Pope Francis Current Events Part 3

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Pope Francis met with The President & 1st Lady of Poland at the Vatican to mark the centenary of the birth of Pope John Paul II.

The Pope met with the new ambassador of the European Union to the Holy See ,Alexandra Valkenburg-Roelofs at the Vatican today.

Pope Francis received Christian Wulff, former President of Germany for an audience at the Vatican yesterday, October 16:

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I deeply admire Pope Francis and I am very proud of him. He is very brave man.
Personally, I'm happy that Pope Francis recognizes that love, the real abiding love, isn't really between two people but two souls. Love isn't restricting and can be given freely to *anybody*. Same sex unions are an example of this.
Pope Francis met with The Ecumenical Patriarch at the Vatican yesterday.

The Pope met with Nobel Prize winner Leymah Gbowee and representatives from the Zayed Award at the Vatican.

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I deeply admire Pope Francis and I am very proud of him. He is very brave man.

I'm not sure I consider "brave" the correct word to describe the latest statements from Francis. He has gone against Biblical teaching which, surely as the head of the Catholic Church - the Pope - he is supposed to be supporting and representing more than anyone else?
I think both critics and people who are enthusiastic about the pontiff's comments have not understood him. He has not "blessed" same sex unions. He has insisted that same sex couples should have certain protections under the law, and one of those rights/protections should be the right to form a family through a civil union. As a practicing Catholic I agree with him

The interview is an old one and has been taken out of context. He has not afforded civil unions by same sex couples the dignity of a sacramental marriage, as is being implied in the press and on social media.

Also when a pope expresses his PERSONAL opinion on faith and morals he is not speaking "ex cathedra". He is not making his views part of the official teaching of the Catholic Church.
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Statement from the Holy See on the church attack in Nice in which Pope Francis was praying and mourning for the Catholics in Nice.

We await the messages of sympathy and condemnation from all nations, Muslim and otherwise.
Pope Francis will celebrate the annual Mass for All Souls at Vatican cemetery on November 2nd @ 11am.

The Mass for All Souls was celebrated by the Pope at the church of the Vatican's Teutonic Cemetery earlier today and later paid a visit to the Teutonic Cemetery.

The Pope held his Weekly General Audiences at the Apostolic Palace Library at the Vatican today.

The Pope received a visit from the President of Kenya today at the Vatican.

The Pope met with the Vice President of Ecuador at the Vatican today.

The Pope called U.S. President-Elect Joe Biden to congratulate him on his election as per a statement issued by the team of the US President-Elect.

Pope Francis met Qu Dongyu, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, at the Vatican today, November 20:

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Pope Francis met with representatives from Fairtrade at the Vatican.


Strange that no masks are worn during those recent meetings, the Pope and his guests often get pretty close to each other and the Vatican should set a good example..

Pope Franics today also received the National Basketball Players Association:

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Post 293 by AN Ard Ri, Pope Francis congratulated Biden on the election. Biden also said what will or plan to do for climate change and Immigration, but nothing about the sanctity of life, of the unborn, since Biden is pro Choice. Abortion seem not to be high priority for the Holy father or Biden? and a few other things. I am Catholic and this bothers me [...]
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Strange that no masks are worn during those recent meetings, the Pope and his guests often get pretty close to each other and the Vatican should set a good example..

Was thinking the same last week when the Holy Father met with the Vice President of Ecuador.
Today, November 27, Pope Francis received Majid Al-Suwaidi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Spain, for an audience at the Vatican:

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Pope Francis accompanied the new Cardinals on a visit to Pope Benedict XVI.

His Holiness Pope Francis receives the credentials of 10 new Ambassadors at the Vatican.

The new Ambassadors to the Holy See are from Jordan, Kazakhstan, Zambia, Mauritania, Uzbekistan, Madagascar, Estonia, Rwanda, Denmark and India

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