On this Day in French Royal/Imperial History

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On this day, March 2, 1843 ~ Birth of Maria Clotilde of Savoy, Princess Napoleon, at the Royal Palace of Turin in Savoy

The Princess was the daughter of Victor Emmanuel of Sardinia and Adelaide of Austria. Her father later became King of a united Italy as Victor Emmanuel II.

The Prince and Princess Napoléon.

9th of March 1661: Death of Cardinal Mazarin

Cardinal Mazarin succeeded Cardinal Richelieu as First Minister of State to Louis XIII,Anne d'Autriche and Louis XIV .
The Cardinal died at Vincennes in the Île-de-France and was buried at the chapel of the Collège des Quatre Nations in Paris which he had founded.
During the French Revolution in 1793 his burial was violated and his remains dumped in the street and nothing remains.


11th of March 1198 : Death of Marie de France, Countess of Champagne

Marie de France, Countess of Champagne was the daughter of Louis VII of France and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
In 1159 Marie was married to Henri de Champagne and governed his lands during his various absences during the Crusades.Her son Henri II of Champagne married Isabella I of Jerusalem.
Following her death Marie was buried at Saint-Etienne Cathedral in Meaux her tomb was destroyed by Huguenots in 1562.


15th of March 1190 : Death of Isabella de Hainault,Queen of France

Isabella was the 1st wife of Philippe II of France and was also Countess of Artois in her own right.
The queen died shortly after giving birth to twin boys who also died and her remains were buried at the choir of Notre Dame de Paris. In 1858 during restoration her coffin was rediscovered.


On this day, March 16, 1856 ~ Birth of Napoleon Eugene, Prince Imperial of France in Paris, France
On this day, March 20, 1811 ~ Birth of Napoleon Francois, Napoleon II, son of Emperor Napoleon I of France, at the Tuileries Palace
March 23rd, 1483 : Death of Yolande d'Anjou,Duchess of Lorraine

Yolande d'Anjou was a daughter of René I of Anjou and Isabella de Lorraine and and the wife of Frederick II, Count of Vaudémont.
In 1473 Yolande became duchess of Lorraine and following her death was buried at the collégiale Saint-Laurent de Joinville.
In 1793 the church was ransacked and all coffins pillaged and remains were dumped in a pit outside.The church was also torn down and demolished.


On this day, March 24, 1866 ~ Demise of Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies, Queen Consort of King Louis Philippe I of the French, in Surrey, England
On this day, March 24, 1866 ~ Demise of Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies, Queen Consort of King Louis Philippe I of the French, in Surrey, England

Queen Maria Amalia who was friendly with queen Victoria was given the use of Claremont House in Surrey for life and the queen died here.
The queen remains were later taken back to France and buried at the Chapelle Royale Saint-Louis de Dreux beside her husband who had died in 1850.

On this day, March 27, 1615 ~ Demise of Marguerite of Valois, Queen of France, first wife of King Henry IV of France
On this day, March 27, 1615 ~ Demise of Marguerite of Valois, Queen of France, first wife of King Henry IV of France

Marguerite de Valois had lived through the reigns of 6 kings.
Henri II
François II
Charles IX
Henri III
Henri IV
Louis XIII

The last of the Valois was buried at the crypt of the Valois in the Basilica of St. Denis.
On this day, March 31, 1519 ~ Birth of King Henry II of France at Chateau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye in France
On this day, April 7, 1498 ~ Demise of King Charles VIII of France at Chateau d'Amboise in France
On this day, April 7, 1498 ~ Demise of King Charles VIII of France at Chateau d'Amboise in France

Charles death was unexpected he was just 27 and had hit his head on the lintel of a door while watching a tennis match at Amboise and fell into a coma and later died.

By his queen,Anne de Bretagne he had no surviving children and the throne passed to his cousin,Louis, Duke of Orléans.

The kings body was was buried in the Basilica of Saint-Denis while his heart was buried at the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Cléry beside his parents.
The tomb at Saint-Denis survived until 1793 when it was destroyed during the Terror.

10th April 1599: Death of Gabrielle d'Estrées, Duchess of Beaufort and Verneuil, Marchioness of Monceaux

Gabrielle d'Estrées was a French noble and more famous as the mistress of Henri IV of France.
At one stage the king proposed marrying Gabrielle once his childless marriage to Marguerite de Valois was annulled by the Pope.
Sadly Gabrielle died after giving birth to a stillborn son leaving the king heart broken.
Gabrielle was given a magnificent funeral at Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois church in Paris and her remains taken to Notre-Dame-La-Royale de Maubuisson Abbey for burial.


12th April 1256: Death of Marguerite de Bourbon,Queen and Regent of Navarre

Marguerite de Bourbon was the widow of Theobald I of Navarre and the mother of Theobald II of Navarre whom she acted as Regent of Navarre for until he reached his majority.
Marguerite died in Provins and was buried at the Saint Joseph de Clairval Abbey.


On this day, April 13, 1519 ~ Birth of Catherine de Medici, wife of King Henry II of France, in Florence, Republic of Florence
April 13th 1113 : Death of Ida of Lorraine, Countess of Boulogne.

Ida was a French noble and the niece of Pope Stephen IX and the widow of Eustace II, Count of Boulogne.
2 of their sons became Kings of Jerusalem
Godfrey of Bouillon
Baldwin of Boulogne

Noted for her deep piety and religiousness she was declared Blessed and was buried at l'Abbaye Saint-Vaast d'Arras.


On this day, April 14, 1711 ~ Demise of Louis of France, Le Grand Dauphin, at the Chateau de Meudon in France
18th of April 1503 : Birth of future Henri II of Navarre.

Henri was the son of Catherine I of Navarre and Jean d'Albret,Count of Périgord
Viscount of Limoges.
Following the death of his mother in 1517 he became king and inherited the vast domains of both of his parents across the south of France.His older sister Anne acted as Regent until he came of age.
King of Navarre,Count of Foix,Count of Périgord ,Viscount of Limoges,Viscount of Béarn ,Sire d'Albret.
Henri was also the maternal of grandfather of Henri IV (Henri III of Navarre).


On this day, April 20,1808 ~ Birth of Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, in Paris, France
On this day, April 20,1808 ~ Birth of Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, in Paris, France

Charles-Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was the son of Louis Bonaparte who was King of Holland at the time and Hortense de Beauharnais.
Following the Bourbon Restoration all members of the Bonaparte dynasty were forced into exile.
On this day, April 23, 1464 ~ Birth of Jeanne of France, Queen Consort of King Louis XII of France, in Nogent-le-Roi, County of Dreux
25th of April 1566 : Death of Diane de Poitiers,Duchesses of Valentinois

Diane was the once powerful mistress of Henri II who was banished by his widow queen regent Catherine in 1559 from the French court following the kings death.
Diane died at her château d'Anet and was buried at its chapel alongside 2 of her granddaughters who died in infancy. In 1795 a mob desecrated the chapel and opened the tomb and dumped the perfectly preserved body of Diane and her granddaughters in a pit outside where they lay until rediscovered in 2008 when the skeletons were examined and identified and were reburied at the chapel in 2010.


On this day, April 26, 1782 ~ Birth of Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies, Queen of the French, wife of Louis Philippe, King of the French, at Caserta Palace in Caserta, Kingdom of Naples
On this day, April 26, 1782 ~ Birth of Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies, Queen of the French, wife of Louis Philippe, King of the French, at Caserta Palace in Caserta, Kingdom of Naples

Maria Amalia mother was the Archduchess Maria Carolina of Austria who was an older sister of Marie Antoinette.
The family were forced to flee the invading French to Sicily in February 1806 which was under British protection.
28th of April 1521 : Death of Suzanne, Duchess of Bourbon

Suzanne was the daughter of Anne de France who was a daughter of Louis XI of France and was the sister of Charles VIII and acted as Regent of France on several occasions.
Her father was Pierre II, Duke of Bourbon.
In 1503 following her fathers death,Suzanne became the Duchess of Auvergne and Bourbon ,Countess of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, Forez, and La Marche
The duchess who was always frail died aged 29 at the Palace of Châtellerault and was buried beside her father and older brother at the Priory church of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Souvigny.
Her mother Anne de France outlived her and died in November 1522.



On this day, April 30, 1553 ~ Birth of Louise de Lorraine-Vaudemont, Queen of France, spouse of King Henry III of France, in Nomeny, Francessssss
On this day, May 5, 1826 ~ Demise of Eugenie de Montijo, Empress of the French, wife of Emperor Napoleon III of the French, in Granada, Spain
On this day, May 5, 1826 ~ Demise of Eugenie de Montijo, Empress of the French, wife of Emperor Napoleon III of the French, in Granada, Spain

Are you sure...??..I believe she was born on this day...

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