Prince Andrew, Duke of York News and Events 8: Sep 2022 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
What I don't understand is why Andrew is so stubborn, he has the offer to move into Frogmore Cottage which is still a large property on the estate. it is just him and Fergie who are living there, no representative duties or entertaining. Why didn't he agree to the offer? I wonder anyway how he has been spending his life since he was cut off of his official duties and business deals. He sure must be bored, just riding everyday cannot be his aim in life.

Maybe because it is his house for many years to come, and leaving it is nonsense to him. He can leave, maybe he simply doesn’t want to for countless reasons. Maybe he loves the place, he has countless memories there, who knows. It’s not all about money.
Daily Mail have got that article wrong ������! Prince Andrew is riding a black/ dark bay horse, definitely NOT a chestnut ������.
The Duke of York at Windsor today, October 14:

** dailymail article **

He surely can enjoy his daily rides in Windsor Park, nobody will take that away from him, but he should look into his financial income and just see that this big residence with more than 30 rooms which needs lots of maintenance and repairing cost is just too large for a single man.
I think that he, in contrast to Charles, hasn't understood yet that the old times with the Queen as regent are over. Charles has the responsibility to look into their financial affairs planning for the future and showing responsibilties to reduce costs .Otherwise many people in GB will not understand how much money is being spent on expensive residences that are not really necessary.
Will, Kate and family are a good example IMO. They moved to the much smaller Adelaide Cottage and have a family of 5!
What a contrast to old Andrew living in Royal Lodge.
I am afraid he doesn't have the intellect and humbleness to understand that times have changed.
His beloved mother who has always protected him is not there anymore.
TBF his siblings all live in large houses - Bagshot is larger than Royal Lodge, Anne's Gatcombe Park is probably the smallest, the large conservatory / garden room at the side makes it look much bigger than it really is. IF Andrew can afford Royal Lodge out of his own funds I'm not that fussed about him staying - W&C wouldn't move in now IMO and its such a large residence finding someone else (suitable) to rent it would be pretty tricky I imagine. Andrew may as well be the one paying rent for it as anyone else, as much as I don't like him.

Hmm I'd love to agree about the Wales being a good example but they have more than one property so its not an exact comparison - KP Apartment 1A, Adelaide Cottage and Anmer Hall .
How sad that there’s still paps taking pictures of him riding all the times as if it were revolutionary news to tell the world. Leave him alone.

Indeed - I’m surprised more isn’t said of Andrew’s living arrangements, if they have to report on him. He was offered Frogmore but I believe he would be entitled to part reimbursement of the costs of the renovation undertaken at his expense in the 2000’s if he vacates Royal Lodge before August 2028.

He surely can enjoy his daily rides in Windsor Park, nobody will take that away from him, but he should look into his financial income and just see that this big residence with more than 30 rooms which needs lots of maintenance and repairing cost is just too large for a single man.
I think that he, in contrast to Charles, hasn't understood yet that the old times with the Queen as regent are over. Charles has the responsibility to look into their financial affairs planning for the future and showing responsibilties to reduce costs .Otherwise many people in GB will not understand how much money is being spent on expensive residences that are not really necessary.
Will, Kate and family are a good example IMO. They moved to the much smaller Adelaide Cottage and have a family of 5!
What a contrast to old Andrew living in Royal Lodge.
I am afraid he doesn't have the intellect and humbleness to understand that times have changed.
His beloved mother who has always protected him is not there anymore.

I do wonder if the likely public outrage over the legally binding agreement for reimbursement is the reason Charles hasn’t pushed harder for him to vacate.
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Well he has retained his shooting privileges at Windsor, without them it's doubtful he would maintain his social life.

Either way, Charles is in a difficult position regarding Andrew
Do you think that Prince Andrew will write a book?
If Prince Andrew could write a book about pleasant memories with Queen Elizabeth II, would that be an acceptable book?
Well, during the pandemic he was pictured packing relief supplies and the public outcry (read: DM outrage) was such that he had to stop, as if somehow the food parcels were contaminated by his very touch. At the moment, there is literally nothing the man can do that won't cause the DM to lose its mind and rehash absolutely every salacious detail, no matter how factual. He has been tried, found guilty, and condemned in the court of public opinion and there is no going back. The fact that there was insufficient evidence in two countries to bring to trial is irrelevant.
Now "friends of the King" are talking to the Times about the matter.

It seems Andrew is still stubborn. There is absolutely no reason for him to have such a large expansive property like the Royal Lodge. He is alone (or with Fergie), the girls are grown and out of the house, also Frogmore is still a large property.
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