Prince Daniel, Current Events Part 3: August 2018-

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Prince Daniel and Minister for Finance Magdalena Andersson participate in a film that will give Sweden more entrepreneurs.
In the film, entrepreneurs share their experiences in a talk show led by the YouTuber Hampus Hedström with Prince Daniel as assistant.
The campaign takes place within the framework of the Prince Daniel's Fellowship, an initiative run by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in collaboration with Prince Daniel.
Prins Daniel och Magdalena Andersson (s) kampanjar - Dagens opinion

This is how the prince and the minister will get more people to become entrepreneurs
Så ska prinsen och ministern få fler att bli företagare _ Tidningen Näringslivet

The hope is to reach a large number of young people between the ages of 16 and 22.
A fun and unexpected jump start on Prince Daniel's own debut as a royal youtuber.
Prins Daniels möte med influensern Therése Lindgren _*Svensk Dam

Tips for entrepreneurs! Handelsbanken is a proud partner of the Prince Daniel's Fellowship. Have you considered starting your own business or do you know someone who should take the step? Check out Entreprenörspeppet 2021 with Prince Daniel's Fellowship - a newly released youtube episode with pepper and inspiration for you who are eager to try entrepreneurship! In the section, we get to meet top entrepreneurs, influencers and other well-known faces who share their experiences of entrepreneurship, and about daring to take the step.
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Daniel had today a digital meeting with the mentees in Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its Entrepreneurial programme.
Daniel delivered yesterday Heart-Lung Foundation's major research grant to lung researcher professor Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson at the Bernadotte Library at the Royal Palace. The grant is SEK 15 millon, distributed to three years. Daniel is the honorary chairman of the Heart-Lung Foundation and has delivered the grants since 2012.

Court Facebook

Daniel attended today a digital board meeting for Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its entrepreneurial programme.

Daniel at the delivery of Heart-Lung Foundation's major research grant, 9th June.
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Prince Daniel's Fellowship published at its Youtube these videos of Daniel at Prince Daniel's Fellowship's Entreprenörspeppet 2021 on 25th May.
Daniel talking first with Hampus Hedström, and then Daniel, Hampus Hedström and the Minister for Finance Magdalena Andersson talking
Daniel, Pär Svärdsson, Elsa Bernadotte and Hampus Hedström talking
Daniel, Therése Lindgren and Hampus Hedström talking
A very long and good article with good photos and videos at Aftonbladet's Sportsbladet about Daniel's visit to IFK Viksjö in Järfälla on 9th June. He spoke also about Estelle and Oscar.
Parts of the article

Prince Daniel: I want the children to experience it
Worried and frightened by the crisis for the sports movement
Before Prince Daniel got into the Volvo with the tinted windows to roll towards Järfälla, the Duke of Skåne wanted some attention.
- We have a wooden goal on the plot at home and Oscar wanted to stand in the goal and said "shoot high dad!". You enjoy of that, says Daniel.
Now we are in Viksjö to look at the joy of sports but also because Daniel is genuinely worried.
Actually, we should probably all panic.
Now the sports movement is gathering strength to attract back the children and young people who were also locked out during the pandemic.
Daniel spoke about Generation Pep's Pep Report. Only two out of ten children between the ages of four and seventeen reached the recommended amount of physical activity by 2020, and only one in ten children live a healthy diet and exercise. Daniel says that it is incredibly worrying and frightening that it is so bad, he was almost prepared that it would be bad with the diet but it was more surprising that only two out of ten move enough. There will be consequences.
When Daniel was young, he played ice hockey, football, basketball, floorball and rode motocross. In his teens, ice hockey became most important when he changed clubs to be able to invest more in hockey.
- We didn't even have an artificially frozen ice rink at home in Ockelbo and I preferred to train every day. But no, it was too cold or too hot and the ice had melted or it had snowed too much. But when I was 16 years old, I switched to another team that was 45 minutes by car from home. 16.15 the bus went to Sandviken, then I waited 45 minutes in Sandviken on the bus to Hofors and then it was one or two hours until the training started when I arrived. I had 95 training sessions the first season and probably had to take a bus to 85 of them. So I did it for five or six years, I went at 16.15 and came home at 21, 22 or 23. I was done in and my talent was not really enough for that venture.
When the motivation for an elite investment no longer existed, Daniel left club sports completely.
Daniel thinks back to a visit he and Victoria made at the beginning of their marriage.
- There they had the hall open and it was floorball in one corner, ping pong in one and then maybe some jumped skipping ropes. The leaders were not there to coach but only because there would be adults in the room. I have thought about that often, why don't you see it anymore?
Daniel has also found padel, which is very popular nowadays. He tells he tries to play it a couple of times a week.
Daniel is asked why padel is so popular? Daniel thinks it is accessibility, which is the wrong word because it is inaccessible, but once you have a time, it is very easy to have fun. He had his friends from Ockelbo here two years ago and then Daniel had played once or twice, someone once and someone not at all. But after they played a first ball, it was longer than any ball they would have managed to achieve all day on the tennis court next door. They didn't even know how to run in padel but they had so much fun.
While talking with the girls in Viksjö, Daniel tells about the football match with Oscar before the car went towards Järfälla. When Daniel described how he enjoyed the match, one of the girls fills in: "It's fun until the children start winning over one".
Yes, says Daniel, and they have already started running faster than him. But you have to take it. It's a little fun too, maybe.
Someone asks if Estelle and Oscar play football? Daniel says that Oscar goes to football school, but Estelle is a basketball girl. She preferred it but she is only nine years old so there is time. It seems like you can keep up with football for a long time.
Estelle and Oscar are only nine and five years old, but during the pandemic, Estelle began her journey in the Swedish sports triangle. Daniel tells with enthusiasm:
- I would like my children to experience winning together with others in a team. The feeling when you get off the field and have won and fought. That you may have a little pain but that it is still just joy. Or that you pat each other after a loss and think that "now, we should train harder so that we can take them next time". This is what you really want the children to experience. But on their terms.
How involved Daniel is in his children's sports?
- I am involved as a parent, drive and line up. Now they have not started with matches yet, or Estelle has played two basketball matches but then no parents were allowed in the hall, but otherwise I am there and trying to encourage.
What was it like not being allowed to enter the hall?
- It was incredibly boring. It's really one of the highlights of the weekend when you can follow training and see how they develop and fight. You get happy if they want the ball, because it is always the case in sports that it is different what character you have. But you hope that the children will take care of themselves and have fun.
Daniel has a penalty shootout with the girls.
It is well past nine in the evening before Daniel leaves the football field in Viksjö. Despite this, he testifies to an inner motivation that means that it may be 20 minutes in the gym before it is bedtime this Wednesday night.
Prins Daniel om krisen för svensk idrott • 1 av 10 barn når målet

Swedish sport has its own climate problem. We are aiming for the top, we are talking about academies and elite investment, but perhaps we should look towards the very foundation of everything.
Fewer and fewer move, more and more stop.
Do we not see that the ice is about to melt?
When Sportbladet's Patrik Brenning interviews Prince Daniel, the conversation is about something as old-fashioned and urgent as class. A prince at Haga Palace reasonably reasoned about the class perspective - how is it even possible that sports or politicians can not do it then?
Simon Bank om krisen för svensk idrott

Jonna Sima, editorial writer and assistant editor in chief of Aftonbladet at her Twitter
"Just the fact that Prince Daniel constantly has the class perspective in his reasoning about health is very nice to see. "Screen time is one obstacle, socio-economics another ... We must remove all those obstacles so that there are equal conditions for all."
"Hard not to like Ockelbo's son Prince Daniel, and especially his involvement in young people's sports and health. Another brilliant article by

Waldheim Public Affairs Officer at @svenskfotboll at Twitter
"Fantastically good that Prince Daniel uses his unique platform to promote movement and physical activity. And fun that football got to be involved in the form of @fotbollforbund and the awesome association # IFKViksjö.

A very fine reportage with Prince Daniel at IFK Viksjö by @PatrikBrenning. The report highlights many important aspects.

The Royal Court at its Facebook
"I was born -73 and when we grew up it was not cool to have a helmet on the slalom slope. It was stopped as soon as you got it, and you absolutely did not have a bicycle helmet or back protection. But there has been a shift in standards and we need to do that in other areas as well. " - Prince Daniel
Today, a major interview is published in Sportbladet with Prince Daniel. In the interview, which was conducted during a visit to IFK Viksjö, the Prince talks about the need to break the sedentary lifestyle and give all children the opportunity to move.

Photos from 9th June at Facebook of IFK Viksjö

Very good interview/reportage of Daniel and great to see the court also highlighting it.
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Daniel spoke today at the digital police graduation ceremony.
He said among other things:
"A large part of your training time has come during a very special time in our country's history.
The pandemic has affected us all. Differently. But while many have been able to close the door and work from home, your colleagues are among those who have been out in the community just as usual.
Because that's the task you are now taking on."
Prins Daniel talade vid digital polisexamensceremoni - Sveriges Kungahus
The speech
H.K.H. Prins Daniels tal vid polisexamenceremoni, den 18 juni 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus
More about Daniel's interview and visit to IFK Viksjö women's football team

In an interview with Aftonbladet, Daniel comments on the annual report from the Crown Princess couple's organization Generation Pep, which works for children and young people's health. It shows that only two out of ten children between the ages of four and seventeen reached the recommended amount of physical activity - and only one in ten children live a healthy diet and exercise.
Daniel says he wants to see a shift in norms in society where children learn to eat better and move more. For that to happen, role models are needed. Therefore, the Swedish national team, just like Cristiano Ronaldo, should have dissed the soft drink and pizza.
Svenska landslaget borde dissa pizzan och Coca-Cola

As a trained fitness trainer, Prince Daniel knows only too well how important physical exercise is. Therefore, he is more than shocked by the fitness level of Swedish children.
Prinz Daniel sorgt sich um die Gesundheit schwedischer Kinder _
Daniel inaugurated this morning in Sweden's Television's children's program "Sommarlov" (Summer Holiday) the program's "movement-movement".
This year's theme in SVT's summer holiday program is movement, with the message "All movement counts". Due to Daniel's great commitment to the issue, he had the great honor of inaugurating the movement theme in today's program.
Prins Daniel i Sommarlov - Sveriges Kungahus

Unfortunately, the program can be seen only in Sweden.
Sommarlov – Idag 02_00 _ SVT Play

Photos from SVT's Facebook and Instagram

Photos at court Facebook

Daniel's speech, he said among other things:
"I am very happy to be here in Malmö today and to be involved in starting Sommarlov's movement-movement.
It is so important that we move."
H.K.H. Prins Daniels tal vid invigningen av SVT Sommarlovs _rörelse-rörelse_, Malmö, den 21 juni 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

Daniel is a guest on Summer Holiday on SVT. What a surprise for Estelle and Oscar - when Dad shows up in his favorite TV show!
Daniel has done something that will make him immensely popular with all children who have just gone on holiday and started following SVT's children's program Sommarlov. In the latest episode, there will be a royal visit to Malmö when the host Alexander 'Alex' Hermansson calls Daniel and asks him to take part in Sommarlov's movement challenge. The purpose of the challenge is to get all children who follow Sommarlov to get more active and the editors have chosen to call the challenge "Movement-movement".
- If it now works with the prince's other plans ?, Alex asks over the phone?
- I stand here changed and on my way, but the health of children and young people is the most important thing I know, Daniel answers in a white tie.
And he is not difficult to persuade.
- Do you know Alex? I'm coming!
Prins Daniel överraskar! Dyker plötsligt upp i SVT_s populära barnprogram _*Svensk Dam

Video of Daniel's inauguration
Prins Daniel med i Sommarlov och cyklade på bakhjulet

Tv-bilderna på prins Daniel väcker reaktioner_ _Mest otippat hittills_ _*Svensk Dam
Starka reaktioner efter Daniels beslut – prinsens markering i SVT

Alexander Hermansson, one of the hosts at Sommarlov, was at Generation Pep's "Årets Peppare" prize's Jury in some years.

A lot of very positive comments in social media about Daniel's participation in "Sommarlov" (..)

Videos of Daniel at SVT's "Sommarlov"
Fantastic video of Daniel's dance moves

Video of Daniel's speech

The day began with the host Alexander Hermansson calling Prince Daniel. Then the prince suddenly came cycling in on the rear wheel to the filming location.
With him was a "movement flea" that will give the children various stimulating movement tasks.
It is common knowledge that the prince is interested in exercise - the choice to invite him to Sommarlov therefore became obvious, according to SVT.
- It could be that you cycle to the beach instead of taking the bus or that you dance or jump, says Prince Daniel.
MALMÖ_ Prins Daniel inviger SVT_s Sommarlov

Daniel told the presenters that Estelle and Oscar also exercise a lot. "We often go into the woods and they do a lot of sports. They are often also playing in our garden."
During the broadcast, Daniel also had to move. He was instructed to cycle on only the rear wheel. "I used to be able to do that, but I don't know if I can do that now," he said. Daniel gave it a try anyway, and much to the entertainment of the presenters, he managed to pull it off unscathed.
Movement is an important theme for Daniel. Together with Victoria, he founded the Generation Pep foundation. It is committed to healthier children and young adults. Last week, Daniel said in an interview with Aftonbladet newspaper that he was still shocked by a recently published investigation. This showed that only two in ten children in Sweden get enough exercise.
Prins Daniel te gast in Zweeds kinderprogramma - Blauw Bloed

Prins Daniel i hopla på morgen-tv _ BILLED-BLADET

Daniel cycling at the program

Program's host Alexander Hermansson at his Instagram yesterday
"Today, Prince Daniel himself is visiting Sommarlov! He inaugurated our theme "All movement counts" which is about getting children to move Powerful and important!"
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Prince Daniel has an ability to handle all kinds of people and situations.
It does not matter who the sympathetic royalty meets, he has an ability to make people relax while he himself is choice-free and always himself.
When Prince Daniel recently participated in SVT's children's program "Sommarlov", the royalty was a success again and of course he greeted his beloved children.
Prins Daniels överraskande utspel i tv - Allt om kungligt
Daniel inaugurated today the art gallery Liljevalchs new extension Liljevalchs+.
Image - Free Image Hosting - View Image
Image - Free Image Hosting - View Image

Court website:
Daniel inaugurated Liljevalchs+, a newly built extension to Liljevalchs art gallery.
He said at his speech among other things:
"Liljevalchs has received an extension. It is a complement, but also an art gallery in its own right. Thanks to it, even more people can now take part in Liljevalchs, see a larger number of exhibitions and simply experience more art. It rhymes well with it. pervasive idea behind the offer at Royal Djurgården: an abundance of nature and culture that should be open and accessible to as many people as possible."
Daniel got a tour of the new premises and the exhibition with the art gallery manager, designer Bea Szenfeld and designer Ingegerd Råman, whose selected works are displayed in the new art gallery.
Prins Daniel invigde Liljevalchs+ - Sveriges Kungahus

Photos at court Facebook by Pelle T Nilsson/SPA

Daniel's speech
H.K.H. Prins Daniels tal vid invigningen av Liljevalchs+, Kungl. Djurgården, den 11 augusti 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

More photos by SPA

Prins Daniel tillbaka från semestern – invigde omstridda konsthallen
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Swedish Press Agency SPA published today a video of Daniel at the inauguration
Marshal of the Court Lena Bartholdson (the Head of HRH The Crown Princess's Household) and information officer Johan Tegel were with Daniel at the inauguration.

A couple of photos of Daniel

Liljevalchs at its Twitter
We are so happy that Prince Daniel visited us and so insightfully and generously inaugurated in front of a small crowd invited.
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Daniel met this afternoon at the Royal Palace the winners of Swedish Championships of UF-Företagande (the Company Program): Isak Drougge, Isak Lager and Axel Andersson.
TT Nyhetsbyrån

The category UF company of the Year was won this year by "Shear Joy UF" at De la Gardiegymnasiet in Skaraborg and as promised, the students behind the winning company got to meet Prince Daniel.
The students who met the Prince in Prince Bertil's apartment were Isak Drougge, Isak Lager and Axel Andersson, all from De la Gardie High School in Skaraborg.
Prins Daniel träffade årets UF-företag - Sveriges Kungahus
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Daniel met today the new mentors and mentees of Prince Daniel's Fellowship's mentoring programme. The meeting was held at The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
A number of selected young entrepreneurs get the opportunity for a mentorship with a hand-picked mentor from Swedish and foreign business. For two years, each student and mentor couple meet and work individually and some joint activities are also arranged. At the meeting the students and mentors got information about the program, could ask questions and get to know each other.
Prins Daniel träffade nya adepter i Prins Daniels Fellowship - Sveriges Kungahus

Prince Daniel's Fellowship at its website about the meeting of mentors and mentees of Fellowship's mentoring programme on Tuesday.

The mentees from the two ongoing classes in the mentoring program gathered for a joint lunch and inspirational lecture in The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' premises. The guest speaker was Hélène Barnekow, CEO of Microsoft Sweden. The conversation was about different aspects of leadership. Hélène shared her long and rich experience of leading and inspiring employees in different parts of the world, in different cultures and situations.
Ledarskap i fokus på adeptträff - Prins Daniels Fellowship
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Daniel delivered this afternoon at the Royal Palace The Heart-Lung Foundation's Prince Daniel's Research Grant for Promising Young Researchers to André Nyberg, professor of physiotherapy at Umeå University. Kristina Sparreljung, Secretary General of the Heart-Lung Foundation, attended the event too.
The recipient is chosen by the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation's research council. Daniel is Honorary Chairman of the board of the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation and patron of the Foundation and has given his name to the SEK 6 million grant, which is allocated over a period of three years.

Court website
André Nyberg was awarded the grant "for his research on treatments with high-intensity and short-term interval training, which can improve quality of life and prognosis in patients with COPD".
Prins Daniel delade ut forskningsanslag från Hjärt‑Lungfonden - Sveriges Kungahus

Photo at court Facebook by Pelle T Nilsson/SPA

The website of the Heart-Lung Foundation
Hjärt Lungfonden - Prins Daniels forskningsanslag _ Hjärt-Lungfonden

Prins Daniel delade ut sex miljoner till ung lovande forskare - GALA magasin


Previously today Daniel attended the meeting of the Steering group of Prince Daniel's Fellowship at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' premises.

Daniel delivered on 6th September The Heart-Lung Foundation's Prince Daniel's Research Grant for Promising Young Researchers to André Nyberg (37), professor of physiotherapy at Umeå University.
André Nyberg has been interviewed by Västerbottens-Kuriren newspaper.
Nyberg says that it feels very honoring to receive this grant in competition with many other talented researchers. He is both proud and happy that the Heart-Lung Foundation chooses to support the research he conducts together with his team and his colleagues. The Foundation has a goal to highlight talented researchers early in their careers. Prince Daniel's grant for promising young researchers is a grant of SEK six million and gives him an opportunity to work concentrated on achieving a research breakthrough that can benefit patients and care.
Nyberg is asked how was it to be awarded by prince Daniel at the Royal Palace? Nyberg says that it was of course special, and maybe not something that he will experience again. The whole day was very well organized by the Heart-Lung Foundation and it was fun to describe and discuss the project with Prince Daniel. He has a background in physical training and had read about the project and the type of training Nyberg plans to investigate.
9 frågor_ _Kul att få diskutera projektet med Prins Daniel
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H.R.H. Prince Daniel awards the prize Founder of the Year at Founders’ Gala september 16, 2021
On Thursday September 16, the Founders' Gala incl. Founders Awards is held at The City Hall in Stockholm, Sweden. During the evening Founders Alliance will be announcing the winners in several categories of the Founder of the Year, and H.R.H. Prince Daniel will award the prize, Founder of the Year in the highest category.

Daniel delivered the prizes at the gala also in 2015.
H.R.H. Prince Daniel awards the prize Founder of the Year at Founders’ Gala september 16, 2021
On Thursday September 16, the Founders' Gala incl. Founders Awards is held at The City Hall in Stockholm, Sweden. During the evening Founders Alliance will be announcing the winners in several categories of the Founder of the Year, and H.R.H. Prince Daniel will award the prize, Founder of the Year in the highest category.

Daniel delivered the prizes at the gala also in 2015.

HRH Prince Daniel at the Stadshuset in Stockholm this evening. Sweden
HRH Prince Daniel at the Stadshuset in Stockholm this evening. Sweden

Daniel arrived to Founders' Gala with Jenny Nordlöw, operations manager of Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its entrepreneurial programme.

Photos at Facebook of Founders Alliance:

Twenty Year Anniversary Founders Gala, Stockholm, Sweden, Sep 16, 2021

Court website:
Daniel presented the Founder of the Year award, gold category, to Cecilia Ekholm from Särnmark Group and Magnus Wilhelmsson from Nordic Wellness at the Entrepreneurship Gala. 300 leading business founders from Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, the USA, the Netherlands and France participated in the Entrepreneurship Gala in Stockholm City Hall.
Prins Daniel vid Entreprenörsgalan - Sveriges Kungahus

Photos at Facebook of Founders Alliance
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Daniel visited company Karma with Prince Daniel's Fellowship yesterday.
Karma's co-founder and COO Elsa Bernadotte was a mentee at Prince Daniel's Fellowship's mentoring program in 2017-2019.
Daniel visited yesterday Northvolt labs in Västerås with the Prince Daniel's Fellowship's mentoring programmes mentees and mentors.
Peter Carlsson, founder and CEO of Northvolt, told how the company started in 2016 and their vision for the green battery production of the future.
They were given a tour of Northvolt Labs where the development of the battery production line takes place and Northvolt's environmental manager Emma Nehrenheim told about Revolt - Northvolt's focus on battery recycling.
Prins Daniel besökte Northvolt Labs - Sveriges Kungahus

Today Daniel had a meeting with the Heart-Lung Foundation at the Royal Palace.
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Daniel visited today Björn Borg Group with Prince Daniel's Fellowship's mentoring programme's mentees and mentors.
Daniel was present when Minister for Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs Anna Hallberg presented the Government's export prices at a ceremony at the Government Offices.
The newly established awards aim to promote Swedish exports and encourage companies to export. The Government also wishes to draw attention to the counties where collaboration between regional actors is great and where companies are persuaded in a particularly meritorious way to succeed in their export efforts.
This year's Export Success
The Export Success of the Year 2021 award was given to the biotechnology company BICO Group. Erik Gatenholm, co-founder and CEO, received the award.
This year's Export Region
The Export Region of the Year 2021 award was given to the Halland Region. Ellen Källberg, business strategist at Region Halland received the award.
Prins Daniel vid utdelningen av regeringens exportpriser - Sveriges Kungahus

Photo at court Facebook


Erik Gatenholm was a mentee at Prince Daniel's Fellowship's mentorship program in 2017–2019 and is now one of the experts/inspirers at Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its entrepreneurial programme.


More photos of Daniel's visit to Björn Borg Group on 13th October.
Prins Daniel besökte modeföretaget Björn Borg - se bilder! - GALA magasin
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Daniel attended today a meeting of the steering group of the Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its entrepreneurial programme at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
The Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its entrepreneurial programme starts the visits to municipalities/schools again.
29 November
Daniel visits Botkyrka with Prince Daniel's Fellowship
15 December
Daniel visits Örnsköldsvik with Prince Daniel's Fellowship

Daniel will also meet the mentees and mentors of The Prince Daniel's Fellowship's mentoring programme on 18 November at the Royal Palace.

Kalender - Sveriges Kungahus
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