Nicholas & Alina Maria de Roumanie Medforth Mills, News & Events 1: 2018 - Dec 2021

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Nicolae attended on 27th May at the launch of the book "Taină și sens în Povestea vieții mele, capodopera Mariei, Regina României" (Google's translation: "Mystery and meaning in The story of my life, Maria's masterpiece, Queen of Romania").

Nicolae writes at his Facebook:
"On May 27, I had the pleasure to participate with Father Calinic, Archbishop of Argeș and Muscel, in the launch of the book "Taină și sens în Povestea vieții mele, capodopera Mariei, Regina României", in which I talked about the important role had Queen Maria in the history of Romania.
The Bratianu National Museum was the location where Cristina Ungureanu, a university professor at the University of Pitești and the author of the book, chose to launch the work that recalls the most famous Lady in the history of the Romanian people.
The author describes both the majestic and sensitive side of Queen Mary, portraying her dignified and calm, sovereign, nurse and mother of all fighters wounded in the war. The book will last for future generations, recalling the Queen's courage, devotion and love for the country."

At the website of the Archdiocese of Argeș and Muscel
On May 27, Archbishop Calinic participated in a book launch that took place in the Bratianu National Museum near the church. Cristina Ungureanu, professor at the University of Pitești, launched the book: "Taină și sens în Povestea vieții mele, capodopera Mariei, Regina României".
Prince Nicolae was also present at this event and spoke about the important role that Queen Maria had in the history of Romania.
Lansare de carte la Conacul Brătienilor

Nicolae and archbishop Calinic
Nicolae and the author

Nicolae speaking, starts at 2.50
Nicolae attended also the Holy Liturgy archbishop Calinic held at Bratianu Chapel.
Slujire Arhirerească la Schitul Florica din Ștefănești

Prince Nicolae and His Eminence Calinic - surprise guests at the conferences of the Brătianu Museum
The book launch was part of the symposium “The Brătianu Family and its role in the history of Romanians”. As a special event, the Brătianu National Museum organized the presentation of a book about Queen Maria, which we know was close to the Florica mansion and the Brătianu family. The vice-chancellors of the University of Pitești, Corina Georgescu and Adrian Sămărescu, the historian Liviu Țăranu, the graphic designer Dan Pavel, the author of the book, Cristina Ungureanu, spoke about the book, about Queen Maria and about her relations with Brătienii, and the surprise was that, among the speakers were Prince Nicolae and His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop of Argeș and Muscel.
Prințul Nicolae și ÎPS Calinic- oaspeți surpriză la conferințele Muzeului Brătianu – Revista Agressive
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Nicolae posted today photos to his Facebook
"Together with the Aripi Spre Viata Association, we continue to respond to the needs of those in difficult situations to imagine and to offer them a smile on their face. For children with cancer and other serious illnesses, any small gesture means enormous joy.
Today we have prepared 250 packages, which we will take on Monday, May 31, to the pediatric departments of the Fundeni Clinical Institute and M.S. Curie from Bucharest. We are thus trying to bring relief to these hard-working souls, while urging responsibility, dedication and attitude to improve the care of these young people."
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Nicolae was today with Aripi Spre Viata Association taking gift bag they prepared on Saturday to hospitals.

Aripi Spre Viata at its Facebook
We have prepared 250 gifts with care products, and hygiene, sweets and toys that arrived at the Fundeni Clinical Institute and MS Curie.
Thanks to Nicolae al Romaniei for trust and support, the ambassador and volunteer of Aripi Spre Viata!
Nicolae at his Facebook today
Today, June 1, we celebrate International Children's Day. The little ones represent both our joy and motivation from every day, as well as our future, in which we must invest time, patience and especially love, in order to pass on to them the traditional values we cherish.
In addition to the reason for celebrating the children, this day must urge the whole world to be more attentive and active to the problems of the little ones.
Happy day to the children!

Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Facebook
"Childhood is the secret of revealing the future." Grigore Vieru
Happy day to all children! You are the joy and the future!
Today, when we celebrate International Children's Day, we remind the importance of our constant involvement in their development, through understanding, love and patience in transmitting healthy values to them, which will help them to be in harmony with themselves and the environment.
Photos of Nicolae at Facebook of Asociatia Principele Nicolae, another meeting with Puiu Manu
"On May 26, within the REACH program (Romanian Excellence in Art, Culture and Heritage) Nicolae al Romaniei had the pleasure to be with Puiu Manu, a master of the Romanian comics.
The National Museum of Romanian Literature hosts a selection of the artist's most representative works, including book illustrations, comics, posters and easel painting. At the age of 92, Puiu Manu is one of the most long-lived, prolific and talented comic book creators in the country, making both historical drawings and adventures or science fiction.
Nicolae at his Instagram
Both me and my wife Alina-Maria de Roumanie, we support Romanian brands. Vladila Wallpaper House is a 100% local brand, which personalizes each project, with the aim of reinventing the traditional decor.
This family business was started in 2018 by Oana and Dragoș Vlădilă, and the clients' ideas come to life in the form of hand-painted wallpaper, in watercolor or digital, perfectly combining design with people's stories.
Over 1000 own creations, gathered in 16 unique collections, have so far beautified the homes of Romanians.
Production equipment, which contains water-based inks, as well as wallpaper materials are environmentally friendly and recyclable.
For our home we chose the following models:
Staircase - The Roundelay - SUN Rising Collection
Children's room: Savana Adventure - Vladila Kids Collection
Living room - Green Giants- Natural Elements Collection
Guest Bedroom - Green Waterfall - Natural Elements Collection
Bedroom - Gentle Morning - Natural Elements Collection
Nicolae last week

Somewhat "undercover", Prince Nicolae visited the ethnographic museum in Tazlău, after the owner was notified by the mayor of the commune that he would have, as guests, members of a Discovery team.
Victor Tofan spoke to Prince Nicolae about the history of the house, which is over 200 years old, and the prince was impressed by the diversity of the objects on display and the impeccable way in which they were preserved. Maricica Leahu - a local woman dressed in folk costume, sang an old military song and recited a military poem.
Prinţul Nicolae a plecat de la Tazlău cu ziarul „Mesagerul de Neamţ”
Nicolae at his Facebook
Today is a special day for me, because it is 73 years since my grandparents, King Mihai and Queen Ana, united their souls before God.
The moments lived with my grandparents are still alive in my memory, as if time had not passed.
With my grandmother, Queen Ana, I lived wonderful moments in nature, doing sports. She taught me golf, cultivated my confidence and instilled in me many values, while maintaining her characteristic humor.
And I had a unique relationship with my grandfather, King Mihai. I fondly remember the moments when we talked about school or when we talked about cars and engines. But beyond the words, that unique complicity between grandfather and grandson was created, which I always carry in my soul. My grandfather always had a warm look, a soothing smile, a specific kindness that he kept until the last moment.

On June 10, in addition to the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, a day with a deep spiritual significance, we also remember the heroes of the Romanian people, fallen over time on the battlefields for defending the country, being motivated by faith, freedom and justice.
By celebrating Heroes' Day, we show our eternal gratitude for the supreme sacrifice they made.
Nicolae at his Facebook:
It is estimated that approximately 30,000 people in Romania have been affected by autism spectrum. Every year, in our country, over 1000 children are diagnosed with this condition.
In order to support these people, Asociaţia Punct De Cotitură În Autism Timpuriu (APCAT) started the Mifne Romania Project, within a charity event that took place on June 11, in Piatra Neamț.
As Honorary President of the association and supporter of the mission of this project, together with my wife Alina-Maria de Roumanie - ambassador of early signs in autism, I am very pleased to get involved in the action for awareness and dissemination of early signs of autism in our country.

More photos at Facebook of Asociaţia Punct De Cotitură În Autism Timpuriu
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Besides the autism event, Nicolae visited a school on 11th June.

Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Facebook
"On Friday, June 11, Asociatia Principele Nicolae met with the students of the 7th grade A, from the Gymnasium School Nr. 2, Piatra Neamț, as part of the project "History of Royalty in Schools".
During the event, Nicolae al Romaniei presented to the students objects and photographs of the Royal Family, along with unique stories, discussing royalty, patriotism and devotion. Also, the students were curious to find out more details about King Mihai and Queen Maria.
The debates were full of enthusiasm and useful information, strengthening the hope for a beautiful future."
Nicolae at a meeting on 17th June

On June 17, the mayor of Sector 6, Ciprian Ciucu, participated in the launch of the "City Air" project in Sector 6, the first national air quality monitoring program inside and near schools. The implementation of the “City Air” Project in the educational units from Sector 6 involves, in a first stage, the installation of two sensors that monitor the pollution level locally.
Along with the representatives of the local authority of Sector 6, and the project partners, the Romanian Association for Smart City (ARSC), the event was attended by ... Nicolae al Romaniei, the president of Asociatia Principele Nicolae.
În Sectorul 6 se instalează senzori de poluare în unitățile de învățământ – Primăria Sectorului 6
More photos from the meeting on 17th June, at Facebook of Asociatia Principele Nicolae
"On June 17, Nicolae al Romaniei, as president of Asociatia Principele Nicolae, was the guest of honor at the launch event of the City Air Program, the first national program to monitor air quality in schools, hosted by the Gymnasium School Amphitheater "Queen Maria".
According to the World Health Organization, 600,000 children lost their lives in 2016 due to acute respiratory problems caused by polluted air. Thus, the need for concrete strategies and programs to combat this problem is greater than ever.
Nicolae al Romaniei showed his support for this project, mentioning other possible solutions to reduce pollution in the Capital, including expanding the infrastructure for cycling, controlling street sanitation, encouraging recycling and planting as many hectares of green space."
Nicolae today
@nicolaealromaniei, @asociatiaprincipelenicolae and @romanianexcellence support Romanian brands, environmental protection and the transition to sustainable products.
As of Saturday, 3 July 2021, Directive 904/2019 of the European Parliament on reducing the impact of certain plastic products, which also prohibits the use of plastic drinking straws, enters into force. We,, are producers of paper drinking straws, a sustainable product that protects the environment.

A press article about the visit
Nicolae al Romaniei, grandson of King Mihai, seems more and more attracted to the history of the Romanians, and this is part of the reason why he visited Câmpulung Muscel, one of the favorite localities of the first king of Romania, Carol I. Nicolae has an association that deals with environmental protection. Elena Lasconi, the mayor of the city, told about the visit: "Nicolae is a warm character, very nice and with a lot of common sense. We try together to find an afforestation area, but it will not be easy, because there are many private properties. Until then, we are looking for land, devastated forests to afforest. He is actively involved not only in planting trees, but also in many other concrete actions to protect the environment, about responsibility towards future generations, our children and grandchildren. We visited several places and, who knows, maybe he will finally want to buy a holiday home here with us. I don't know if this will happen, but we hope to!"
Nepotul Regelui Mihai își cumpără conac. Ce zonă a României ar fi ales Nicolae_ _Am vizitat împreună mai multe locuri_ EXCLUSIV - IMPACT
Nicolae, the ambassador of Via Transilvanica, at work yesterday:
We are very happy that we have reached that point of our adventure in Caras-Severin. The point where the kilometer andesite bollards, carved in the Tășuleasa Social campus, have reached the county they will guard.
Today we arrived in 10 localities: Băuțar, Marga, Zăvoi, Oțelul Roșu, Glimboca, Obreja, Turnu Ruieni, Buchin, Bucoșnița, Brebu Nou and Văliug, a total of 108 terminals. And as always, the fact that we managed to do this is due to the locals, who, even on a big holiday, were there and did a great job. So all we have to do is thank you a lot and bow to these kinds of efforts. We thank DUNCA Expediţii, who transported our terminals from Tășu, to here, we thank the mayors who mobilized their communities so as to receive these terminals, a super driver that you see in the pictures: Marian, our ambassador, Nicolae al Romaniei and the volunteers who took part in this not at all simple mission.
Photos from Facebook of Via Transilvanica
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Some of the terminals that will be installed on Via Transilvanica - Terra Banatica, have reached Resita. Along with Alin Ușeriu and Prince Nicolae.

From Facebook of mayor of Reșița Ioan Popa:
It was a real joy to spend time with Alin Ușeriu, the promoter of #ViaTransilvanica, and with Nicolae al României, the ambassador of this project.
A real honor for us is the location near Villa Klaus, from Văliug, of a landmark sculpted with the silhouette of King Mihai, right in the place where he spent a year from his childhood. It is a gift made by #TășuleasaSocial for Prince Nicolae, in honor of his grandfather. The King's sculpture enriches our cultural heritage and will be a real landmark for all those who will travel this road.
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Over 200 andesite bollards, carved in the Tășuleasa Social campus, arrived in Caraș-Severin County to be mounted on the longest section of Via Transilvanica, over 250 kilometers through the most beautiful areas of Banat Montan. Nicolae al României, ambassador of Via Transilvanica, also participates in the handover of the terminals.
One of the bollards was carved in memory of King Mihai and will be installed at Villa Klaus. "Because we are celebrating 100 years since the birth of King Mihai, we asked Alin (Ușeriu) To do something for him as well, a milestone on the route in his memory. Near Văliug is Casa Klaus, where my grandfather stayed for a year. And this landmark will be placed there", said Prince Nicolae visibly moved.
Nicolae is convinced that Via Transilvanica will offer the chance for a rapid development of the area in terms of tourism: "The area deserves to be highlighted and through Via Transilvanica I trust that it will happen very soon. I wanted to be part of this project because I believe in Romania, I believe in what Tășuleasa Social does. It is a beautiful project, which means more than investment and development. It means building a community, and here, that's what happened."
Via Transilvanica prinde contur (și) în Banatul Montan. Începe montarea bornelor kilometrice pe cei 256 de kilometri din Terra Banatica –

Video of the work yesterday, in the end of the video we see Nicolae with the bollard of king Mihai.
Nicolae is interviewed in this video
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Nicolae at his Instagram about the day with the Via Transilvanica project
"As Ambassador of the @viatransilvanica project, I am honored to be able to help achieve this unifying path.
The approximately 1,400 km route that will cross Romania from Putna to Drobeta Turnu Severin, full of beautiful landscapes, warm people, villages and cities full of culture has now been enriched with a sector.
In recent days, a number of 265 km have been installed in Caraș-Severin County and handed over to the communities along the route, including Caransebeș, Reșița, Târnova, Carașova, Prigor, Lăpușnicel, Iablanița, Mehadia, Cornereva and Cornea. Everything so that the Terra Banatica sector (almost 260 km) can already be covered by hiking enthusiasts, starting with July 24.
Congratulations to the Ușeriu brothers for this wonderful initiative, but also to all the volunteers, sponsors and authorities who made this project come to life! I will continue to be with @tasuleasasocial as a friend and as a volunteer!"

Nicolae at his Facebook
"Via Transilvanica is more than a road that unites. It is a wonderful route through picturesque places, full of history and culture. I had the special honor of being able to honor my grandfather, in the Caraş-Severin sector. In Văliug, for the first time, the landmark depicting the silhouette of King Mihai I is to be installed near Villa Klaus, a place where my grandfather spent a year as a child. The emotional load is very high, especially as we approach the Centenary.
Thanks to Tasuleasa Social, to the sculptor Ivan Ivanov for this special surprise and to all those who turn the project into reality.
Via Transilvanica means more than marked kilometers and installed terminals. It is a collective effort, which will last over time and will remain a legacy for future generations."

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Prima bornă din Via Transilvanica dezvelită la Reșița este dedicată Regelui Mihai _ ARGUMENT
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Nicolae with Asociatia Principele Nicolae
A historic start to the week for the celebration of the centenary - 100 years since the birth of His Majesty King Mihai I - with the students of Tudor Vianu High School from Giurgiu. Nicolae al Romaniei took part on Monday, July 5, in this educational initiative EduDOC, which brought together grades X-XI, during the "Documentary Film Week for high school students", one of the actions consisting in viewing the screening of “Războiul Regelui” ("The King's War"). The students also took part in free discussions, and Nicolae talked on this occasion about King Mihai I's passion for films, His Majesty filming family moments and more during his life. The event was also attended by John Florescu, the producer of this acclaimed documentary, and Dan Drăghicescu, associate producer. On the last evening of the "Documentary Film Week for high school students", the screening of the documentary “Maria – Inima României” ("Maria - Heart of Romania") will be broadcast, a unique way to end the event with a truly remarkable personality of our history.

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Nicolae was interviewed by TVR Timisoara.

He posted the video to his Facebook
"I was invited by TVR Timisoara to talk about Via Transilvanica, as Ambassador, together with Alin Ușeriu, president of Tasuleasa Social and founder of the project.
Beyond the road that will cross Romania from Putna to Drobeta Turnu Severin, Via Transilvanica is one of the best examples of involvement of local communities in order to promote tourism and economic development, but it is also a good example of volunteering.
I support volunteering and I will continue to get involved in various projects, because it is perhaps the best way to help the community you belong to and get actively involved in its development. I believe that volunteering is a civic exercise that each of us should practice for a better world."
Nicolae al Romaniei - Despre Via Transilvanica și voluntariat, alături de Alin Ușeriu, președinte Tășuleasa Social _ Facebook

Great photos of Nicolae and Alina-Maria
Nicolae at his Instagram
Traditional values define every people. They must be kept sacred and capitalized on every occasion. I am happy to announce my wife's new project, @alinamariaderoumanie, prepared out of love for the Romanian folk costume, an invaluable cultural heritage.
Thus, the beauty of specific ethnographic elements and the history of each area will be presented in an attractive and accessible to all, the fruit of the project remaining a legacy for future generations.
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From Monday
Film screening in Giurgiu in the presence of Prince Nicolae
Giurgiu hosted an educational initiative held on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of King Mihai I.
Thus, the EduDOC Organization organized an educational project, co-financed by AFCN in the first session of 2021, and one of the actions was the screening of the film “The King's War”.
Proiecţie de film la Giurgiu în prezenţa Principelui Nicolae - Realitatea de Giurgiu
Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Facebook with these photos
"The #REACH project (Romanian Excellence in Art, Culture and Heritage) has reached Dobrogea, to promote traditional products and recipes that bring together the diversity of many ethnic groups.
Nicolae al României, supporter of Romanian brands, had the opportunity to prepare pastries at the Angelo factory in Greci, at the foot of the Măcinului Mountains National Park, the oldest mountains in the country.
A local brand, with a tradition since 1992, Angelo makes pastries and confectionery (including raw-vegan) that have crossed the country's borders, with a portfolio of 14 traditionally certified products. Also, vegetables and fruits of local origin complete their taste within this Romanian brand.
Moesis by Angelo represents the spirit of Dobrogea through a multitude of tastes, kept almost unchanged for centuries."
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Nicolae at his Facebook
The first honey harvest!
I am very proud of my bees! After a lot of work, came the reward - the first honey production!
It is a wonderful feeling when the work of these little creatures turns into one of the healthiest foods, honey, a remedy used for millennia for its many benefits.
Nicolae al Romaniei - Prima recoltă de miere! _ Facebook
Nicolae visited a socks laboratory with the REACH project (Romanian Excellence in Art, Culture and Heritage). REACH discovers and promotes Romanian brands, in partnership with Proud To Be Romanian.
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