Prince Albert Is the Father of Alexandre

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But his father was alive during those claims.

Moonlightrhapsody said:
We'll see about this one. I think out of all the allegedly illegitimate children, he was most adamant about Jazmin not being his daughter.
Here some declarations Nicole did to Hello mag (in addition to a photo session):
She's been accused of showing no sensitivity to those in mourning for Albert's father, Prince Rainier. And while Nicole avers that she didn't deliberately set out to hurt anyone -she knows well enough how painful it is to lose someone dear- the tide of opinion seems to be against her.
[Nicole] says she never quite accepted Albert's view that she should wait for Rainier's death for her young son to be recognised.
When after the funeral, Nicole asked that the paternity document signed two years previously by Prince Albert should be transcribed for her, she thought it would be a simple formality. But she was told by officials that the bureaucracy would take its time, and that's when she began to lose patience.
She's much in demand for photos now. The paparazzi capture her coming out of supermarket, walking with her child in his pushchair, having a coffee with friends... "It's why I've done these photos. At least they show me at my best!" she says, laughing.
As for the rest, she's getting used to her sudden notoriety, but when talking about her children, she suddenly turn serious. I'd like Alexandre to grow up like any other child of his age, and not be pursed by photographers. They should respect my children's privacy. I want them to grow up to be responsible and balanced adults.
Some comments now:
'Nicole asked that the paternity document signed two years previously by Prince Albert should be transcribed for her'
So she does reckon the document was signed when Alex was born. Hence there was no need to rush the announcement because of the French law of "the two years". So why despite her knowledge of how hard it is to lose someone she couldn't have wait one more month or two.
'It's why I've done these photos. At least they show me at my best!'
:confused: Did the lady actually saw the tacky Bunte photos? She's clearly not at her best. At least the Hello pics are OK (I'll try to scan tomorow).
'she's getting used to her sudden notoriety'
You think so?
'I'd like Alexandre to grow up like any other child of his age, and not be pursed by photographers. They should respect my children's privacy.'
So you want to have your cake, eat eat and bank the sale money. I also notice that she does not talk about her privacy anymore.
I could be wrong of course, but I have had a really strong feeling that Jazmin is Albert's daughter from the start. Really really strong. :)
Their child, Alexandre, was born long before Prince Rainier died and should have been acknowledged properly at the time of his birth along with formal and arrangements made for his care and support. Prince Albert was stringing his son along and whatever Nicole does is the price he pays for his enjoyment of her company and his very long relationship with her.

If Jazmin is his child and if he has not been properly providing for her care and support then he had better get his checkbook and caluculator out and get ready to make up for 13 years of being in denial. He wants to clean up Monaco and change its image, his first order of business is to begin by cleaning up his own house and his image.
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You are absolutely right, Saba
Thanks Reina, I just have a problem with any supposedly sane, educated and successful man that refuses to take responsibilty when it comes to an innocent child, and even more so when it is the man being groomed to be "in charge" of a municipality. Prince Albert isn't a child, he is an adult and I expect him to behave like a decent moral person even if he didn't before. Children will change your life for the better if you let them.

Nicole was good enough to be "his friend" for many years and she is the mother of their child, something she could not have done alone!

This thread either needs to be closed or I need to stop reading it.:eek: :D
Nicole isn't the prettiest lady I've ever seen is she? But I'm hoping that her and Albert's son gets what he is entitled to.

Maybe now Albert will seriously look for a wife. He needs to grow up.
The woman in the center picture reminds me more of I believe she was a singer he was seen with but I don't recall her name. Their pictures were posted in another thread some time ago.
Their child, Alexandre, was born long before Prince Rainier died and should have been acknowledged properly at the time of his birth along with formal and arrangements made for his care and support. Prince Albert was stringing his son along and whatever Nicole does is the price he pays for his enjoyment of her company and his very long relationship with her.

Honestly, I don't think Prince Rainier would have taken kindly to knowing that another scandal was about to break about one of his children yet again. I think Caroline, but especially Stephanie had already given him much grief about their situtations that it would have been welcome news. I think children are great but sometimes the circumstances of their birth and their existence aren't seen with happiness.

Secondly, it's been long talked about that Albert has been providing for Alexandre since his birth, financially and emotionally as much as he could. He's been a responsible father without shouting to the world that he was the biological father of Alexandre. He's done more than a lot of "fathers" out there who don't provide for their offsprings. I think that's the most Nicole or anyone can expect of Albert to do; to continue providing for Alexandre as he has been for the past two years.

I think Nicole had been "enjoying" Albert's company as well. She's been given an allowance separate from Alexandre's care AND she's being housed in one of Albert's residences with staff. I think she was enjoying the perks of being Albert's girlfriend at the time also when they were involved. "Enjoyment" was not a one-sided thing.

If Jazmin is his child and if he has not been properly providing for her care and support then he had better get his checkbook and caluculator out and get ready to make up for 13 years of being in denial.

I have to brush up on the articles about Jazmin and Albert's alleged stand on that matter. I believe that he took a paternity test and was proven not to be the father of Jazmin, though I have to check that claim. If he really believes he isn't the father of Jazmin and he is in fact the father, then I think he will take responsibility for her like he has for Alexandre. But if he isn't the father, then I don't think more attention should be brought on the matter.

He wants to clean up Monaco and change its image, his first order of business is to begin by cleaning up his own house and his image.

I believe that is what he's doing by talking to the press about Alexandre. He has also said that there might be future claims of other children also.

On a separate note, you can force a man to financially support children, but you can't force them to be a father if they don't want to. That's just the way it is. If people want to crucify Albert for not being a hands-on father or legitimizing the children, fine. But no one here can say that he hasn't taken financial responsibility for Alexandre, providing for him and his mother, who Albert no longer has any responsibility for since their relationship was terminated.

Another thing, I had asked about this, but what happened to Nicole's other children? I know that Alexandre isn't her only child. I think someone said that she lost custody of them. If that's the case, why did she lose custody of the children but retained Alexandre?
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The financial and housing assistance the child has received thus far has been at the whim of his father who could discontinue at anytime. This child needs his financial compensation and housing arrangements spelled out on paper, it needs to be legally binding as to the the amounts and conditions. If something were to happen to Nicole and she was unable to care for the child Alexandre still needs to be provided for, it has to be decided where he will live and with whom these things need to be addressed. Sure, the child and his mother have been receiving handouts from his father, that's not good enough!

By the same token, if something were to happen to Prince Albert the handouts would likely cease unless there is a legal agreement.
Unless someone in this forum has access to Albert's legal documents, no one can say for sure that he hasn't put anything down on paper for a legal standpoint.

I'm not familiar with French law, but I believe if something were to happen to Nicole and she has custody of Alexandre and left no custody arrangements prior, then the next of kin would get custody which is Albert.

In the event Albert dies, due to the fact that Alexandre has been publically recognized, his future is virutally assured. He will get a part of Albert's fortune when he dies. There is little contestation with that.

What my point is is that the flavor I'm getting from the Albert critics is that they want him to take drastic steps like maybe marrying Nicole and legitimizing Alexandre, or maybe taking custody of Alexandre and making him his heir, or something along those lines. Unrealsitic thoughts, in my view. Albert has done the right thing by acknowledging Alexandre and providing for him. What else is there to be done in order to be considered a "decent" father?
Prince Albert only acknowledged his son after Nicole went to the press. Her reason for going to the press is that time was running out to have Alexandres' legal custodial and care for his support in writing, nothing more.
Saba said:
Prince Albert only acknowledged his son after Nicole went to the press. Her reason for going to the press is that time was running out to have Alexandres' legal custodial and care for his support in writing, nothing more.
Time was not running out it was documented signed and dated before the 2 year limit therefore it was legally binding and would be recognized by the courts once produced by Albert's lawyer and himself as promised. What she is seeking now is most likely what any other mother of Albert's child would a legal document to say he grants her legal custody of the child.
Prince Albert only acknowledged his son after Nicole went to the press. Her reason for going to the press is that time was running out to have Alexandres' legal custodial and care for his support in writing, nothing more.

There is no proof that Albert wasn't going to acknowledge Alexandre after the mourning period had ended. It is mere assumption that he wouldn't.
Nicole became impatient and rushed the issue by going to the media. She knew that there were other circumstances but chose that route instead. I personally don't think it was a great move because she exposed her child to media attention...the last thing she claims that she wanted.

Even if there hadn't been an acknowledgement by Albert, the child would have the option of pursuing the issue when he reached the age of 18. Testing at that time would have taken care of things.

The financial and housing assistance the child has received thus far has been at the whim of his father who could discontinue at anytime. This child needs his financial compensation and housing arrangements spelled out on paper, it needs to be legally binding as to the the amounts and conditions. If something were to happen to Nicole and she was unable to care for the child Alexandre still needs to be provided for, it has to be decided where he will live and with whom these things need to be addressed. Sure, the child and his mother have been receiving handouts from his father, that's not good enough!

By the same token, if something were to happen to Prince Albert the handouts would likely cease unless there is a legal agreement.

Albert's lawyers were paying Nicole her allowances and neither she nor Alexandre wanted for anything. She was getting the equivalent of $11,000 US per month to live off...and this is without paying rent. She did pretty well, all things considered. Right this minute a house is being built for her an Alexandre, and she will be living in it, rent free, as it will be owned by the trust set up for Alexandre. This is all documented quite well. There is no 'whim' happening in this. She will have no mortgage, electricity bills, etc. Apparently though, her she needs more money now. Her lawyer has siad so. Why? Who knows. But, she is trying to squeeze more out of him now.

She is not without means. I don't pity her at all and I doubt that I ever will. I do feel sorry for the baby though. He won't be free to live a nice, quiet life anymore.
"I have to brush up on the articles about Jazmin and Albert's alleged stand on that matter. I believe that he took a paternity test and was proven not to be the father of Jazmin, though I have to check that claim."

I think I remember reading he went to court to avoid a DNA test and was successful because of diplomatic immunity or some such....

I am also thinking PA did everything he could to avoid a scandal before his fathers death as a means of keeping his job more or less. Not that he would have been passed over but surely Reiner thought of it. Caroline is capable though probably not as well trained.
That all sounds very nice; if Nicole wants to live in that house, perhaps she'd like to live in New York City and that little bit of money she has been getting won't go very far. The child should not have to wait until he is 18 to prove anything. Considering the history of that family "accidents" do happen and there may not be anyone around to prove paternity. Anyway it's cut, Nicole will get what she wants for Alexandre! None of the other children in that family live a quiet life, he'll adjust just as the others have; afterall, he's one of them now.
Saba.....Here's a nice little tid bit about child support payment in New York city for the very rich. P. Diddy got completely B____ slapped in court. Instead of paying $35,000 they reduced it to $22,000 a month. That is absolutely excessive and certainly a motive for a economically deprived female to try to get pregnant by a wealthier man.

There is no comparison between the child of a Prince under French Family Law and the child of a rapper under US Family Law. Not to mention what is expected of each child based on their wordly exposure, very different expectations and needs. The child of a prince getting $11,00 USD a month for life with inflation is not enough. Alexandre has needs fit for the son of a monarch, he needs to travel the world, go to his mother's homeland and know his family in Togo, and to speak several languages fluently, his needs and are certainly different than that of P Diddy and his baby momma. :eek:
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leahteresa said:
That is absolutely excessive and certainly a motive for a economically deprived female to try to get pregnant by a wealthier man.

LOL, Well, I guess wealthy man has motive as well, but hey that's for another topic another time but it was funny.:)
I think it is crass and disheartening that you would label every women who has a baby with a rich man as a golddigger. You totally don't know the whole story. None of us do. But in regards to the PDiddy situation, you probably don't know as much history as you know about the Albert/Nicole situation. And she has the right to get as mch child support as his other kids are getting. This thread concerns me.

leahteresa said:
Saba.....Here's a nice little tid bit about child support payment in New York city for the very rich. P. Diddy got completely B____ slapped in court. Instead of paying $35,000 they reduced it to $22,000 a month. That is absolutely excessive and certainly a motive for a economically deprived female to try to get pregnant by a wealthier man.

Reina said:
I think it is crass and disheartening that you would label every women who has a baby with a rich man as a golddigger. You totally don't know the whole story. None of us do. But in regards to the PDiddy situation, you probably don't know as much history as you know about the Albert/Nicole situation. And she has the right to get as mch child support as his other kids are getting. This thread concerns me.

I agree with you Reina.
Reina said:
I think it is crass and disheartening that you would label every women who has a baby with a rich man as a golddigger. You totally don't know the whole story. None of us do. But in regards to the PDiddy situation, you probably don't know as much history as you know about the Albert/Nicole situation. And she has the right to get as mch child support as his other kids are getting. This thread concerns me.

I didn't see anything from leahteresa's post that generalized every woman as being a goldigger. And my question is, does Nicole work at all to support herself and her child(ren)? If it wasn't for Albert's money, would she be able to support herself and Alexandre?

And what "other kids"? I'm a little confused with that one. P. Diddy's kids?

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, a child has a right to have a comfortable life. However, I don't think it's a necessity for a child to live the rich life if it will not affect his chances for a bright future. Heck, I wasn't raised in a mansion with a $11,000/month allowance but I think I turned out okay. I went to school, went to church, studying in college, all without a lot of money. Does Albert need to heap a large sum of money on Alexandre to prove that he's a capable father and for Alexandre to grow up into a responsible and wonderful man?

I don't like the prospect of Albert also taking responsibility for Nicole. Alexandre, it's highly understandable. But a grown woman who has other children who also is relatively healthy being fully supported by a man who she no longer has any relationship with other than sharing a child, I find that extremely distasteful. Alexandre isn't the only one being financially supported; Nicole is being given money and material objects for her benefit as well.

This fact is what makes me extremely suspicious of her motives. You can't go through life assuming that people are inherently good and that no one has any malicious intent. For all intents and purposes, because she is the mother of Albert's son, she is being kept in the lap of luxury wanting for nothing!

Fine, not all women are goldiggers, but not all women are honest.
I did not say every women, I said every woman that gets pregnant by a rich man. This is what she asserted. So you are saying that a billionaire or a millionaire (in PDiddy's case) should not have to provide for his kids according to his gigantic salary? Give me a break! In Palbert's case, and to a very limited extent PDiddy, his kid(s) are children of royalty. They deserve to be well taken care of just like his legitimate kids. The kids aren't at fault, so why should they be given little? You know some of you on here would be a playa's dream come true!

But anyway of course there are malicious women out there. And if ALbert feels that Nicole is wrongly living off the money than he can stipulate as to how the money is used (that is what the Donald did with Marla Maples after their divorce). But I just don't like it that ppl assert that women who go after all they can for their child labels them as golddiggers. Again, some of you would be a playa's dream come true!
in my oponion albert and nicole are both idiots who need to grow lets end the debate there
I wish we could. BU tI still want ppl's opinions on "golddigger I"-Tamara Rotolo (of course if she falls under that criteria according to some).
These sums of money just boggle a poor girls mind!!

Let's just say bringing up a family of 2 children on less than 50,000 US a year is not that uncommon in today's world.

To get 132,000 US a year just because you happened to be seeing a wealthy person (Celebrity or Royalty) and end up with a child -- WOW! Add to that the home that comes rent/mortgage free, and the trust fund, well ...

And then if you have the right mind set a healthy, intelligent woman can get a job also! There is no end to the advantages you could give your child! Education (languages, musical, sports, college), Travel, Clothes, Entertainment whatever. Figure a lot less financial stress to allow for more emotional support and LOVE!!

Let's just say ... Where can we sign up???
Reina said:
I did not say every women, I said every woman that gets pregnant by a rich man. This is what she asserted. So you are saying that a billionaire or a millionaire (in PDiddy's case) should not have to provide for his kids according to his gigantic salary? Give me a break! In Palbert's case, and to a very limited extent PDiddy, his kid(s) are children of royalty. They deserve to be well taken care of just like his legitimate kids. The kids aren't at fault, so why should they be given little? You know some of you on here would be a playa's dream come true!

But anyway of course there are malicious women out there. And if ALbert feels that Nicole is wrongly living off the money than he can stipulate as to how the money is used (that is what the Donald did with Marla Maples after their divorce). But I just don't like it that ppl assert that women who go after all they can for their child labels them as golddiggers. Again, some of you would be a playa's dream come true!

:D I'll just let the big grin say it for me, oh how I so agree.
All I know is to put my feet in the shoes of the child. If I had a parent that was rich like that and they did not provide for me like their other kids I would be extremely hurt. And I would question my other parent as to why they did not go after more for me. I would definitely seek out what was due for me. But one has to look at the principle of it all-not just the bottom line. This is more for the sake of the child. Leave the parents out of it for a second. But if one is concerned about where the money is going than the rich parent could easily set guidelines as to where the money is going. Afterall it is for the welfare of the child. Now in this case, it will be harder for Nicole to find a job. Maybe one will be carved out for her. But Albert is providing for Nicole and their child. Albert agrees with it. If he gets tired of it then he will do something about it and I am sure that that woudl include Nicole getting her own job. But you know, if one looks at how history has presented these same situations, isn't the mother and child taken care of? Maybe that is the proper thing to do? That woudl be interesting to look up.
She was getting the equivalent of $11,000 US per month to live off...and this is without paying rent. She did pretty well, all things considered. Right this minute a house is being built for her an Alexandre, and she will be living in it, rent free, as it will be owned by the trust set up for Alexandre. This is all documented quite well. There is no 'whim' happening in this. She will have no mortgage, electricity bills, etc.
okay, my imaginary budget was really wrong.
if u dont take out ele.,water, rent, gas,
nanny 1000.00
food 300.00
maids? 500.00
cloths 5000.00
being the mother of love child of a prince.....pricelesss(just kiddin)
anyway the total of my imo budget is 6800.00 and 4200.00 for fun money
that is a whole lot of money, a reg person could live off of 11000.00 for 6 mos. or could buy a real nice car or could take a nice vacation.
its amazing that some people in this world could have so much money while others have a hard time putting food on the table. :confused:
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Saba said:
This thread either needs to be closed or I need to stop reading it.:eek: :D
I agree with you. I actually stopped visiting this tread for some time but then I've seen Nicole photo shoot(s) and I could not resist...:rolleyes:
BTW, if someone is interested in Nicole's Hello magazine photo shoot (pics are different from the Bunte one), I'll post some pics. Just tell me.
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