Prince Albert's achievements

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Not to get off-topic, but do you have links to (or pics of) the Forum? I'm curious to (imaginarily) redo it.

On topic, what is the Pierre bridge supposed to be for? Albert visited its progress yesterday. Is it something he initiated? Something thats just being updated? or Something that could potentially just be a waste?

paca said:
Some good news. Todays paper announces that 6000square meters of terrasses of dominial buildings have been emptied in order to install sunreflectors to produce sun energy. It is not much, but it is a beginning.

It looks like P Albert keeps his promises given in the enthronment speech last year.
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There's something Albert should do :

He should name a street or something after his sister Princess Stephanie. She deserves it. There are steets and stuff named after Rainier, Grace, Caroline and Albert - Steph's missng .
sebastian said:
There's something Albert should do :

He should name a street or something after his sister Princess Stephanie. She deserves it. There are steets and stuff named after Rainier, Grace, Caroline and Albert - Steph's missng .

That's a very good idea. Can we petition? ;) We're not Monegasque citizens, though...

I love the latest event for AMADE. Thanks!! Is there anything else to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of PR and PG?

Also, what can we expect from PA II on his second year of reign?
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paca said:
Of course the government (like all governments) doesn't deem it that hazordous, because they hardly ever do until some independent scientist, journalist etc. shows them to be negligent. Governments in general do act mostly after the fact. They are reactive, not active. They respond to problems after they occurred instead of being proactive and preventing them from happening. At least that is my impression of modern governments and legislations. We are no longer in an age of creating and developping societies, so all that happens now is to prevent the ship from drowning. And MC is no different there then any other country. And it doesn't matter which political party you favour, politicians nowadays lack leadership and the capacity to anticipate things that are going to happen and take suitable measure to navigate their "ship" safely. This capacity of anticpation was sth that M deslandes admired and credited PR for. He imagined MC in a particular way and then he took measures to achieve it. He anticipated how people would react, what would attract people/tourists to MC, what would he have to do to accomodate them. What would he need to do to attract other businesses in order to balance a possible recline in the tourist industry etc etc. And that is why Rainier was a leader true to the word: he lead and governed his country. And I hope that PA will do the same. In his speech he explained what sort of country he imagined MC to be, I am waiting now to see how he is going to shape it ad I hope he will show himself to be a proactive politician like his father was.

If only more officials thought and acted as Paca pointed out and Ranier actualized...what a geat world this could be! :(
sebastian said:
There's something Albert should do :

He should name a street or something after his sister Princess Stephanie. She deserves it. There are steets and stuff named after Rainier, Grace, Caroline and Albert - Steph's missng .
NOt true. There is the Centre Psse Stephanie. It used to be located near the old trainstation. There was a hostel there during summer months (I stayed there once). Apart from that it is a youth center. Very appropriate IMO and it is an age old thing, done by Rainier.
paca said:
NOt true. There is the Centre Psse Stephanie. It used to be located near the old trainstation. There was a hostel there during summer months (I stayed there once). Apart from that it is a youth center. Very appropriate IMO and it is an age old thing, done by Rainier.

I know that, paca - but there's no street named after Stephanie, that's what I meant.
Glistening Seas

:eek: would anyone do a quick translation on this.:)
Glistening Seas

:) correct me if i am wrong but the article says that while the actions of parties may have been criticizeable they are not dishonest. the end sentence says PA wants transparency my french dictionary not complete must go get a better one :eek:
Radioactive material coming from an incinerator is extremely troublesome. Monaco is a small principality and the impact of this incinerator on the health of all of its people---especially children, is very disconcerting. I truly hope that an investigation is launched. It doesn't matter how much they paid for this incinerator--if it is unhealthy --it must be replaced with another method..
Paca, how much of a "Green" country is Monaco? Do the people recycle? Are there environmental education programs in the schools?
Recycling is just starting and no, I wouldn't call MC a "green" country. In comparison with Germany, France and MC are lightyears behind. As to the radioactive material, they claim that it might be coming from incinerating old beton, where it is apparently a natural constituent. (Boy am I glad that I am not living in one of those modern buildings, but in one dated from 1902 ;))
I don't know whether the environment is an issue in schools. I suppose these sort of topics are mainly up to the personal interest of the teachers. I have in my own little way started to make the children of our school get an interest in nature by planting a garden and teaching them about the impact on plants on us (they are only maternelle/kindergarden age, so very limited possibilities), but I hope it is a start and opening a little door for them. I know they are doing sth similar in MC, though on a much smaller scale and a lot less enthusiasm from the teaching staff, but that is only recent. The kids are very willing and wanting to learn, but when I assisted at one of their outings (it is located in a public playground), I had the impression that the teacher did not really want to be there. So in the end it was the gardener and me explaining things to the kids, while the teacher was busy scolding them for getting in the way etc. A shame really, because when we did our planting, the kids were really interested and even learned from their little gardening accidents (like planting upside down or even braking a plant). And most importantly: they were having lots of fun and if they had fun at this age, they might be taking that along with them later when they can do more then plant a tomatoe or courgette.
Monaco - Luxury Yacht Show Fights Global Warming

The world’s leading luxury yacht show in Monaco is to pay for 55 wind turbines in New Zealand - enough to generate power for 45,000 homes - making the event ’carbon neutral’.

I'm not sure how environmentally friendly 22,000 boats are :D but the wind turbines are a good start.

Edited because grammar matters :D
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This week we have an environment awareness week called Monacology. There is an article in todays paper which ends with the question of an anonymous person and the journalist as to when we are going to see some concrete decissions in MC.
paca said:
This week we have an environment awareness week called Monacology. There is an article in todays paper which ends with the question of an anonymous person and the journalist as to when we are going to see some concrete decissions in MC.

Just few questions Paca,

Were he supposed to take important decissions? did he promise them? what did his father do on this area? what kind of issues are more relevant for the citizens of Monaco?

Thanks in advance.
I would like to point out one thing:

If you're talking about Prince Albert's achievements and everything that doesn't go as fast and as perfect as we wish - then we all should be aware of the fact that Monaco is a well-going country with only little problems compared to others ( may it be finacially or others ) .
I know that Prince Albert declared in his speech last July that he wants to make of Monaco a place that comes close to some sort of ideal country.
He also pointed out that such work is a long way to go and needs the cooperation between each and everyone .
Even if everything works fine it is still a very difficult thing ( even with small Monaco ) to make this place ideal for everyone - and it is especially something that takes some time. I believe everyone who's contributing to this goal puts a lot of work, time and effort into it.
It is always easy to just be there, criticize and complain. This is what all people tend to do ( specially Germans ;):p ) But beeing responsable for the functioning of a whole country isn't something that just always flows ...
I'm sure Prince Albert meant what he said and that he's doing everything to achieve thngs - but step by step.
Finally, I know Monaco very well ever since I was a child. I know a lot of people who are very thankful to be able to live around there. It is not an ideal or all-perfect place - I guess no place on earth is.
Most people who live in or around Monaco have chosen to live there, they were not forced. To my knowledge everything is going just fine there which doesn't mean there are no problems - but problems are verywhere.
I live in Germany - Germany is a geat country and I love it . but it is lightyears away from being perfect - as is France, Italy, Britain, the States etc. ...
Due to its tiny size Monaco is kind of priviliged and it always was - but people shouldn't expect it to be ideally perfect by nature.
If you read the first page, you will see from his speech, what he promissed us. This thread is basically to see what he actually put into action. Since his work is mainly overshadowed by private news, I would just like to put these things apart a little, in order to see whether what he said last JUly were just words that sound good and look good on paper, or whether he really meant what he said. So far we haven't seen that much, possibly because he was too busy otherwise ;). But I hope after the summer holidays he will come back and finally start working on his agenda. There are some people here who would highly appreciate some major action from our dear PA :D.
sebastian said:
I'm sure Prince Albert meant what he said and that he's doing everything to achieve thngs - but step by step.
...I live in Germany - Germany is a geat country and I love it . but it is lightyears away from being perfect - as is France, Italy, Britain, the States etc. ...
Due to its tiny size Monaco is kind of priviliged and it always was - but people shouldn't expect it to be ideally perfect by nature.
Seb, when I was at the palace place last year, I believed every word of what he said and that it was his convictions. UNfortunetely over the last year he seems to have gotten lost on his way a little. HE went off with agood start, but after xmas he didn't seem to be that interested anymore and even seemed to step back on some things he had said before. Obviously being absent for the most part of this year, doesn't really help to push issues. But maybe he also didn't find the support he thought he might get. I am aware that there are old structures that need to be changed and that takes time. But there are also a lot of people here willing to work a long the lines of his speech, but with all the recent goings on and the lack of action from the government, I think he needs to do sth to get people motivated again. It is not enough to give one great speech and then wait for what will happen. You need to continuously push people, a little bit every day. See what they are willing to do and then get them interested in a goal a bit further. It is hard work and it takes time, but I am sure it can be very gratiging as well. ANd I truely wish that PA would keep motivating people, especially young people.

As to other countries not being perfect: none of their leaders have written idealism on their banners. BUt people also measure their leaders against their words and, unlike in MC, when they don't get what they have been promissed, they simply elect someone different. In Monaco you don't have that choice. Which is good, when you have a good leader, but can be desastrous, when he is not. Time will tell which category PA belongs to, and I will keep track of his doings.;)
True - so give it some time and try to see it all in Jack Johnsons's way every now and then .
Given recent revelations, it appears that he may have been too deeply distracted to get much done through this first half of the year. I think he needs to stay home more - less travel, more daily involvement in Monaco - could help on many levels.

Perhaps in his speech last year he set the bar to high for himself. I would like to see a copy of his speech at Amherst last weekend. Anyone see it yet?
OK all this talk about digging a little deeper into the facts,

I’ve done some investigating on my own. While I wholeheartedly agree with Paca that PA should stay home more and focus on his country and what he has promised to his people last July, to be fair I also agree with Sebastian who says he is following through on some of the things he talked about in his speech.

Here are just a few examples of sites I found which show his commitment to his word in projects completed or underway. I’ve put an exerpt from his speech by each promise.

“On the occasion of the 100 year celebration of the polar expeditions of my great great grandfather, Prince Albert I, this month I will accompany experts from W.W.F., the Oceanographic Museum and "A.I.E.A." on an exploratory mission to Spitzberg

Lessons will be drawn from our observations which should help us to better understand the reality of the climatic changes and their consequences."

We all followed this his trip and these boards and they accomplished what they set out to do.

“We must encourage exceptional education and develop existing networks so that Monaco becomes one of the world leaders on the financial markets.

I will encourage researchers, universities, entrepreneurs and , why not, American, Asian and European investors to set up business in our country.”

PA is supporting education in his country. His University just received their AMBA accreditiation, which is a big step (this is the same accreditation given to London Business School) From what I read the school has overcome many obstacles but over the past few years under a new President and PA’s support is developing into a very respectable institution.

“Even if the productions of the mind are essential, the development of physical activities is, in my view, just as important. Monaco is therefore also, and my role in this matter is a secret for no one, one of the Mecca's of contemporary sport. Sport is today indispensable to and in dissociable from the progress of any country. I am particularly and personally implicated in this activity.

We are also going to open a new centre for sport medicine: l'IMSS, l'Institut Monégasque des Sciences du Sport.”

Prince Albert is bringing an Olympic Training Center to his country. The association of the Olympic rings is a very respectable image to bring to Monaco and I would assume will also be a big inspiration to young people. It stands for something very good in this world. In this London article he also talks of his Insititue of Sports Medicine Monegasque, which could bring international Sports Medicine and Sports science interest to Monaco.

“This centre is a reflection of our determination to become a reference in this field in the same way as for those other health sectors in which we are already established, in particular in the Cardio–Thoracic centre and the Princess Grace hospital centre.”

I can’t find an article but I have read that this project is underway.

I also intend to ensure that Monaco ratifies the Kyoto Protocol as soon as possible.

I am the first to admit he needs to clean up his personal paparazzi driven life and focus on these things above and the many other programs he may have in the works. Heaven knows the people there need a leader they are proud of.

We’ll see in time if he follows through, but at least he appears to be trying to head in the right direction….

It just may not be visible because all we read about is his irresponsible personal life, hopefully this latest indicent will shake him enough to wake up and see how much potential he has in being a leader.
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But his actions need to be more than the grand gesture. It's the little things that count. For example, if you sign the Kyoto Protocol, clean up the environmental issues in your own nation first. If education in business and medicine is a priority, don't just make fixes on the university level in hopes of attracting foreign students, do it on the local level as well so that standards are constantly being raised across the board for the citizens of your country as well - and to do that means making sure that there is a thriving middle class.

Yeah, this criticism from an American -- and these are the exact same issues we can't get any leadership on either.
originally posted by Pinkylady1991
But his actions need to be more than the grand gesture. It's the little things that count. For example, if you sign the Kyoto Protocol, clean up the environmental issues in your own nation first. If education in business and medicine is a priority, don't just make fixes on the university level in hopes of attracting foreign students, do it on the local level as well so that standards are constantly being raised across the board for the citizens of your country as well - and to do that means making sure that there is a thriving middle class.

Yeah, this criticism from an American -- and these are the exact same issues we can't get any leadership on either.

Very Good points Pinky.

I was trying to point out that PA is at least trying to stay true to the words of his inaugural speech.

I guess we will see if he finishes what he started.

Like Sebastian said.... "step by step"
A journalist for a Monaco magazine is going to the European Council to complain about freedom of the press in Monaco, or lack of.

Apparently he claims he was given no reason for being fired but says it was for critizing PA and other situations in Monaco in the magazine.

PA called for greater transparency, it will be interesting to see how this is handled.

Anyone know about the Freedom of Press issues in Monaco?

Le syndicat des journalistes monégasques a également critiqué dans un communiqué le licenciement sans motif de M. Laurens, "à l'heure où la principauté fait son entrée au Conseil de l'Europe" et a adopté pour cela une nouvelle loi sur la liberté de la presse.
L'USM entend d'ailleurs porter "cette atteinte à la liberté de la presse" à la connaissance de la commission de suivi de l'assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l¹Europe, en visite à partir du 14 juin en principauté.
Can the palace sensor anything that is written in Monaco or is there freedom of the press like there is in the US? Anyone know?
Follow up:
here is part of the english translation from today's
I've posted the French link below.

"One month before the celebration, July 12, of the first birthday of its speech of advent, promising to make of Monaco "a model country", the prince Albert II is confronted with a sensitive file, with the day before of the inspection, as from Wednesday June 14, of the commission of follow-up of the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe, where Monaco required to enter. Didier Laurens, 47 years, editor of Monaco Hebdo, first weekly magazine on the Rock, was laid off at the end of May by the owner of the title, the real contractor Antonio Caroli. This one made play article 6 of the law the labour Monegasque, which authorizes the dismissal of an employee without it being justified.",1-0@2-3236,36-782928,0.html?xtor=RSS-3236

Paca, can you or anyone else shed some light on the issues here. It seems a little archaic that this would even be an issue these days.
Well, apparently the laws with regards to the press have not been changed yet. I sort of remember that already Rainier was starting to change bits and pieces, but nothing major. I know that the journalists were expecting major changes, but rumours spread much faster in Monaco then new laws. seeing that the owner of the paper is a realestate guy, I suppose that his interests do not lie within the freedom of the press, but instead of using the press. He might have found it convenient to have a journalist who would criticize Monaco and its government, so he could put some pressure on them for his own purposes (to keep enlarging the territory which PA in the very beginning said he did not really want to pursue, but from which hehas now retracted). I am speculating here, but it is not unheard of using the press this way. We don't need to go further then 50km from Monaco to the east and we can see how Berlusconi has used his media empire for his political purposes and vice versa.

They say in the article, that PA has nothing to do with this and that might even be true to a certain degree. The paper criticized one of the most influencial people in the government (and in Monaco, his wife runs the Grimaldi Forum, one of Monacos flagship to attract business tourists). I am sure there was a lot of goings on behind the scenes that we will never know about. Interesting though that the concerned person has not spoken out and not contested in any way.
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