Prince Andrew, Duke of York News and Events 8: Sep 2022 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Let’s get back to Prince Andrew’s current events, please.
I don't think Andrew needs such a large home he no longer has any royal duties; the girls are married they have their own homes and Sarah has a new home in London which she may move into. It's possible the King is restructuring the estate's while slimming down the family to save costs. We really don't know the state of the Queens finances when she passed it would have all been left to Charles and given the size of Balmore and Sandringham the upkeep would be enormous also there are other working family members he may be financially supporting.
I don't think Andrew needs such a large home he no longer has any royal duties; the girls are married they have their own homes and Sarah has a new home in London which she may move into. It's possible the King is restructuring the estate's while slimming down the family to save costs.
No, he doesn't need to live in such a large mansion but if he could afford to maintain it, he could probably stay there in accordance with his lease. It appears the problem has arisen due to Andrew's imminent loss of income from the monarch (as you say to save costs), which might prevent him from staffing and maintaining a property of 30 rooms and 100 acres.

Some people have queried why his sister Anne and brother Edward are able to live in grand properties if Andrew can't but Anne's estate is privately owned (a wedding gift) and the costs of maintaining it are partly or wholly offset by event hosting and farming. Edward's property is leased from the Crown Estates and he pays an annual rent to live there. Presumably, as both the Wessexes are working royals, unlike Andrew, they'll continue to receive an income from the king but I wouldn't be surprised to see them downsizing in future.
What a conundrum. For Andrew and Sarah, too.....So unnecessary too, had Andrew simply not kept reaching for the moon and expecting that "Mummy" would always be there to fix things.....

I keep thinking back in the days when Andrew and Sarah first married. The Queen and Philip were going to give them a "wedding gift" of a substantial House-Estate. As they had for Princess Ann and Mark when they married.

They however ultimately decided build a new mansion in 1987 in the Sunninghill area near Windsor. This WAS quite the house. 12 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms and 6 reception rooms, stables, tennis court, gardens and pool. Brand spanking new !

Its design however was mocked as looking to Americanized and laughingly called South York, after the Dallas TV Shows house called SouthFork.

Had Andrew been smart, not seeking a bigger, more prestigious trophy home like "Royal Lodge" and kept that House-Estate, he wouldn't be in the bind he is now. He owned it free and clear, as does Princess Anne own Gatcombe Park.

Why he was EVER allowed to let that Sunninghill Park basically rot away is a disgrace. That never should have been allowed to happen. In less than 20 years (!) it was a decrepit mess. The pictures on line don't lie. Built in 1987 and sold as a tear down in 2007. What shocking waste. Did Andrew even seem to care about that ? Nope, and in a dodgy deal sold it for 3 million OVER the asking price ! Nice !

Now, it appears that he is being forced out of Royal Lodge. Where he figured, according the lease he would have for life.
To an admittedly much less grand house. Not even a pool.
Everything downsized. Staff too. I'm wondering if there was a fulltime cook and maid staff at Royal Lodge. I'd bet yes.

So there is going to be BIG, BIG changes in Andrews lifestyle *IF* He does move into Frogmore. Allegedly too, Andrew quarters were in one wing, while Sarah's were in another.

Not being worked out behind the scenes either. Its ALL out in public, with talk shows salivating over it and many articles being written about it. That must be hard for such an entitled and arrogant jerk like Andrew to take.

Is karma paying a visit ? Or just Andrew's hubris finally did him in.....
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:previous: Great comments and I agree with all of them particularly regarding the huge waste that was Sunninghill Park.

Even so, I think Andrew has paid his karmic debt. He has been stripped of every worldly honor. He- along- with his Sussex nephew- are the only current members of the BRF to have put their physical lives at risk for their country...and yet denied the privilege of wearing their uniforms at the funeral of HMQ while others who hadn't lifted a military battle finger were encouraged to strut around in uniform.

I personally found it confusing. What did that actually accomplish practically speaking other than public humiliation?

Now he is being forced out of the home left to him by his grandmother which I suspect has been Charles' plan for years.

All of this because he was accused of a crime that he was never convicted of let alone proven to be true.

And because he is not a likeable personality.

So...what next after he is forced out of his home? What new humiliation needs to be visited upon Prince Andrew? When will enough be enough for his many detractors?:sad:
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Question, is he allowed to visit or move to the USA or, would he be placed under custody on the spot?

There is no any hindrance for the Duke of York to travel to the USA.
The agreement with Ms Giuffre means there is no case anymore for Justice.
Now he is being forced out of the home left to him by his grandmother which I suspect has been Charles' plan for years.

I've edited my post as I was muddled up as to which thread I was in!
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Why he was EVER allowed to let that Sunninghill Park basically rot away is a disgrace. That never should have been allowed to happen. In less than 20 years (!) it was a decrepit mess. The pictures on line don't lie. Built in 1987 and sold as a tear down in 2007. What shocking waste. Did Andrew even seem to care about that ? Nope, and in a dodgy deal sold it for 3 million OVER the asking price ! Nice !

I've never understood what the problem was with Sunninghill?
Yes, the design was widely criticized, but surely Andrew approved that design before it was built?
Now he is being forced out of the home left to him by his grandmother which I suspect has been Charles' plan for years.

I hate to let facts get in the way, but Andrew was not left Royal Lodge by his grandmother. His grandmother had it as as grace and favour home, by virtue of her being the dowager Queen. Andrew (or the Queen, on his behalf) paid for the lease on Royal Lodge in an arms length transaction.
I've never understood what the problem was with Sunninghill?
Yes, the design was widely criticized, but surely Andrew approved that design before it was built?

I think once Royal Lodge became available, Andrew preferred to live there rather than Sunninghill. It was a much more grand house that Sunninghill Park, with history, and within the confines of Windsor Great Park.

Also, if I am not mistaken, the lease on Royal Lodge, along with the cost of refurbishing it cost Andrew £7-8m, and he sold Sunninghill Park for £15m, giving him a nice nest egg. Some of those funds could have been used towards the ski chalet many years later.
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I hate to let facts get in the way, but Andrew was not left Royal Lodge by his grandmother. His grandmother had it as as grace and favour home, by virtue of her being the dowager Queen. Andrew (or the Queen, on his behalf) paid for the lease on Royal Lodge in an arms length transaction.

Thank you Muriel, I am not sure if all the posters fully appreciate the situation with royal homes. What is owned by the monarch, what is crown estate, there is a difference.

Once again lazy reporters state homes and sometimes jewellery as being left to somebody. That is not how it works.
There has been no confirmation that Andrew has been asked to move, only rumours. His mother made a payment to him to subsidise his lifestyle, if the King should withdraw that well he might need to move.

If he cannot afford to run it he might need to leave, and that has nothing to do with his past.

I remember posting quite a while ago , cannot recall which thread that I thought William wanted Royal Lodge and I was shot down. Lets see what happens.

The truth is Andrew is the brother of the King and just the son of the Late Queen.
I hate to let facts get in the way, but Andrew was not left Royal Lodge by his grandmother. His grandmother had it as as grace and favour home, by virtue of her being the dowager Queen. Andrew (or the Queen, on his behalf) paid for the lease on Royal Lodge in an arms length transaction. are saying that when his grandmother died it was more like Andrew just out of the wild blue yonder decided that Royal Lodge was right up his alley?:cool:

And since it's a grace and favor property why is it reported everywhere except Architectural Digest that the late queen wanted him to take over the lease when she died? How did her name come into the story at all?

Wasn't she living at Clarence House when she died?

ETA: Hallo girl, I bet my next month Sephora budget that William wants RL for himself...and that he will get it.
Last edited: are saying that when his grandmother died it was more like Andrew just out of the wild blue yonder decided that Royal Lodge was right up his alley?:cool:

And since it's a grace and favor property why is it reported everywhere except Architectural Digest that the late queen wanted him to take over the lease when she died? How did her name come into the story at all?

Wasn't she living at Clarence House when she died?

I believe she died at Royal Lodge, but yes she did have a home at Clarence House. You have actually said it yourself , take over the lease....... The Queen Mother did not own therefore could not leave it to him. And maybe she did want him to live there, the Duke of York connection etc, I have no idea , but you can only leave what you own.
The whole Andrew situation is SO bizarre to me. Wasn't he made to agree and understand that Royal Lodge would be his ( and if his daughters wanted) for the full 75 year lease ? He signed the lease in 2003 or 2004. Poured millions into it and has lived there for nearly 20 years.

Andrew, his financial advisors AND The Queen HAD to have had a plan in mind regarding Andrew's housing. A 75 year lease seems "long term" to me. One that The Queen, Philip, Charles and Andrew would have known ALL the stipulations to. And Elizabeth making sure whatever financing needed thru trusts was in place. Royal Lodge was her childhood County Home, so it must have had a special place in her heart

I can't believe that She would have thought Andrew would get tossed out of there months after her death. Again, I loath him, but the optics and speed seem dark to me. It is assumed that Andrew inherited millions, why the ABSOLUTE rush now to get him out ? He surely has the needed assets to pay in the short term, a few years anyway and decide where he would like to go. Maybe Frogmore Cottage isn't to his liking anyway.

And that William *supposedly* wants it. Or that William would say, "to bad Uncle Andrew I WANT your home, for my family now" . Basically get out.
Geez, it sounds so very Game of Thrones. And dysfunctional.
Just what Harry keeps alleging about The Windsors. I hate that.

I'm in total agreement with the termination of the lease for the Sussex's and Frogmore. But totally baffled about The Royal Lodge situation. I hope Charles isn't reneging on agreements with his siblings, that THEY THOUGHT were in place. Like this and the Duke of Edinburgh Title.

We shall see......

And what does this mean for Edward and Sophie's lease ? If say William in 20 years hypothetically decides he wants it for Charlotte or Louis ?
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And since it's a grace and favor property why is it reported everywhere except Architectural Digest that the late queen wanted him to take over the lease when she died? How did her name come into the story at all?

Wasn't she living at Clarence House when she died?

It may well be that the Queen Mother, or indeed, QE2, wanted Andrew to take over Royal Lodge. But he certainly did not inherit the property. He had to acquire the lease on an arms length transaction.
At the time of her death, QEQMs homes included Clarence House and Royal Lodge, both of which were grace and favour homes, Birkhall (owned privately by QE2) and the Castle of Mey, owned by QEQM herself.

ETA: Hallo girl, I bet my next month Sephora budget that William wants RL for himself...and that he will get it.
Should Andrew not be using it, I am perfectly happy with William taking on Royal Lodge. I see nothing wrong with it. That said, I believe he will probably move into Windsor Castle in the not too distant future.
I'm in total agreement with the termination of the lease for the Sussex's and Frogmore. But totally baffled about The Royal Lodge situation. I hope Charles isn't reneging on agreements with his siblings, that THEY THOUGHT were in place. Like this and the Duke of Edinburgh Title.

We shall see......

And what does this mean for Edward and Sophie's lease ? If say William in 20 years hypothetically decides he wants it for Charlotte or Louis ?

I mean that sounds exactly what is going on. And frankly, the minor royals should make note of it. Nothing is guaranteed. Whatever was promised by one can be ignored by the other. We are literally seeing it play out now.

All I am hearing from the royal media (and it of course speculation) is that Andrew can very well stay put. His mother set him up to be able to stay where he is. She set ALL her children up well.

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The whole Andrew situation is SO bizarre to me. Wasn't he made to agree and understand that Royal Lodge would be his ( and if his daughters wanted) for the full 75 year lease ? He signed the lease in 2003 or 2004. Poured millions into it and has lived there for nearly 20 years.

Andrew, his financial advisors AND The Queen HAD to have had a plan in mind regarding Andrew's housing. A 75 year lease seems "long term" to me. One that The Queen, Philip, Charles and Andrew would have known ALL the stipulations to. And Elizabeth making sure whatever financing needed thru trusts was in place. Royal Lodge was her childhood County Home, so it must have had a special place in her heart

I can't believe that She would have thought Andrew would get tossed out of there months after her death. Again, I loath him, but the optics and speed seem dark to me. It is assumed that Andrew inherited millions, why the ABSOLUTE rush now to get him out ? He surely has the needed assets to pay in the short term, a few years anyway and decide where he would like to go. Maybe Frogmore Cottage isn't to his liking anyway.

And that William *supposedly* wants it. Or that William would say, "to bad Uncle Andrew I WANT your home, for my family now" . Basically get out.
Geez, it sounds so very Game of Thrones. And dysfunctional.
Just what Harry keeps alleging about The Windsors. I hate that.

I'm in total agreement with the termination of the lease for the Sussex's and Frogmore. But totally baffled about The Royal Lodge situation. I hope Charles isn't reneging on agreements with his siblings, that THEY THOUGHT were in place. Like this and the Duke of Edinburgh Title.

We shall see......

And what does this mean for Edward and Sophie's lease ? If say William in 20 years hypothetically decides he wants it for Charlotte or Louis ?

Some thoughts:

> Firstly, I do not believe any of us know the facts here as to whether Andrew has been asked to vacate Royal Lodge or not, and if so, why he may have been able to vacate Royal Lodge.

> As regards finances, it may well be that, given his reduced financial circumstances, Andrew may well choose to use any allowance he receives from Charles to finance his lifestyle as opposed to paying for the upkeep of Royal Lodge.

> There is also the possibility that Andrew is just as bad as Sarah with money, and does not recognise the financial problems. In that case, it is entirely possible that Charles is urging Andrew to do the sensible thing, downsize, and live out his days comfortably at Frogmore Cottage on an allowance provided by Charles. Andrew may well be resistant, as he does not recognise the problem as such. These decisions are never easy.

> If he moves to FC, he can continue to use the horses and stables at Windsor, and use the pool there.
The whole Andrew situation is SO bizarre to me. Wasn't he made to agree and understand that Royal Lodge would be his ( and if his daughters wanted) for the full 75 year lease ? He signed the lease in 2003 or 2004. Poured millions into it and has lived there for nearly 20 years.

Andrew, his financial advisors AND The Queen HAD to have had a plan in mind regarding Andrew's housing. A 75 year lease seems "long term" to me. One that The Queen, Philip, Charles and Andrew would have known ALL the stipulations to. And Elizabeth making sure whatever financing needed thru trusts was in place. Royal Lodge was her childhood County Home, so it must have had a special place in her heart

I can't believe that She would have thought Andrew would get tossed out of there months after her death. Again, I loath him, but the optics and speed seem dark to me. It is assumed that Andrew inherited millions, why the ABSOLUTE rush now to get him out ? He surely has the needed assets to pay in the short term, a few years anyway and decide where he would like to go. Maybe Frogmore Cottage isn't to his liking anyway.

And that William *supposedly* wants it. Or that William would say, "to bad Uncle Andrew I WANT your home, for my family now" . Basically get out.
Geez, it sounds so very Game of Thrones. And dysfunctional.
Just what Harry keeps alleging about The Windsors. I hate that.

I'm in total agreement with the termination of the lease for the Sussex's and Frogmore. But totally baffled about The Royal Lodge situation. I hope Charles isn't reneging on agreements with his siblings, that THEY THOUGHT were in place. Like this and the Duke of Edinburgh Title.

We shall see......

And what does this mean for Edward and Sophie's lease ? If say William in 20 years hypothetically decides he wants it for Charlotte or Louis ?

You have so brilliantly summed up my feelings on this matter that sending a "Thank you" doesn't seem sufficient- even though I did that as well.;)

There is no way anyone can persuade me that this would be happening if the Epstein debacle hadn't happened first.

If RL is "too big" for Andrew now that he has four very young grandchildren, why was it not too large for him back in 2003 when he only had two teenagers who were away at school much of the time?

His stupidity and arrogance, as well as his unpopularity gives Charles and whomever else the justification needed to make this "cost cutting" meaure a reality.

The operative word is indeed DARK and as much as I believe Harry is spoilt entitled, and economical with facts, his allegations about his dysfunctional birth family and how they operate are starting to have the ring of truth.

I believe Harry now.

ETA: Before the inevitable pack comes braying at me for "proof", please understand that these are my opinions based on what I see coming to pass with my own eyes.
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I mean that sounds exactly what is going on. And frankly, the minor royals should make note of it. Nothing is guaranteed. Whatever was promised by one can be ignored by the other. We are literally seeing it play out now.

All I am hearing from the royal media (and it of course speculation) is that Andrew can very well stay put. His mother set him up to be able to stay where he is. She set ALL her children up well.

Seems Charles and William want his home for the Wales family but they can't force Andrew out. I also don't see him willingly going either.

When the Duke of York is not able to pay for the utilities, the maintenance and the upkeep of Royal Lodge as agreed in the lease contract, then it stops. 75 year lease or not 75 year lease: he possibly can no longer meet the conditions.

There is a sort of myth about the wealth of the British royal family. Simply count how many children and furtherer descendants Victoria, Edward VII, George V, George VI and Elizabeth II have had. Any supposed private fortune is very much watered down.

If William and Harry got a trust fund from their grandmother, we may assume this happened to the Phillips, the York and the Wessex grandchildren as well. In any way the private fortune of late Queen, of her 4 children and her 6 grandchildren, are not without limits.
Time for a reminder that rampant speculation, such as we are beginning to see on this thread is against forum rules. I have edited some posts, but further speculation about what individual members of the royal family think, want, intend, feel, etc. will be deleted.

In addition, to the best of our knowledge, at this point much of what is being reported in the press has not been confirmed, so please keep that in mind.
When the Duke of York is not able to pay for the utilities, the maintenance and the upkeep of Royal Lodge as agreed in the lease contract, then it stops. 75 year lease or not 75 year lease: he possibly can no longer meet the conditions.

There is a sort of myth about the wealth of the British royal family. Simply count how many children and furtherer descendants Victoria, Edward VII, George V, George VI and Elizabeth II have had. Any supposed private fortune is very much watered down.

If William and Harry got a trust fund from their grandmother, we may assume this happened to the Phillips, the York and the Wessex grandchildren as well. In any way the private fortune of late Queen, of her 4 children and her 6 grandchildren, are not without limits.

If that is the case then sure.... but is it? Or is it a case of Charles wanting Andrew out because he does not want him there? We may never know but it is clear many have a suspicion of the motive. I mean where was all this concern last year?

The housing situation just is a fascinating one because no matter what happens there will be empty ones and upkeep needed.
Why would Charles want Andre out? He may well feel that the house is too big and expensive for one person to use and pay for.. and he may be trying to persuade Andrew to move to another smaller house, but we have no evidence what income Andrew has or if he's able to pay for his expenses at RL for the rest of his life. IN any case, ANdrew has to live somwerhe, and RL is his home and as good a place as any.
Why would Charles want Andre out? He may well feel that the house is too big and expensive for one person to use and pay for.. and he may be trying to persuade Andrew to move to another smaller house, but we have no evidence what income Andrew has or if he's able to pay for his expenses at RL for the rest of his life. IN any case, ANdrew has to live somwerhe, and RL is his home and as good a place as any.

It is documented that the Yorks have had financial limits, see their chalet in Verbier, see the rumoured sum he would have received to pay for Ms Giuffre.

We can not rule out that the millions the Duke had to pay, plus the diminishion of his income had to make him himself requesting his brother for more affordable accommodation.

Probably the Royal Estate or the King thought about that unused but wonderfully refurbished Frogmore Cottage and concluded it would be perfect: at Windsor Great Park, with security and near the royal family.
The only real facts we know are that Frogmore Cottage will soon be vacant. In regards to Andrew and Royal Lodge all we have are unconfirmed rumours and speculation.

An interesting bit of fact I did pick up in amidst all the rumours and speculation - Royal Lodge is accessible to the public more so than Frogmore Cottage and thus requires its own policing and security in a way Frogmore doesn't. If Charles is taking on Andrew's security costs looking at a way to reduce those - by putting him in a house which is inside an existing security cordon rather than one of its own, would make some sense.
Prince Andrew, Duke of York Current Events 7: February 2015

Good afternoon- My question in all this is didn’t King Charles state a while ago he didn’t want to live at BP or Windsor. He wants to stay at Highgrove/Clarence House.?? Maybe he just wants to use the palaces as business only not for living in??? Then moving the PoW family to RL would be more comfy situation for the next few years.
I’m from the USA so not 100% sure.
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Good afternoon- My question in all this is didn’t King Charles state a while ago he didn’t want to live at BP or Windsor. He wants to stay at Highgrove/Clarence House.?? Maybe he just wants to use the palaces as business only not for living in??? Then moving the PoW family to RL would be more comfy situation for the next few years.
I’m from the USA so not 100% sure.

Buck Pal is being repaired, and wont be fully available for years, it seems. And if Charles does not want to live at Windsor, its going to be empty.
Buck Pal is being repaired, and wont be fully available for years, it seems. And if Charles does not want to live at Windsor, its going to be empty.

But, Windsor Castle is open to the public and is quite popular with visitors. We tried to visit a couple of years ago, but the queue was endless, so we decided not to go.
Somewhere it was written that Charles is thinking about opening more rooms of the castle for the public.
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