nice pictures
but it looks like the ones of Noah and Gabriel are from last year

Yes indeed, they wear exactly the same clothes, have the same hair and their pictures are taken at about the same spot as this picture that was released for prince Louis' birthday last summer. Why would the court pretend to release recent pictures of their grandchikdremn. Didn't Gabriel and Noah visit their paternal grandparents over summer or is there another reason that no recent pictures are released?

And even at that point the pictures seemed to be at least several months old given that there are no leaves on the trees in the background.
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Nice to see more photos of the children. I agree though about the photos of Noah and Gabriel, they did seem younger in the photos from Berg Castle as well. Amalia is growing into a very pretty little girl and it seems that she shares a close bond with her baby brother, which is cute to see.
I do wonder why the children weren't included in the main photo with the adult members of the family since there were enough individual photos released of them.
Nice to see more photos of the children. I agree though about the photos of Noah and Gabriel, they did seem younger in the photos from Berg Castle as well. Amalia is growing into a very pretty little girl and it seems that she shares a close bond with her baby brother, which is cute to see.
I do wonder why the children weren't included in the main photo with the adult members of the family since there were enough individual photos released of them.

Apparently, Gabriel and Noah weren't with the family (at least when pictures were taken and probably not at all or they could have taken some new pictures), so they decided not to include any of the grandchildren instead of including only 2 out of 4.
New Official Photo of the GD Couple and the HGD Couple

The court share another old picture , this time from the Birth of Prince Sebastian - Spring 1992

Another old picture shares the Palace:

"A souvenir of the Grand Ducal Family - The Grand-Ducal Couple in the 80s."

Another one old picture by the Palace:

"A memory of the Grand Ducal Family - The young Prince Henri in an attraction of the Schueberfouer - 1960. "

A memory of the Grand Ducal Family - The children of the Grand-Ducal Couple on May 1997.

Souvenirs of the Grand-Ducal Family skiing.
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Great that the HGD couple (and Sibilla) show there support but such a terrible picture... It looks like this year is taking a toll on them.
Summer memories from 1984 shared by the court today:

** Pic **
Although autumn has only started ;) the court shared a winter memory this morning, showing the children in winter 1993:

** Winter 1993 **
The Court shared a photo of a tea time of father and son in 1982 ?

** Photo **
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