Options for Sarah to recover from the 'Cash for Access' scandal

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Former Moderator
Aug 10, 2006
United States
Now the Queen steps in to bail out 'bankrupt' Fergie | Mail Online

The Queen is being forced to pay to turn the Duchess of York’s life around, saving her from bankruptcy.

Sarah is almost £2million in debt after a series of disastrous business deals and is being sued by a firm of solicitors for more than £200,000.

Now her former husband Prince Andrew has ordered his private office at Buckingham Palace - which is financed by £249,000 a year from the Queen’s own pocket - to sort out her financial difficulties and cut her spending.
I can't believe the Queen is bailing out Sarah, she shouldn't have to do that.
I don't think that she necessarily "has to", but the alternative is the embarrassing situation of her former daughter-in-law facing bankruptcy court and making goodness-knows-what sorts of business contracts to pull herself out of debt. Given Sarah's propensity for giving tactless interviews and showing a lack of judgement in how she conducts herself, perhaps she has had to give assurances about her behaviour in exchange for this help.

I can't believe the Queen is bailing out Sarah, she shouldn't have to do that.
I don't think that she necessarily "has to", but the alternative is the embarrassing situation of her former daughter-in-law facing bankruptcy court and making goodness-knows-what sorts of business contracts to pull herself out of debt. Given Sarah's propensity for giving tactless interviews and showing a lack of judgement in how she conducts herself, perhaps she has had to give assurances about her behaviour in exchange for this help.

Sarah should go through what a normal person should go through, if they found themselves in this situation.
The Queen should not bail her out.
Sarah should go through what a normal person should go through, if they found themselves in this situation.
The Queen should not bail her out.

The Queen is a very wealth woman. Sarah is the mother of her grandchildren and the effective de facto wife of her second beloved son. As a loving mother and grandmother she may very well feel that she can assist someone whom her son and granddaughters love rather than see them embarassed and hurt.
And? Just because she is a wealthy woman, doesn't mean she has to give handouts to people who are very careless with the money they do have.
Sarah is a grown woman and should not have to go to her ex mother-in-law for a handout when she gets into trouble.
Using the "i'm the mother of your grandkids" excuse is ridiculous in my opinion.
"......Zenouska Mowatt are also believed to be among the assistants she has lost. "

Did anyone happen to catch this in the article about Sarah's staff being

This is Princess Alexandra's granddaughter.

I wondered about this to but then read in a newspaper colum in the daily mail or telegraph that there was "surprise" at this too. Apprently Zenouska did help Sarah out once or twice a while back when other staff fell ill but she didn't work for Sarah she was just helping out so she hasn't been "let go" or anything. I will try and find the article.

Just found article http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1293856/Rothschilds-big-fat-deal-Slim.html its near the bottom of the page:

Considering her only employment for the Duchess of York consisted of some work experience, Princess Alexandra’s granddaughter Zenouska Mowatt, 20, was rather miffed to find herself on a list of *Fergie’s sacked staff.
‘To say we’re bemused is a bit of an understatement,’ says Zen’s father, photographer Paul Mowatt.
Gotta love the Dailymail...neglected to say that Zenouska is no longer affiliated with the Duchess.

Just the facts....
And? Just because she is a wealthy woman, doesn't mean she has to give handouts to people who are very careless with the money they do have.
Sarah is a grown woman and should not have to go to her ex mother-in-law for a handout when she gets into trouble.
Using the "i'm the mother of your grandkids" excuse is ridiculous in my opinion.

And your proof that Sarah is doing that rather than that the Queen offering to help the de facto wife of her son is...?
I think that HM and Prince Andrew have made a shrewd move. Someone needs to control Sarah, because she seemingly can't control herself. I wonder whether the Duke of York feels some residual guilt over not being able to be around for Sarah in the early years of their marriage?:ermm:

I don't think it is "residual guilt". I think he genuinly loves Sarah and knows that he, and his family, were even in a small way, partially to blame for the marriage failure.
And your proof that Sarah is doing that rather than that the Queen offering to help the de facto wife of her son is...?

I don't have anny evidence, due to the fact i fortunately don't know Sarah personaly. But to be honest I wouldn't put it past her.
It looks like The Queen is trying to shut Sarah up and attempt to "control her" by paying of her debts, she's done it before and no doubt she'll have to do it again.
I can't believe the Queen is bailing out Sarah, she shouldn't have to do that.

I think what's going on here is actually the Queen will be "bailing" out Sarah in the respect that the allotment that Andrew receives from the Queen for the management of his private office staff comes from the Queen's purse. His office is going to go over and analyze Sarah's finances and find places to cut costs and find ways for Sarah to use her money more wisely. I don't think the Queen in any way is going to be paying off Sarah's debts here.

I think this is a grand idea. Sarah does need guidance when it comes to spending and with Andrew doing this, it shows the rest of us that he does still care and as Sarah said in the Oprah interview, has "unconditional love".
And? Just because she is a wealthy woman, doesn't mean she has to give handouts to people who are very careless with the money they do have.
Sarah is a grown woman and should not have to go to her ex mother-in-law for a handout when she gets into trouble.
Using the "i'm the mother of your grandkids" excuse is ridiculous in my opinion.

Completely agree. It's damage control and I think it's what we had all batted around previously, that this is some kind of quid pro quo - the family pays off Sarah's debts and leashes her.

Already, it seems that Andrew's staff is now The Keeper of the Redhead as I think I mentioned when this first broke.

Sarah is like an idiot child in so many ways, and she has to be controlled in this manner. lumut, I agree that this is insulting to those who bail themselves out, that the Queen has had to step in and do this. There is no way on God's green earth that the Queen has any obligation to Sarah. Sarah has had millions of pounds running through her hand. She is the ex wife of a second son - and a completely embarassing one at that.

I think that the Queen's hand was forced on this. I mean, that Oprah interview was cringe-worthy and with that under her belt, who knows what else Sarah was capable of doing? It all reflects very badly on the Royal family, although Sarah's proven time and again that she is NOT a member of the Royal family, either in actual terms or by her behaviour.

I'm not qualified to judge whether this represents Andrew's undying and "unconditional" love (how maudlin a set of words!) for Sarah. We only have the words from her mouth that this is "reality," and I think that "reality" for Sarah is an oddly lighted place for the rest of us. IMO, Sarah is like a great big floppy golden retreiver who still thinks it can bound about like a puppy and is endlessly adorable, when in fact it's drooling, messing the floor, and reaching the time for a decision to be made.

I think it's quid pro quo and a shrewd move. It's a kindness of the Queen to do this, and I'm sure that Andrew would not make a move without the Queen's approval and approbation. This decision is 0% driven by Andrew, and 100% driven by Her Majesty. So I think for anyone that considers this is to be anything other than direct order from her Majesty (meaning independent motivations on Andrew's part,) mistakes who the boss of The Firm really is. Sarah, of course, will place the construct on it that it represent's Andrew's endless devotion to her. Let's us be a bit more clear-sighted: what other office should handle this, beside Andrew's? Clarence House? Andrew's team is in the best position to judge what is "really" an expense for the princesses versus "this is what Sarah wanted to do so she's using the girls' presence to get her way."

Sarah's greed has gotten her here. Let's see how tight that leash is point-forward. There is nothing to be done about Sarah's incredibly sordid past and decisions, so let's see how she fares when someone else makes the decisions for her.
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Oh of course I realise that nobody but Her Majesty has decided to do this, but IMO she shouldn't have decided to do it.
Sarah is not a member of the royal family, she's already had money from her children, and from Bea's boyfriend.
She should have to go through everything a normal person would go through if they found themselves in this situation.

But she's been paid out before, by both the Queen and her own children, but she still goes and get's herself bankrupt. What makes this time any different? She's probably going to go and do something again in a year or two.
Maybe there is an inside pact between the queen and Sarah; I doubt that the queen will just give her the money without demanding some kind of behaviour from Sarah.
Yes, I do too. If not we are going to see history repeat itself, again.
Now the Queen steps in to bail out 'bankrupt' Fergie | Mail Online

Now her former husband Prince Andrew has ordered his private office at Buckingham Palace - which is financed by £249,000 a year from the Queen’s own pocket - to sort out her financial difficulties and cut her spending.

Ok.. I went back and reread the article posted on the Mail Online and actually don't see any references at all where there'll be any cash flow used to pay off any of Sarah's debts. Just that the office of Andrew will sort the mess out and cut her expenditures.
I think that what the article really means is that the queen is bailing Sarah indirectly as the money that Andrew receives comes from the queen.
My thought is that there are going to be controls put in place that she can't sign contracts, can't perform certain activities, and has her credit cut off entirely so that she can't bankrupt herself again. If that's in place, then it would be nigh-impossible for her to get herself in this situation again. But then again, she's a master at making a miserable mess for herself and for others to clean up, so you may be dead right.

I tell you this much: if I had a daughter in law who had publicly cuckolded my son when he was in the service, she would be lucky to still live in my country let alone get fed so richly! Competely apart from pimping out that same son twenty years later!
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I think that what the article really means is that the queen is bailing Sarah indirectly as the money that Andrew receives comes from the queen.

Yeps.. the Queen does pay for the £249,000 to finance Andrew's office. Sheesh.. that's no where near what Sarah's debts supposedly are. Really makes me realize what an ungodly mess she's gotten herself into.

My thought is that there are going to be controls put in place...
Hopefully Sarah would agree to such controls placed on her as she obviously has no clue of what she's doing. If all she has in her pocket is enough for a Big Mac, its Big Macs she should eat (and forget flying to her favorite Big Mac spot in Spain too... ride a bike to the corner).

The BRF have beem more than generous over the years with Sarah but there has to be a line drawn where you just don't tolerate it any longer. I'm with you on the opinion if my ex daughter-in-law acted so stupidy, I'd just moan and say "not MY problem!"
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But I can understand the queen, is better to bail her than see your son and granddaughters being humiliated publicly... Although if she bails her without demanding her some kind of behaviour this is just going to be repeated again and again.
I think--and this is just my imagination--that Sarah will be allowed the use of a place to live, will receive some sort of monthly stipend, and her debts will be paid off either by Andrew or the Queen. In exchange, there will be some sort of agreement to not sign any more business deals, do any more endorsements, give any more interviews, etc. I agree that 14 years after her divorce neither Andrew nor the Queen should still be having to be financially responsible for her, but at the same time Sarah needs to have some tight controls put on her. There was an article in the press over here that she was offered "Celebrity Rehab" for $1 million. I'm sure this sort of arrangement would preclude this sort of thing from happening.
I think that if Andrew's office is going to supervise and maintain Sarah's finances, that, lets say, she does do the 1mil deal for "Celebrity Rehab" then Andrew's office would manage just where that money went to. If Sarah is allowed (per her consent on restraints on contracts and such) a certain amount per month, then that is what she has and if she runs out.. its tough cookies. That way Sarah can gradually pay off her debts but with only a fixed income to control by herself, she'll have to think twice before spending.
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...there will be some sort of agreement to not sign any more business deals, do any more endorsements, give any more interviews, etc.
Well, that's exactly what some of us here had proposed, but I doubt that Buck Palace reads this.

I can't imagine how the Queen bailing Sarah out would spare her son and granddaughters humiliation, since it's already been beaten into them by Sarah herself. Still, as low as this is, I somehow think that Sarah could and would go lower: hence the need for control over her.

What a rotten deal Andrew got when he took on this one. Coachman, my time machine!
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After this is done, Sarah is going to OWE PA and HM BIG TIME. This was a very shrewd move on HM part. Hopefully PA and HM will retire the Redhead. Does anybody know how much in residuals Sarah gets from her books? It's got to be something. And what with the settlement PA got from Sunninghill he can afford to make good many of Sarah's debts.
Better to be in a proactive postion--what HM and PA are doing-- than a reactive one.
What a rotten deal Andrew got when he took on this one. Coachman, my time machine!

As you said, Andrew is Keeper of the Redhead and boy over time she's had a lot of 'splainin to do. The sad thing is that this is real life and not a sit-com.
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