Nicholas & Alina Maria de Roumanie Medforth Mills and Family, News & Events 2: 2022 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Nicolae al Romaniei, grandson of King Mihai, will visit the "Mircea cel Bătrân" National College
On Tuesday, May 10, at 9:30 a.m., in the “Gheorghe Coriolan” hall of the “Mircea cel Bătrân” National College, the students and teachers will meet Nicolae al Romaniei, His Majesty King Mihai's grandson, within the project “History of Royalty in schools”, promoted by “Asociatia Principe Nicolae”.
The Monarchy Day will be celebrated with a meeting with a member of the royal family who will speak about what royalty has meant for Romania.
Nicolae al României, nepotul Regelui Mihai, va veni în vizită la Colegiul Național „Mircea cel Bătrân”
Nicolae al Romaniei, grandson of King Mihai, will visit the "Mircea cel Bătrân" National College
On Tuesday, May 10, at 9:30 a.m., in the “Gheorghe Coriolan” hall of the “Mircea cel Bătrân” National College, the students and teachers will meet Nicolae al Romaniei, His Majesty King Mihai's grandson, within the project “History of Royalty in schools”, promoted by “Asociatia Principe Nicolae”.
The Monarchy Day will be celebrated with a meeting with a member of the royal family who will speak about what royalty has meant for Romania.
Nicolae al României, nepotul Regelui Mihai, va veni în vizită la Colegiul Național „Mircea cel Bătrân”


Has Monarchy Day been held in other years?
Nicolae visited today "Mircea cel Bătrân" National College with project "History of Royalty in Schools"
The prince was asked about Queen Maria and her importance in the Paris peace treaties, as well as her role in the Great Union. Nicolae explained to high school students that Queen Maria was the first woman recognized beyond the country's borders, the first queen to write in the press about Romania, who rode on horseback on the front, facing enemy bullets, being a landmark, an example of followed. About his grandfather, King Mihai, he stated that he had the talent to say important things in just a few words. He told him countless dream stories about royalty, princes and princesses. It was only at the age of seven that he realized that his grandfather was not just a grandfather, but a king, and he had to share it with everyone.
Galerie foto. Nicolae al României, nepotul Regelui Mihai
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Nicolae at Radio Guerrilla podcast yesterday:
"In today's Metope, Theodor Paleologu has Prince Nicolae as a guest and together they will discuss his grandfather, King Mihai I, and the monarchy."
Nicolae at the schools on 10th May, photos at Facebook of Asociatia Principele Nicolae
"On such an important day for the monarchy, on May 10, the project "History of Royalty in Schools" reached two schools in Constanța: the "Mircea cel Batran" National College and the George Calinescu Theoretical High School.
Accompanied by the chords of the National Anthem of Romania and the Royal Anthem, Nicolae al Romaniei discussed with the students about the monarchy's contribution to the country's development, about important moments in the nation's history, about the achievements of the Royal Dynasty.
The children also enjoyed some personal items belonging to the Royal Family, being curious to find out the story behind them.
The project will soon reach other schools in Bucharest and in the country!"
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Nicolae visited today Râmnicu Vâlcea with his project "History of Royalty in Schools"
He posted yesterday to his social media
"Tomorrow, 'History of Royalty in Schools'!

Nicolae in Râmnicu Vâlcea at Gymnasium School No. 5, having an interactive discussion with the students about the monarchy and the achievements of Kings and Queens for the development of the country, within the project "History of Royalty in Schools".

Meeting with the President of the Vâlcea County Council, Constantin Rădulescu, they discussed the possibility of collaborating in future projects.

Video from today

Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Facebook
Nicolae visited with the project "History of Royalty in Schools" the Gymnasium School Nr. 165 in Bucharest. The students learned from Nicolae information about what the monarchy means, about the exile of the last sovereign and his return to the country, but also what were the most beautiful memories of the young Prince or the most valuable advice he received them from his grandparents, King Mihai I and Queen Anne.
It was a real history lesson, interactive and captivating, in which children could admire decorations, photos of the Royal Family and a ceremonial sword, being curious to find out the story behind each object.
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Nicolae at his social media
Every year, on May 20, is World Bee Day, in order to highlight their crucial importance for humanity, but also to draw attention to their protection, so necessary today.
Bees are the most important living things on the planet, and the world's agriculture depends more than 70% on these insects that never sleep. It is wonderful to see how their work turns into one of the healthiest foods, honey, which never expires, a remedy used for millennia for its many benefits.
Unfortunately, bees have fallen into the category of high-risk insects due to climate change, pollution, insecticides and habitat destruction.
Our country is one of the leading producers of bee honey in the European Union, and the concern for this activity must be constant. It is vital that we act to protect the entire ecosystem and, implicitly, these little creatures that are essential to the Earth.
Nicolae was yesterday at Ro-Wine International Wine Festival of Romania at Fratelli in Bucharest.
With his friend Liviu Popescu (co-owner of Fratelli Group and one of the organizers of Ro-Wine)

Other photo

Photos from Nicolae's visit to the "Dante Alighieri" Theoretical High School in Bucharest with The "History of Royalty in Schools" project.
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Lovely family, the only regret is not seeing the baby boy.
New photos of Nicholas and Alina Maria with their children.

Nicolae posted to his social media
"After 4 years we are 4"

Nicolae and his wife returned with their children to the same place where they said "Yes"
Here they are in the formula of four, arriving in front of the same Casino in Sinaia, where the wedding reception took place.
"We 4 in Sinaia, the royal city", noted Alina Maria de Roumanie on social networks next to some frames in which they appear with their two children, Maria Alexandra and Mihai, right in the park in front of the Casino in Sinaia.
Nicolae al României şi soţia sa au revenit cu copiii lor în acelaşi loc în care au spus _Da
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Nicolae and Alina-Maria's Christmas Card 2021


Nicolae is in Amsterdam at Tulips Ball this weekend. Yesterday
"On the way to Tulips Ball, Amsterdam!"

Nicolae at Tulips Ball
"Nicolae of Romania in Koepelkerk in Amsterdam for Tulips Ball and fundraising for reforestation in Romania."

Record proceeds from auction for charity of reforestation in Romania at the Tulips Ball in Amsterdam, for the benefit of Nicolae of Romania (his Asociatia Principele Nicolae".

Photos from social media of RoyalBlog NL
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In the Koepelkerk in Amsterdam with Prince Nicolae of Romania and the other royal guests. A charity auction was held for the works of the Prince Nicolae of Romania Foundation.

Tulips ball: 10,000 euros for Prince Nicolae of Romania's Foundation
The 6th Tulips Ball took place on Saturday 28 May in the Koepelkerk in Amsterdam. More than 200 guests from 24 countries gathered for a stylish evening, where friendship and tradition in a casual atmosphere were present. The guest of honor was HRH Prince Nicolae of Romania, the grandson of King Michael, who drew attention to his Prince Nicolae of Romania Association (Asociatia Principele Nicolae). This foundation wants to fight deforestation in Romania and wants to plant 1 million trees over the next three years. In addition, the foundation now provides aid to Ukrainian refugees in Romania. During the auction at the Tulips Ball, 10,000 euros were raised for this foundation; a great result, with which the Prince Nicolae of Romania Foundation can do a lot of good work.
Tulpenbal_ 10.000 euro voor Prins Nicolae van Roemenië Stichting - Adel in Nederland

About Nicolae at the Tulips Ball
Nicolas de Roumanie au Bal des Tulipes à Amsterdam avec la duchesse Alice de Mecklembourg-Strelitz

Asociatia Principele Nicolae published today at its Facebook photos of Nicolae at the Tulips Ball.
Nicolae writes:
At the end of May, I had the pleasure of attending the Tulips Ball in Amsterdam, the sixth annual event celebrating Dutch culture.
The honor was even greater as this year, the Tulips Ball Committee chose to support the Asociatia Principele Nicolae. A special charity auction was organized during the ball dinner, and the donations thus obtained will ensure the continuity of the projects developed by the Association.
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Nicolae visited the Verotherm factory on 18th May
Prince Nicolae of Romania, visiting the Verotherm factory in Vâlcea
At my invitation, today I was honored by the presence of Prince Nicholas of Romania at the Verotherm factory. As part of the “Romanian Excellence with Nicolae of Romania” project, which focuses on promoting Romanian producers, traditional brands and entrepreneurs, we had the opportunity to show the Prince the production process of Verotherm fireproof polystyrene and to discuss together the plans future of the company.
Principele Nicolae al Romaniei, in vizita la fabrica vâlceana Verotherm _ Ziarul de Vâlcea

Today Nicolae is in Muscel
Prince Nicolae, in Muscel for a day
The Muscel GAL Association, in partnership with the GAL Câmpulung Muscel, organizes on June 1 and 2 the “Fair for the promotion of Muscel products and traditions”, which will take place at the Ceramus Complex in Câmpulung.
The special guest is Prince Nicolae. He comes to Câmpulung at the invitation of the president of GAL Muscel, Dorin Mirea. He told us that it is possible that the prince will spend more time in Câmpulung, and will spend the night at the Ceramus Complex.
Prinţul Nicolae, muscelean pentru o zi - Jurnalul de Arges

Nicolae posted this video clip to his Facebook: "Local products fair, Câmpulung Muscel."

Alina-Maria and the children are with Nicolae in Muscel.

Photos of Nicolae today
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Nicolae at this video from 2.10.

More photos of Nicolae at the Fair in Muscel
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Interview with Prince Nicolae of Romania present at the Ceramus fair
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Nicolae has another outfit made at Consiglieri
"Nicolae al Romaniei in an outfit Custom - Made Consiglieri, specially created for the most beautiful event of the family: the baptism of his son, Mihai!"𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗥𝗜-special-creata-pentru-/363592659195244

Nicolae at his Facebook
"Morning coat is ready for the baptism of my son, Mihai! See you on June 18 in Alba Iulia!"
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Nicolae writes at his Facebook
The baptism of Mihai/Michael at the Coronation Cathedral in Alba Iulia on 18 June at 11.00.
The religious ceremony is followed by a reception attended by guests from Romania and abroad.

The project "#RomanianExcellene with Nicolae al Romaniei" promotes local values ​​locally and internationally, led by Romanian entrepreneurs, who through the brands they represent contribute to the development of contemporary Romania.
I had the opportunity to visit the Unident Clinic - Premium Dental Clinics Brașov, part of a brand that provides state-of-the-art dental services, in parallel with a medical education at the level of excellence.
During the meeting, where I learned about medical prevention and advanced treatment solutions, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Petronela Luca, Doctor of Medical Sciences and General Manager of Unident Group and Mr. Luca Nicolae, Executive Director of Unident Group , but also Pepper, the world's first humanoid robot capable of recognizing human facial expressions and emotions. It is optimized for interaction with people, being able to communicate through conversation and gestures, with natural and expressive movements.
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Nicolae and his family arrived in Alba Iulia on Friday. They are staying at a hotel in the city and are preparing for the baptism. The religious service will take place in the Cathedral where King Ferdinand and Queen Maria were crowned 100 years ago. After the baptism, the couple and their guests will take part in a reception at the Medieval Hotel.
Principele Nicolae a ajuns la Alba Iulia. Sâmbătă își va boteza băiatul, strănepot al Regelui Mihai - ProAlba


Mihai's baptism today at 11.00 at the Coronation Cathedral in Alba Iulia.

Video of the arrival, Elisabeta-Karina carrying Mihai
"It is a moment of great joy, it is a very important moment in our son's life. It is very important to keep in touch with history and of course with family. The name Mihai is a soul name, of course in memory of my grandfather. It is also the name of a great saint, and that was important to us. I'm Mihai too, I have a cousin Mihai, it's a family name, so it's not just the king's name", said Prince Nicolae, at the entrance to the Coronation Cathedral in Alba Iulia.
The event is not attended by representatives of the Royal House. There are close family friends, including descendants of old families from Romania - Brătianu, Cantacuzino, Ghica.
Mihai was born on April 15, 2022, in Bucharest. King Michael's great-grandson was born at 2:00 in the morning. He has another sister, Maria-Alexandra, born on November 7, 2020.
VIDEO_ Principele Nicolae își botează fiul la Catedrala Încoronării din Alba Iulia. Eveniment cu invitați din țară și străinătate - Alba24

And Alina-Maria's brother is Mihai too.

Principele Nicolae își botează al doilea copil la Catedrala Încoronării din Alba Iulia – Oradea in direct

It looks that Liviu and Simona Popescu, the godparents at Nicolae and Alina-Maria's wedding, are godparents of Mihai too, since Simona is holding Mihai? In addition to Elisabeta-Karina, we see at the video also Alina-Maria's parents and brother Mihai. Marilena Rotaru, the President of the Movement for the Kingdom and the Crown is also there.
Strănepotul Regelui Mihai, care îi va purta numele, botezat la Alba Iulia. Imagini cu evenimentul de la care a lipsit familia regală
After the baptism

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After the baptism, Maria-Alexandra is such a lovely little girl
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Alina-Maria's brother Mihai in the middle

Nicolae and Alina-Maria's friend, gallery owner Eduard Mircea Uzunov

About the baptism:
It is no coincidence that the Coronation Cathedral was chosen. 100 years ago, King Ferdinand and Queen Maria were crowned here.
Little Mihai was polite and wept a little during the ceremony, and his older sister, Maria-Alexandra, did not lose sight of him.
Nicolae said: "Maria has went through all the stages, from jealousy, I think she looked at him like a toy, but now she is in love and she is happy to have someone to play with now".
The godparents are the ones who were godparents also at Nicolae and Alina-Maria's wedding, Liviu and Simona Popescu. They said: “I had emotions. It was not easy to bring guests from all over Europe. Nicolae insisted, because it coincides with the 100th anniversary of the coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Maria and then it is a historic moment".
At the exit of the cathedral, the young family was greeted by a crowd of people, but also by a group of children in folk costumes.
Among the invited guests from abroad, were also representatives of some old Romanian families, Cantacuzino and Ghica.
The party was held at a five-star hotel in Alba Iulia. The royal hall was decorated with flowers in shades of blue, and the menu was based on traditional dishes. The 300-year-old building has a connection to the Royal House. When the hall was opened, the first to dine there were King Mihai and queen Ana.
Fostul principe Nicolae și-a botezat fiul, la Catedrala Încoronării din Alba Iulia. Copilul poartă numele regelui Mihai -

Upon arrival at the cathedral, the family was greeted by monarchist supporters dressed in folk costumes or with tricolor flags. Mihai was in the arms of Nicolae's sister, Elisabeta-Karina de Roumanie, who arrived in the country especially for this family event.
Just two months after giving birth to her second child, Alina-Maria displayed an incredible figure, in a vintage-inspired blue dress, accessorized with a hat, sheer shoes and a necklace with pearls.
In turn, Nicolae was particularly elegant, with the so-called morning coat accessorized with a few decorations.
The service was officiated by 5 priests, and the boy's godparents were the same ones who married Alina-Maria and Nicolae, respectively Simona and Liviu Popescu.
FOTO&VIDEO Principele Nicolae și-a botezat fiul. Strănepotul Regelui Mihai îi duce numele mai departe

Nicolae kiest Alba Iulia voor doop Mihai - ROYALBLOG.NL

Photos from Facebook of Marilena Rotaru, Nicolae and Alina-Maria's friend and the President of the Movement for the Kingdom and the Crown
Family photo with Elisabeta-Karina and Alina-Maria's parents and brother
Nicolae, Alina-Maria and Mihai
Nicolae, Mihai and Marilena Rotaru
Nicolae, Alina-Maria, Mihai, Elisabeta-Karina and Marilena Rotaru
Maria-Alexandra and a photo of king Mihai
More photos
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Photos from the lunch/reception
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After Mihai's baptism, the Choir from „Gheorghe Lazăr” Pecica High School sang The Royal Anthem to Nicolae and his family.

Liviu Popescu posted to his social media. Liviu and Simona had their son with them.
"God Bless Mihai of Romania Christening Alba Iulia! Honoured to be the God parents! Nihil sine Deo!"

The cake at the reception
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The former Duc de Vendome asked Nicolae to be Godfather of one of his Chidren.
We never saw ther now Comte de Paris him going to an Event in Roumania .
Is Nicholas' sister the only one from his biological family, who maintains regular contact with him and Alina?
Message from Princess Elena:

"Her Royal Highness Princess Elena was overjoyed to learn of the birth of her third grandchild , Mihai, son of Nicolae and his wife Alina-Maria.

Princess Elena, along with the entire Royal Family, wishes the newborn health, wisdom and good luck in life!

The photo is part of Princess Elena's personal collection and depicts her two children Nicolae and Karina"

Had missed the birth... So, scrolled back to read about it and noticed that grandmother Elena used this occasion to point out that Nicholas also has a child out of wedlock (Iris Anna with Nicoleta Cîrjan) prior to his 2 children (Maria-Alexandra and Mihai/Michael) with his wife Alina-Maria. I wonder whether she is in touch with her eldest granddaughter; I don't think she has much of a relationship with the younger two.
Had missed the birth... So, scrolled back to read about it and noticed that grandmother Elena used this occasion to point out that Nicholas also has a child out of wedlock (Iris Anna with Nicoleta Cîrjan) prior to his 2 children (Maria-Alexandra and Mihai/Michael) with his wife Alina-Maria. I wonder whether she is in touch with her eldest granddaughter; I don't think she has much of a relationship with the younger two.

She did that when Maria-Alexandra was born as well. It seemed pointed when Nicolae didn't include it himself.

It does seem like this might be one of the points of contention between them. It would be interesting to know if she sees her at all.
Nicolas clearly sees himself still as the future of the royal house within Romania and if I’m honest he probably isn’t wrong to do so. He is the only grandchild of King Michael to have a profile there and seems to be popular.

I wonder will his aunt come around to him again as she has no children of her own or if that bridge is burned. Perhaps when his mother is head of the house she will reinstate him as her heir?
Nicolae at his Facebook
On Thursday, June 30, I will visit the city of Alexandria, where I will meet with a group of students at the Multifunctional Center for Youth, from 16.00, with the project "History of Royalty in Schools".
Later, starting with 18.00, at the same location, I will present the album “My grandfather, King Mihai”, which brings together the most beautiful photos with the last Sovereign of the country, both from his private and public life.
The evening will end with the screening of the documentary “King Mihai - The Road to Home”, at which point Mr. Dan Drăghicescu, one of the film's producers, will be with me. Admission is free. I invite you to spend a few hours together with the memories of the monarchy!

I present you a picture with high quality people who enjoy high quality socks. What a huge satisfaction it is to create a product and see people appreciate and enjoy it. Nicolae al Romaniei, Asociatia Principele Nicolae, Proud To Be Romanian
Folks, thank you on behalf of the Socks Lab !!
Article about the photos Alina-Maria posted to her social media on 24th June:
Tributes to the Romanian folk costume, much like the beloved queens of Romania, the two young people wanted to mark Sânzienele with a traditional photos.
Since joining the Royal Family, Alina-Maria de Roumanie has cultivated her image as a great admirer of Romanian values, this involving the national dowry, including the Romanian dress, in the good tradition initiated by the queens of Romania.
Noi fotografii cu Alina-Maria și Nicolae ai României, celebrând ia românească

Sânzienele = People in the western Carpathian Mountains celebrate the Sânziene holiday annually, on June 24. This is similar to the Swedish Midsummer holiday, and is believed to be a pagan celebration of the summer solstice in June. According to the official position of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the customs actually relate to the celebration of Saint John the Baptist's Nativity, which also happens on June 24.


Nicolae and Alina-Maria were yesterday at the concert of SoNoRo Conac at Peleș Castle. Alina-Maria posted photos to her social media
"A splendid evening with @sonoroconac at Peles Castle"
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Program of the concert
Concert la Castelul Peleș, Sala de Muzică - SoNoRo Conac

As part of the 10th edition of the "SoNoRo Conac" tour, entitled "La grande bellezza", a concert takes place today, June 28, at the Music Hall of Peles Castle in Sinaia. From 5 pm, violinist Alissa Margulis, cellist Răzvan Suma and pianist Cristiana Mihart will perform works signed by composers such as Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Schumann, Camille Saint-Saëns, Fritz Kreisler, Gabriel Fauré, Maria Theresia von Paradis, Astor Piazzolla and George Enescu.
SoNoRo Conac 2022, 28 iunie - Castelul Peleș din Sinaia - Radio România Muzical


More photos of the family photo session and from Mihai's baptism, taken by David Nivière.
Legion-Media gallery

Lovely photo of Nicolae and Alina-Maria

From left Prince Gregory of Ghyka and godparents of Maria-Alexandra, Prince Mihai and Princess Emanuela of Ghyka

Maria-Alexandra in the arms of her godmother
And in the arms of her godfather

An article about the baptism of Mihai at Point de Vue, with a couple of photos by David Nivière.
Le bonheur de Nicolas et Alina-Maria de Roumanie au baptême du prince Michel - Point de Vue

Nicolae posted today to his Facebook over 30 photos from the baptism
"June 18, 2022 will always remain in the heart of my family. On this day, at the Coronation Cathedral in Alba Iulia, the Mystery of the Holy Baptism of our son, Mihai, was performed.
100 years ago, on October 15, 1922, the coronation ceremony of King Ferdinand and Queen Maria as sovereigns of Romania took place, at the cathedral built especially for this solemn moment. The fact that our son became a Christian in the same cathedral where his ancestors were anointed as Kings deeply honors us.
Moreover, my grandfather, King Mihai, bore the title of Grand Voievod of Alba Iulia. Here is another element for which, together with my wife Alina-Maria, I wanted the baptism of his great-grandson to be performed in Alba Iulia, keeping the connection between past, present and future in this place with a special symbolic load.
We thank all those who were with us on this special day, together with our godparents, Liviu and Simona Popescu, my sister Elisabeta-Karina de Roumanie, my brother-in-law Mihai, my in-laws Rodica and Heinz Binder and, last but not least, thank you to the locals for the warm welcome and the special wishes they addressed to us!"
Some of the photos
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Nicolae and Alina-Maria's friend, gallery owner Eduard Mircea Uzunov, gave Mihai this beautiful gift
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