Official Royal Calendar 2019

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An Ard Ri

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Jun 30, 2009
An Iarmhí
Official Royal Calendar 2019

January 2019

January 6th

T.M.The King and Queen

Pascua Militar at the Palacio Real de Madrid

King Felipe

Delivery of offices to the LXVIII promotion of the judicial career
Royal Spanish Academy. Madrid


King Felipe

Concert on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of Naturgy
Royal Theatre. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Working meeting with the Foundation for Help against Drug Addiction
Headquarters of the FAD. Madrid


King Felipe, Queen Letizia, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia

Delivery of the National Sports Awards 2017
El Pardo Royal Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to the Board of Directors of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Last Promotion of Notaries
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Promotion of students of the INSIDE Program 2017
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Shlomo Moshe Amar, Primate of Sion and Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Jerusalem
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Mr. Pavló Klimkin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Inauguration of the Murcia Region International Airport

Audience to Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Hearing Mr. Khemaïes Jhinaoui, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Tunisian Republic
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Presentation of Ambassadorial Credentials
Madrid Royal Palace.


Queen Letizia

Meeting with the Board of Directors of the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (FEDER) and its Foundation
FEDER headquarters. Madrid


King Felipe

Delivery to His Majesty the King of the "XXVII Prize of Coexistence" of the Manuel Broseta Professor Foundation
Palace of the Generalitat of Valencia

Central act commemorating the 40 + 1 Anniversary of the Business Confederation of the Valencian Community (CEV)
Auditorium of the Diputación de Alicante

Queen Letizia

Audience to a representation of Vogue-Spain (Condé Nast Group)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the organizing entities of the International Fruit and Vegetable Industry Fair "Fruit Attraction"
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to a representation of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain and members of Latin American Jewish Communities and Associations
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the presidents of the Professional Union Collegiate Corporations
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Luis María Cazorla Prieto, Secretary General of BME, together with Juan José Laborda, Director of the Chair of the Parliamentary Monarchy of the Rey Juan Carlos University and Alejandro Castex, General Director of Thomson Reuters Aranzadi
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Reception to the accredited Diplomatic Corps is Spain
Madrid Royal Palace


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the 39th edition of the International Tourism Fair-FITUR
IFEMA-Feria de Madrid. Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience with Mrs. Irma Amaya Echeverría, President of the Central American Parliament
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Military Audience to a group of brigadier and admiral generals
Madrid Royal Palace

Military Audience to a group of division generals
Madrid Royal Palace

Military Audience to to the Spanish commission of Military History
Madrid Royal Palace

Queen Letizia

Audience to a representation of the Mavi Calzada New Technologies Handball Club
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the Spanish Brain Injury Federation (FEDACE)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Visit to the General Archive of the Indies on the occasion of the delivery of the documentary fund of the Archive of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Sevilla
General Archive of the Indies. Sevilla

Central event of the II Global Forum of Local Governments: destination Sevilla
Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Sevilla


King Felipe

Delivery of the Offices of Secretary of Embassy to the LXX promotion of the Diplomatic Career
Diplomatic School Madrid

Audience to Mrs. Annette Cabelli, Holocaust survivor
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

National Award of Sociology and Political Science 2018, awarded by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), to Ms. María Ángeles Durán Heras
Prado National Museum. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Regular meeting of the Advisory Council of the Urgent Spanish Foundation "Fundéu BBVA"
Fundéu BBVA. Madrid

King Juan Carlos

Presentation of the book coordinated by Enrique V. Iglesias "The Ibero-American Summits. A contribution to its history "
Comillas Pontifical University ICADE. Madrid


King Felipe

Delivery of the XX edition of the CODESPA Awards
Superior School of Music Queen Sofia. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Delivery of the "Grants for Master and Research Aid" of the Iberdrola Foundation 2018
Iberdrola Building. Madrid
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King Felipe

XXX Ordinary Session of the Board of Trustees of the Carolina Foundation
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Presidency of the VIII Forum Against Cancer "For an Integral Approach"
Caixa Forum Auditorium. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Event of the "International Day of the Secure Internet"
Queen Sofía National Museum and Art Center. Madrid


King Felipe

Act of proclamation of the winner of the "Princess of Girona Foundation Award 2019" in the category of "Company"
Instituto Ferial de Canaria (INFECAR). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Theatre Foundation
Royal Theatre. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to the Board of Directors of the Association of Friends of the Great Spanish Navigators and Explorers (AGNYEE)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the XIX Promotion of Officials of the Superior Corps of State Auditors
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Board of Directors of the Fira de Barcelona
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


H.M.The King

Military Audience to a group of senior non-commissioned officers at the Palacio Real.

Military audience to a group of colonels and ship captains at the Palacio Real

King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery of the Gold Medals to Merit in the Fine Arts 2017
Merced Palace. Cordoba


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery to His Majesty the King of the "World Peace & Liberty Award" at the closing session of the "World Law Congress (WLC)" of the "World Jurist Association (WJA)"
Royal Theater of Madrid

King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Lunch offered to His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery of the National Research Awards 2018
Royal Theater of Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos Cuyaubé, High Representative of the United Nations for the Alliance of Civilizations
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to the new promotion of the Corps of Agronomists of the State
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Board of Directors of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Executive Committee of the Navarra Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Delivery of the National Flag to the "Naples" Infantry Regiment No. 4 of Paratroopers
Base "Prince". Paracuellos del Jarama. (Madrid)


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Lunch offered to His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Official Dinner of the "GSMA Mobile World Congress 2019"
National Museum of Art of Catalonia. Barcelona


King Felipe

Inauguration of the "GSMA Mobile World Congress 2019"
Fira de Barcelona

Delivery of the "Kingdom of Spain to the Business Trajectory" Award to Mr. Mariano Puig
IESE Business School. Barcelona


Queen Sofia

Awarding of Scholarships of the Queen Sofia Foundation - Mapfre Foundation for research in Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer Center of the Queen Sofia Foundation


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

State Visit of Their Excellencies the President of the Republic of Peru, Mr. Martín Alberto Vizcarra Cornejo, and the First Lady, Mrs. Maribel Díaz Cabello


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the 38th edition of the International Contemporary Art Fair-ARCOmadrid, together with the President of the Republic of Peru, Mr. Martín Alberto Vizcarra Cornejo, and the First Lady, Mrs. Maribel Díaz Cabello
IFEMA-Feria de Madrid
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HRH The Infanta Elena

Visit to the Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, "Cristo de Medinaceli" ,Basílica de Jesús de Medinaceli. Madrid


King Felipe

Visit to the General Headquarters of the Defense Staff
Headquarters of the General Staff of the Defense. Madrid

Audience to Ms. Gabriela Michetti, Vice President of the Argentine Republic
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Official event of the "World Day of Rare Diseases"
Duques de Pastrana Complex. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to the XXI promotion of the Superior Body of Inspectors of State Treasury
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the promotions of the Inspectorate of the Official Service of Inspection and Regulation of Foreign Trade (SOIVRE), 2016 and 2017
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the promotion of the Sub-levels of Secretariat and of Intervention-Treasury of the Scale of Local Administration Officials with National Enabling
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Proclamation of the winner of the "Princess of Girona Foundation Award 2019", in the "Social" category
San Francisco Cultural Complex. Cáceres


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

XVII Concert "In Memoriam" in homage to the victims of terrorism, organized by the Victims of Terrorism Foundation
National Music Auditorium Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to the winners of the XXXVII edition of the School Contest "What is a King for you?", Organized by the Spanish Institutional Foundation (FIES)
Pardo Royal Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to the XXIV promotion of the Superior Body of Systems and Information Technologies of the State Administration
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Board of Trustees of the San Prudencio Labor Foundation
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the Cofares Group
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Executive Committee of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the "Sorolla: Spanish Master of Light" Exhibition
National Gallery. London, (United Kingdom)


King Felipe

Military audience to a group of colonels
Madrid Royal palace

Military audience to a group of division generals
Madrid Royal palace


King Felipe

Inauguration of the XXVIII Harvard World Model United Nations
Municipal Palace of Congresses. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery of the National Culture Awards 2017
Prado National Museum. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Santiago Muñoz Machado, Director of the Royal Spanish Academy
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Central event of the "International Day of Forests 2019"
Agroforestry Training and Experimentation Center of Sergude. Boqueixón (A Coruña)

Audience to Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Working meeting "Encounter with Science: Spanish research in the 21st Century"
Pardo Royal Palace. Madrid

24.03.2019 / 26.03.2019

King Felipe and Queen Letizia

State Visit to the Republic of Argentina
Buenos Aires, (Argentina)


Queen Sofia

Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Queen Sofia School of Music
Headquarters of the School. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the VIII International Congress of the Spanish Language
Teatro del Libertador General San Martín. Cordoba (Argentina)


Queen Sofia

Annual Concert offered by the EFE Agency in collaboration with the Excelentia Foundation
National Music Auditorium Madrid


Queen Sofia

Commemorative gala of the 50th anniversary of the H.R.H. Princess Sofia Iberostar
Bunyola (Mallorca)
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King Felipe

Delivery of the Awards of the Spanish Geographical Society 2018
Auditorium of the Mútua Madrileña. Madrid


King Felipe

Inauguration of the "Windeurope Conference & Exhibition 2019"
Bilbao Exhibition Center. Barakaldo (Bizkaia)


King Felipe

Audience to the Confederal Executive Commission of the General Union of Workers (UGT)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the LI Promotion of the Superior Body of State Civil Administrators
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Executive Committee of the Conference of Social Councils of the Spanish Universities
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Event on "Media and Mental Health"
Space of events of the EFE Agency. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Funeral in memory of MR. José Pedro Pérez-Llorca Rodrigo
Parish of San Jerónimo el Real. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to a representation of the University of Jaén, on the occasion of its XXV anniversary
Infanta Leonor Theater. Jaén

Queen Letizia

Launch of the Project "(In) form"
Google Campus of Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Reed Hastings, CEO and co-founder of Netflix
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Military audience to a group of brigadier and rear admiral generals
Madrid Royal Palace

Military audience to a group of division generals
Madrid Royal Palace

Queen Letizia

Visit to the School of Engraving and Graphic Design of the Royal Mint. Delivery of the Graduation Diplomas to the seventh promotion of the "Master in Graphic Design and Engraving" and the "Tomás Francisco Prieto 2018 Award"
Royal Mint Museum. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to the IX promotion of the Technical Scale for the Management of Autonomous Corps
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Board of Directors of the Sevilla Bar Association
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the LXVIII Promotion of Commercial Technicians and State Economists
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the accessibility works carried out in the Real Monasterio de la Encarnación
Real Monasterio de la Encarnación. Madrid


King Felipe

Presentation of Credentials
Madrid Royal Palace

Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the exhibition "Angeli" of the Foundation "The Ages of Man"
Iglesia Colegial de San Pedro y Monasterio de la Ascensión del Señor. Lerma (Burgos)


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery of the Literature Award in Spanish Language "Miguel de Cervantes" 2018 to Mrs. Ida Vitale
Auditorium of the University of Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Lunch offered to a representation of the world of letters, on the occasion of the delivery of the Prize "Miguel de Cervantes" 2018
Madrid Royal Palace


King Felipe

Visit to Ala 78 and Armilla Air Base
Carretera de Motril, s / n. Granada

Queen Letizia

Delivery of the SM Prizes for Children's and Young People's Literature "El Barco de Vapor" and "Gran Angular"
Real Casa de Correos (Madrid)


Queen Letizia

Cooperation Trip to the Republic of Mozambique
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30.04.19 :previous:

H.M.The King

Delivery of the XXXVI edition of the International Journalism Awards "King of Spain" and the XV Edition of the "Don Quixote" Journalism Award at America House in Madrid.

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia

Funeral Ceremony of H.R.H. Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg
Notre Dame Cathedral. Luxembourg


King Felipe

Meeting of the Scientific Council of the Elcano Royal Institute of International and Strategic Studies
La Granja Palace


King Felipe and King Juan Carlos

Meeting COTEC Europa 2019
Theater of San Carlos. Naples (Italy)

Queen Letizia

Event commemorating the World Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
Auditorium and Palace of Congress of Zaragoza

Queen Sofia

Presidency of the V meeting of the International Circle of the Queen Sofia School of Music
Queen Sofia School of Music Queen Sofia. Madrid


King Felipe

Delivery of the XIII edition of the "Charles V European Prize", awarded to the Cultural Routes program of the Council of Europe
Monastery of Yuste. Cuacos de Yuste (Cáceres)


King Felipe

Lunch and visit to the International Motor Show of Barcelona on the occasion of its centenary
Montjuïc. Barcelona


Queen Letizia

Final of the "Queen´s Cup" of Women's Football, between the Atlético de Madrid and Real Sociedad teams
Municipal Stadium Nuevo Los Cármenes. Granada


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Central act commemorating the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Civil Guard
Madrid Royal Palace


King Felipe and King Juan Carlos

Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cotec Foundation
El Pardo Royal Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Final of the scientific monologue contest "FameLab España 2019"
Gran Maestre Theater. Madrid


Queen Sofia

"Dementia Forum X" Congress
Royal Palace of Stockholm (Sweden)


King Felipe

Audience to the last promotion of the National Veterinary Body
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Board of Directors of the Real Maestranza de Caballería de Zaragoza
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the 43rd class of lawyers of the Administration of Justice
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Help against Drug Addiction
Boston Consulting Group. Madrid


King Juan Carlos

Delivery of the Spanish Orders 2019 Award
Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial


King Felipe

Military audience to a group of colonels and ship captains
Madrid Royal palace

Military hearing to a commission of the XVIII course of High Strategic Studies for Ibero-American Senior Officials (AEEOSI)
Madrid Royal palace

Queen Letizia

Awards Ceremony of the XI "Social Projects of Banco Santander"
Duques de Pastrana Complex. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Presentation of the Global Platform for Energy and Health within the framework of the World Health Assembly
Palace of Nations Geneva, Switzerland)

King Felipe

Audience to Mrs. Meritxell Batet Lamaña, President of the Congress of Deputies
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Mr. Manuel Cruz Rodríguez, President of the Senate
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Presidency of the panel discussion "Exceptional women: the value of an opportunity", organized by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation
Headquarters of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation. Madrid


King Felipe

Exercise "Cartago 19"
Arsenal of Cartagena (Murcia)


King Felipe

Final of the Spanish Championship "Cup of H.M. the King "of Soccer between the teams FC Barcelona and Valencia CF
Benito Villamarín Stadium. Sevilla


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery of the 37th edition of Scholarships of "la Caixa"
CaixaForum Madrid


Queen Letizia

Closing of the III International Conference on Safe Schools
Palace of Congresses of Palma. Palma (Illes Balears)


King Felipe

Events on the occasion of the presentation of the "Charlemagne International Prize of Aachen" 2019 to His Excellency the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres
Aachen (Germany)


King Felipe

Delivery of dispatches to the latest promotion of Prosecutors
Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the 78th edition of the Madrid Book Fair
Retiro park. Madrid
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King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Day of the Armed Forces 2019
Paseo de Cristóbal Colón. Sevilla


Queen Letizia

Meeting of the Board of the Residence of Students

05.06.2019 / 06.06.2019

King Felipe

Consultations of His Majesty the King with representatives appointed by political groups with parliamentary representation
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Visit to the meeting # Imperdible_04 - COTEC: "sustainable development goals" of the United Nations
La N@ve. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Delivery of the "UNICEF Spanish Committee 2019 Awards"
Superior Council of Scientific Investigations. Madrid

Infanta Elena

Awards ceremony of the XXVIII edition of the "Children and Youth Painting Contest for School Centers" of National Heritage
El Pardo Royal Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Presentation of Credentials
Madrid Royal Palace

Presidency of the charity bullrun
Las Ventas Bullring. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Closing of the Seminar for Journalists and Communicators "How the Media can help repopulate Rural Spain"
El Hueco Oxma. Burgo de Osma (Soria)

Queen Sofia

Award of the Mapfre Foundation 2018 Awards
Casino of Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Presidency of the Plenary of the Royal Spanish Academy
Headquarters of the Royal Spanish Academy. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Audience to those attending the meeting of the International Council of the Royal Theater
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Manuel Pizarro Moreno, president of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Mr. Juan José González Rivas, President of the Constitutional Court
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Audience to the winners in the XII edition of the Awards "Good morning, Javi and Mar: for a better world", accompanied by the communicators of the program of the same name that is broadcast by Cadena 100 and COPE Group executives
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Ceremony of Investiture of His Majesty the King as Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter
Windsor Castle. Berkshire (United Kingdom)


King Felipe

Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Elcano Royal Institute of International and Strategic Studies
Palace of La Quinta. Madrid

Queen Sofia

Ceremony and closing concert of the 2018-2019 academic year of the Queen Sofia School of Music
Royal Theatre. Madrid


King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía

Act of imposition of decorations of the Order of Civil Merit
Madrid Royal Palace


King Felipe

Exercise "Guardian Angel 19"
Base "Jaime I". Bétera (Valencia)


King Felipe

Inauguration of the exhibition "Fly! 100 years of air transport "
Circle of Fine Arts. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Delivery of the V edition of the Discapnet Awards
Auditorium El Beatriz. Madrid


King Felipe

Meeting with His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Opening of the exhibition "Velázquez, Rembrandt, Vermeer."
Prado National Museum. Madrid


King Felipe

Closing of the XX Course of General Staff of the Superior School of the Armed Forces
Higher Center for National Defense Studies. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the members of Concordia and its Governing Council, and the Board of Directors of the US Chamber of Commerce in Spain (AmChamSpain)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Sofia

Delivery of the XXX edition of the annual scholarships of Musical Youth of Madrid of extension of studies abroad
National Music Auditorium Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Annual meeting of the members of the Patronages of the Princess of Asturias Foundation
El Pardo Royal Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Gala dinner of "La Nit de la Logística" and award ceremony of the International Logistics Show Awards (SIL)
National Art Museum of Catalonia. Barcelona

Audience to a representation of the Illustrious Bar Association of Tarragona
Albéniz Palace. Barcelona

Audience to an executive committee and honorary presidents of Barcelona Global
Albéniz Palace. Barcelona

Audience to Mr. Josep Sánchez Llibre, President of Foment del Treball Nacional
Albéniz Palace. Barcelona

Queen Letizia

Audience to a representation of the Spanish Association of Periodical Publications Publishers (AEEPP)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the Center for Early Childhood and Primary Education "Andalucia", Fuengirola (Málaga), winner of the Entrepreneur School Award 2018, awarded by the Princess of Girona Foundation
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Delivery of recognitions of "The Night of the Company" of the Confederation of Employers of the province of Cádiz
Naval Base of Rota (Cádiz)

30.06.2019 / 01.07.2019

King Felipe

Trip of His Majesty the King to the Republic of Panama to attend the Commemoration of the V Centenary of the founding of Panama City and the acts of transfer of Presidential Command of the President Elect, Hon. Mr. Laurentino Cortizo Cohen
Panama City (Panama)
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Thank you Lula, I am quite excited that King Feilpe will be awarded the Order of the Garter. Do you think we will get photo's of this here on the TRForums?

Queen Letizia

Working meeting of the Spanish Association Against Cancer


Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the 9th edition of the Atlantis Film Fest
Bellver Castle. Palma (Illes Balears)


King Felipe

Act commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first democratic municipal elections. Delivery to H.M. the King of the golden key of municipalism
Headquarters of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Visit to the training of the "National Women's Rugby Team 7" participating in the next pre-Olympic tournament
Rugby Stadium of the Complutense University of Madrid


King Felipe

Delivery of Royal Employment Offices in the General Basic Academy of Non-commissioned Officers
Talarn (Lleida)

Queen Letizia

Closing of the II Seminar on Patrimonial Education in the School
International Research Center of the Spanish Language. San Millán de la Cogolla (La Rioja)


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Audience to the executive committee of the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Board of Trustees of the Spanish Committee Foundation of United World Colleges, scholarship sponsors and scholarship students
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to a Work Commission for the Commemoration of the 130th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Civil Code
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the promotion of Technical Engineers of Public Works of the State corresponding to the offer of public employment 2017
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

International Summit of Cancer Research "International Consultation Workshop"
Junta de Madrid of the AECC. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Meeting of the Council of the Royal Board on Disability and delivery of the "Queen Letizia 2018 Awards"
Corral Theater of Comedies. Almagro (Ciudad Real)


King Felipe

Delivery of Real Employment Dispatches at the General Military Academy


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery of Real Employment Dispatch at the General Air Academy
San Javier. Murcia.


King Felipe

Inaugural event of the "International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019)"
Palace of Congresses of Valencia

Audience to a representation of the Valencia Football Club
Stadium of Mestalla. Valencia


King Felipe

Delivery of Royal Employment Dispatches at the Naval Military School
Marin. Pontevedra

Queen Letizia

Audience to a representation of the organizers of the International Congress of the International Association of Social Communication Studies (IAMCR / AIECS)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the people who participated in the realization of the project "Womennow #makeherstory 2019"
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

20th anniversary of the Euroamerica Foundation
House of America. Madrid

Audience to the students participating in the XIV edition of the "Grants Europa" Program of the Francisco de Vitoria University
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to a representation of the Spanish Society of Cardiology
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the Corps of Stenographers of the Cortes Generales
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the members of the XXIX promotion of the National Corps of Forensic Doctors
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Meeting of the Advisory Council of the Urgent Spanish Foundation "Fundéu BBVA"
Fundéu BBVA. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Audience to a representation of the two expert committees that advise the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the "State Network of Mental Health Women Spain"
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Guillermo Fernández Vara, president of the Junta de Extremadura
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Emiliano García-Page Sánchez, president of the Board of Communities of Castilla-La Mancha
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Miguel Ángel Revilla Roiz, president of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Mr. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, president of the Junta de Castilla y León
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Presentation of the World Center of Valencia for the Sustainable Urban Feeding (CEMAS)
Building "La Base". Valencia


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Audience to the swimmer Mrs. Ona Carbonell Basllestero
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Meeting of Directors of Centers of the Cervantes Institute
Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. (Madrid)


King Felipe

Audience to the last promotion of the Corps of Engineers of Roads, Canals and Ports of the State
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to a representation of the University of Burgos (UBU), with Mr. Juan José Laborda, Doctor Honoris Causa by said University.
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Board of Directors and Steering Committee of the Hospiten Group
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Mr. Ximo Puig i Ferrer, President of the Generalitat Valenciana
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Mr. José Luis Martínez-Almeida Navasqüés, Mayor of Madrid
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Inaugural conference of the summer courses of the "International School of Music" of the Princess of Asturias Foundation
Archaeological Museum of Asturias. Oviedo


King Felipe

Audience to Mrs. Meritxell Batet Lamaña, President of the Congress of Deputies
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Funerals of the President of the Tunisian Republic, Béji Caïd Essebsi
Presidential Palace of Carthage. Tunisia


King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Ángel Victor Torres, President of the Canary Islands Government
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Mr. Juan Jesús Vivas Lara, president of the Autonomous City of Ceuta
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Audience to the National Men and Women National Teams of Water Polo participating in the Gwangju World Championship 2019
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Adrián Barbón, President of the Government of Asturias
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Visit to the "María Moliner" and "Larra" Rooms of the National Library of Spain
National Library of Spain. Madrid
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King Felipe

Trophy delivery of the Sailing Regatta “38th Copa del Rey-Mapfre”
Ses Voltes Campus (Parc de la Mar). Palma


King Felipe

Audience to Ms. Francina Armengol i Socias, president of the Balearic Islands
Almudaina Palace. Palma

Audience to Mr. Vicenç Thomàs i Mulet, President of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands
Almudaina Palace. Palma

Audience to Mr. José Francisco Hila Vargas, Mayor of Palma
Almudaina Palace. Palma

Audience to Ms. Catalina Cladera i Crespí, president of the Consell de Mallorca
Almudaina Palace. Palma


King Felipe

Meeting with the President of the Government, Mr. Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón
Marivent Palace. Palma

King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Reception offered to the authorities of the Balearic Islands
Almudaina Palace. Palma


King Felipe

Confirmation Ceremony of Her Royal Highness Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway
Chapel of the Royal Palace of Oslo (Norway)
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King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Audience to a delegation of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the Board of Directors of the Academy of Television Sciences and Arts
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to María María Segarra Crespo, State Attorney General
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Presentation of Credentials
Madrid Royal Palace

Queen Letizia

Presidency of the "III Conference on Informative Treatment of Disability"
National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC). Madrid


King Felipe

Visit to the Army Museum


King Felipe

Opening of the Judicial Year 2019/2020
Courthouse. Madrid

Audience to Mr. Fernando López Miras, President of the Region of Murcia
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Mr. Francisco Javier Lambán Montañés, President of Aragon
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Military audience to a commission of the Madrid Chapter of the US Naval League
Madrid Royal Palace

Military audience to group of division generals
Madrid Royal Palace

Military audience to a group of brigadier and rear admiral generals
Madrid Royal Palace

Audience to Ms. María Victoria Chivite Navascués, President of the Foral Community of Navarra
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to Ms. Isabel Díaz Ayuso, President of the Community of Madrid
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Working meeting: “The inclusion of disability in the media”
Servimedia headquarters. ILUNION tower. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Acts commemorating the V Centenary of the expedition of the first round the world of Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastián Elcano
Real Alcazar and General Archive of the Indies. Sevilla

16.09.2019 / 17.09.2019

King Felipe

Consultations of His Majesty the King with representatives appointed by political groups with parliamentary representation
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Opening of the 2019/2020 School Year
C.E.I.P. "Batalla de Pavia" and I.E.S.O. "Via Dalmatia." Torrejoncillo (Cáceres)

17.09.2019 / 18.09.2019

Queen Sofía

"VII International Congress of Research and Innovation in Neurodegenerative Diseases"
Prince Felipe Science Museum. City of Arts and Sciences. Valencia


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the 2019/2020 Season of the Royal Theater
Royal Theatre. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to Ms. Concepción Andreu Rodríguez, president of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja.
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Visit to the “State Reference Center for Care for People with Rare Diseases and their Families (BELIEVE)”
Creer Center. Burgos


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Visit to areas affected by fires in Gran Canaria


King Felipe

Audience to a representation of the board of directors of Forética and its promoting partners
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the participants in the XVI Edition of the Young Ibero-American Leaders Program of the Carolina Foundation
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Event organized by the AECC on the occasion of the "World Cancer Research Day"
Queen Sofía National Art Center Museum. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Opening of the Vocational Training Course 2019/2020
I.E.S. "Severo Ochoa." Elche (Alicante)


King Felipe

Audience to the Management Committee of Mafex (Spanish Railway Association)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience at a representation of the group of Cement Manufacturers of Spain (Oficemen)
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Audience to the XXIV Promotion of the Superior Body of Architects of the Public Treasury
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Visit to Arganda del Rey to know the extent of the floods of this town
Arganda del Rey. Madrid

King Felipe

Visit to the Air Force Aeronautics and Astronautics Museum
Cuatro Vientos Air Base. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Presentation of the “# Femtástica” Project, by the Drug Addiction Assistance Foundation
Harley Sales Space. Madrid


King Felipe

Opening of the 2019/2020 University Course
University of A Coruña
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October Dates


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the newspaper "El Mundo"
Westin Palace Hotel. Madrid


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cervantes Institute and subsequent lunch with the patrons of the Cervantes Institute and the Ibero-American ambassadors accredited in Spain
Aranjuez Royal Palace. Madrid

King Felipe

Inauguration of the new Headquarters of the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation and the exhibition “Masaveu Collection. Spanish painting of the 19th century. From Goya to modernism ”
María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation. Madrid


King Felipe

Audience to a delegation of the financial entity Citi
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Inauguration of the I Forum La Toja-Atlantic Link
Pavilion of Congresses and Exhibitions of La Toja. O Grove (Pontevedra)

Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the XIV International Seminar on Language and Journalism: “Spanish and machines: language, ethics and journalism”
Yuso monastery. San Millán de la Cogolla (La Rioja)


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Visit to Orihuela (Valencian Community) on the occasion of the floods suffered
Orihuela (Alicante)

Visit to Los Alcázares (Region of Murcia) on the occasion of the floods suffered
Los Alcazares (Murcia)


King Felipe

Start of production in Spain of the new 100% electric Opel Corsa
PSA Group of Figueruelas (Zaragoza),


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Audience to the Board of Directors of the European and Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Start of manufacturing the new version of the Renault Captur
Renault factory in Valladolid

Audience to His Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, member of the Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates and Emir del Sharjah, on the occasion of his Official Visit to Spain as a guest of honor of the 37th edition of the International Book Fair
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Institutional event of the "World Mental Health Day 2019", under the slogan "Connect with life"
Theater of La Latina. Madrid


King Felipe

Trip to The Hague and Amsterdam

His Majesty the King will travel to the Netherlands to preside the opening ceremony of the Rembrandt-Velázquez exhibition, which will take place at the Rijksmuseum, in Amsterdam. Previously, Don Felipe will hold a meeting at the Tuis Ten Bosch Palace with His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, followed by lunch.


King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia

National Day events
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04.11.2019 / 05.11.2019

King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia

Events on the occasion of the X Anniversary of the Princess of Girona Foundation


King Felipe

Inauguration of the International Congress on “Gender equality in the field of security”
Palace of Congresses "El Greco". Toledo


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

XVI Congress of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language (ASALE)

11.11.2019 / 14.11.2019

King Felipe and Queen Letizia

State Visit to the Republic of Cuba


Queen Sofía

Inauguration of the "VIII National Congress of Alzheimer"
Huesca Congress Palace
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November 19th

H.M.The King

Attendnace at the Bulwark Congress at the Palace and Auditorium of Navarra in Pamplona

Audience at a representation of Future Institution “Independent Think Tank in Palmplona

Audience to a representation of Economic information for companies

H.M.The Queen

Opening of the exhibition “Only the will to spare. Goya drawings at the Prado Museum in Madrid.

November 21st

H.M.Queen Sofia

Closing concert of the 60th anniversary of Manos Unidas and giving Her Majesty Queen Doña Sofía the “Extraordinary 60th Anniversary Award” at the National Auditorium of Music in Madrid.

H.M.Queen Sofia

Delivery of the XXVIII edition of the Reina Sofía Award for Ibero-American Poetry granted by National Heritage and the University of Salamanca at the Palacio Real in Madrid

King Felipe

Delivery of the 31st Edition of the “Rey Jaime I Awards”
Market of the Merchants. Valencia


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery to Her Majesty the Queen of the “Award of the Observatory against Domestic and Gender Violence 2019”, in the category “Most outstanding personality”
Headquarters of the General Council of the Judiciary. Madrid


King Felipe

Presentation of Credentials
Madrid Royal Palace


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Delivery of the XXXVI edition of the "Francisco Cerecedo" Journalism Award
Palace Hotel. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Eduardo de Castro González, President of the Autonomous City of Melilla
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


King Felipe

Visit to the Operational Headquarters (ESP OHQ) Atalanta and the Marine Corps
Naval Base of Rota. Cádiz

King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Reception offered by Their Majesties the King and Queen to the Heads of State, Government and Delegations attending the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP25)
Madrid Royal Palace

King Felipe

Meeting with His Excellency the President of the Dominican Republic, Mr. Danilo Medina
Madrid Royal Palace

Meeting with His Excellency the President of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Lenín Moreno
Madrid Royal Palace


King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Event in honor of the winners of the "Mariano de Cavia", "Luca de Tena" and "Mingote" awards
ABC house. Madrid

King Felipe

Audience to Her Excellency the President of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, Mrs. Nancy Pelosi, accompanied by a delegation of members of the House
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Meeting with His Excellency the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Mr. Carlos Alvarado
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Meeting with His Excellency the President of the Republic of Argentina, Mr. Mauricio Macri
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Meeting with His Excellency the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. António Gutierres
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Meeting with His Excellency the Federal President of the Republic of Austria, Mr. Alexander Van Der Bellen
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Lunch with His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Presidency of the event on Health and Climate Change “Investing in climate actions for health: reduce emissions, clean our air, save lives”, in the framework of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change
IFEMA-Madrid Fair. Juan Carlos I. Madrid Fair Park


King Felipe

Audience to His Excellency the President-elect of the Republic of Guatemala, Mr. Alejandro Giammattei
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid


Queen Letizia

Inauguration of the Exhibition "The Granada Zirí and the Berber universe"
La Alhambra. Granada.

King Felipe

Inauguration of the XIV Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers of the ASEM Dialogue Forum (Asia-Europe Meeting)
El Pardo Royal Palace


King Felipe

Audience to Mr. Enrique Lores, President and CEO of HP
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid

Queen Letizia

Visit to the exhibition “The other Court. Women of the House of Austria in the Royal Monasteries of the Barefoot and the Incarnation ”
Madrid Royal Palace
Since yesterday, casareal has listed Infanta Sofia for 3 events on the agenda - but I guess those events are related to Sofia sr, the Queen.
But nobody has bothered yet to correct this.

Casino de Madrid, 06.10.2021 Entrega de los Premios Sociales Fundación MAPFRE

S.A.R. la Infanta Doña Sofía

Reunión del Círculo Internacional de la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía

S.A.R. la Infanta Doña Sofía
Concierto de inauguración del Curso de la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía

S.A.R. la Infanta Doña Sofía
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