Prince Henrik Retiring from Official Duties as of January 1, 2016

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Heir Apparent
Jan 8, 2012
A visibly moved Queen Margarete has just revealed in her New Years speech that her husband the Prince Consort is to retire from the public eye.

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A visibly moved Queen Margarete has just revealed in her New Years speech that her husband the Prince Consort is to retire from the public eye.

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Is the Prince ill? I'm so sorry for them.
Very briefly:

Yes, he is retiring and the reasons why are now being debated, not least since he has unfortunate episodes this year.
It has certainly surprised people!

I wonder if we will see him tomorrow.
Is the Prince ill? I'm so sorry for them.

No official reason given but his age has something to do with it

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The Queen thanked her husband for his support during the years but says that she will continue on with her work and duties.

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Very sad for Her Majesty, but it's 'probably for the best'....
I hope it's just for him to have more resting time, as he'll be 82 this years, not that he's ill.

Seeing Queen Margrethe without Prince Henrik will be a preparation to see Queen Elizabeth II without Prince Philip, whe the time comes.
Very briefly:

Yes, he is retiring and the reasons why are now being debated, not least since he has unfortunate episodes this year.
It has certainly surprised people!

I wonder if we will see him tomorrow.

Retired as of january 1st..I don't think he will show up.And maybe that isn't a bad idea either.He behaved like a has been can can diva more than a Royal consort anyway with his constant wanting more then there can ever be.So no,nothing missed except letting his spouse,and family,down in the very ostentacious way & drama that became his habit over the past 40 or so years.Awfull,what else can HM say then what she did?Nothing.He has rediculed everything and everybody that made him a Prince and defended him over the years.No,go Henri,go,go away and sulk away in douce France,horribly selfish man!!!The umptiest proof of totally misunderstanding what his position to Queen and Country is about,except ofcourse the megalomaniac ideas of a parvenu turned Prince Consort..from a family with a fake aristocratic title to the nauseating husband,father and risée of the country.I admire QMII for putting up with him,poor woman.
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I have access to Danish channels here in Norway, so I saw it live, and I was completely shocked when she said it at the end of her speech. There is now much debate in the Danish media.

This is what she said in her speech.
Tonight, however, I would like to extend my best thanks to the Prince Consort. My husband has made the decision that the time has now come for him to “slow down” – or, if I may use a common Danish term – to retire. Going forward, the Prince Consort will therefore only to a very limited extent partake in the official events, which for so many years have been a natural part of his life. It is his decision, which I understand and respect. I am deeply grateful for all the support, help and inspiration he has given me over the years. I look forward to continuing to carry out my duties with the support of my husband, though it will be less visible.

Press release from the palace
I didn't find (yet) a english version of the press release on the Danish monarchy website, so this is translated by me.

As announced in Her Majesty the Queen's speech has His Royal Highness the Prince Consort decided to retire with effect from 1 January 2016 after more than 40 years of activity for Denmark and Danish interests.

His Royal Highness will "slow down". This means that the Prince Consort will not participate in a series of official events and meetings, including New Year nytårskure, the opening of Parliament, Ambassador receptions and state visits abroad.

By contrast, the Prince Consort continue to participate in other events of an official nature, including nytårstaflet and various events taking place where the royal couple have residence.

His Royal Highness keep most of his patronages and honorary positions, and he will continue to participate in a variety of events, including art and culture.

The decision is not expected to have implications for the royal family's overall activity. The relevant tasks will be solved by Her Majesty the Queen or other members of the royal family. Therefore, there will not be changes in the total state grant to the Royal Family.

The vast majority of the Prince Consort's share of state benefit goes to the royal family's fixed costs, including operation of buildings, staff and administration. This will also be the case in the future.

The Prince Consort is looking forward to getting more time to art, literature and music - areas which are close to his heart.


Michael Ehrenreich
Lord Chamberlain

Statement from Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen on the occasion of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort withdrawal
Translated by me

"Her Majesty the Queen has in his New Year speech announced that His Royal Highness the Prince Consort has decided to retire.

I will on behalf of the government to thank the Prince Consort of a noble effort for our country.

Prince Consort has performed the duties of the prince consort and ambassador of Denmark with great knowledge and skill. And with a commitment that has led to respect both in Denmark and internationally.

Through more than 48 years, the Prince Consort represented Denmark - and at the same time remained true to himself. This shows a great personal strength.

Now there will be more time to cultivate the rich talents and interests as a poet, musician, artist - and to be the grandfather of eight grandchildren not to mention. And though it will be less visible to us, I have no doubt the Prince Consort will continue to be an invaluable support and advisor to the Queen.

I will on behalf of the entire Denmark wish the Prince Consort luck in this new chapter in life.

I will conclude by noting that the government will not do any changes in the total state grant to the Royal Family, as the Prince Consort's decision is not expected to have implications for the royal family's overall activity. "
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I wonder if he'd be doing this if he was a King Consort...
I know that this have been mentioned in the Queen Margrethe II & Prince Henrik, Current Events thread, but I think this is the right thread.

I have access to Danish channels here in Norway, so I saw it live, and I was completely shocked when she said it at the end of her speech. There is now much debate in the Danish media.

This is what she said in her speech.
Tonight, however, I would like to extend my best thanks to the Prince Consort. My husband has made the decision that the time has now come for him to “slow down” – or, if I may use a common Danish term – to retire. Going forward, the Prince Consort will therefore only to a very limited extent partake in the official events, which for so many years have been a natural part of his life. It is his decision, which I understand and respect. I am deeply grateful for all the support, help and inspiration he has given me over the years. I look forward to continuing to carry out my duties with the support of my husband, though it will be less visible.

It is really strange that the Prince Consort's retirement includes no longer going on state visits or attending the state opening of Parliament for example. Might the Prince be suffering from a serious health condition that is being kept hidden from the public ? I sincerely hope that is not the case.
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It could very well be Doctors orders for him to slow down. He has been using a walking stick/aid for awhile now. But we will still get to see photos of him on occasion I am sure.
I knew something was going to happen that's why Fred and Mary got to have this long trip to Australia they will be extra busy now taking on his duties and supporting the Queen whose health isn't good

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I knew something was going to happen that's why Fred and Mary got to have this long trip to Australia they will be extra busy now taking on his duties and supporting the Queen whose health isn't good

This. I think most people realised that their long holiday in Australia was because they will have more on their plate back home.

I have a feeling that there is more to this retirement.....
The first thing that comes to mind is health problems. He seems to have trouble getting around, and that affects almost every part of one's life. I also feel sorry for QM. When you have to attend events alone that were always attended as a couple, that's hard. You feel like half of you is missing. Now I wonder when she will 'slow down' but that seems to be happening already. Expect to see more of the Crown Prince Couple, and also Joachim and Marie. This may be one reason they moved to Copenhagen - to be able to take on more duties.
The first thing that came to my mind was that he's mad he won't be King Consort.

He'll attend the New Years Banquet, but not the courts. He'll do stuff with his patronages, but no state events? It just screams I Didn't Get What I Want So Screw You.

Perhaps in time we'll find it has something to do with his health, but I wouldn't bet that's the #1 reason.
Does Prince Henrik is ill?
In any case the crown princes vain have more work from now on.
How is the health of the Queen?
That was surprising news. I agree with those who have said his age is a likely reason - but he seems fairly healthy though.

Does Prince Henrik is ill?
In any case the crown princes vain have more work from now on.
How is the health of the Queen?

There hasn't been an official confirmation yet as to Henrik's reason for retiring.
I have read that Margrethe suffers from arthritis but I am unaware of other health problems. :flowers:
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Maybe Henrik has decided that as he obviously isn't going to be King Consort then he won't be anything at all. These past episodes of his have been unseemly to say the least, but I do feel very sorry for the Queen. Her sons and daughters in law will support her by taking over most of Henrik's patronages, I'm sure.
I hope Henrik is still to be a private support to Margrethe - that their lives together are full and enjoyable.
Henrik has suffered quite a few losses this year.
He IS expressive. Many older people lose ability to curb their words. I thought it great that he, opinionated and all, was valued in Denmark. It was an example of tolerance.
I will miss Henrik's colourful flair. I hope he is thanked for his public service over many years. He and Benedikte have put in solid effort along side Margrethe for decades. I wish him good health and extra hours for grandparenting, writing and wine tasting.
I wonder if he'd be doing this if he was a King Consort...

Many Danish journalists/royal experts is wondering the same thing.

Eksperter om prins Henriks pension: Dum timing for Kongehuset | Nyheder | DR
Translated by me
Experts on Prince Henrik's retirement: Stupid timing for the Royal Family

Prince Henrik's exit could have happened at a better time, says Thomas Larsen and Anette Kokholm.

Quite undramatic, but surprising and unfortunate, says DR's royal experts after Queen Margrethe's New Year speech, where she surprised Denmark with the Prince Consort retire.

''The Prince Consort have decided that it is his time to slow down. It's his decision. I understand it and respect it, the Queen said''.

But the royal experts wonder why.

''This timing is annoying for the Royal Family. If he had decided to slow done a year ago, he had done it on the top of his popularity. When there was a tendency that his and the Danish people's relationship was about to end happily'', says Thomas Larsen, who is a commentator for Berlingske.

''Before he complained about his place in the royal and the fact that he didn't participate in the Queen's birthday, his popularity surged in recent years. So it is surprising'', says Anette Kokholm, editor in chief of Family Journal.

However, there are none of them who believe that the sudden departure is happening because the 81-year-old prince consort is sick.

''My best guess is that it's quite undramatic, but there is something unresolved, precisely because it comes after a year when he was absent from the Queen's birthday and again expressed that he was not satisfied with his position in the royal family'', says Thomas Larsen.

Should we expect that the Queen will resign?

''I think I am certainly sure that this is not going to happen.

There is no doubt that he has meant an enormous amount for the Queen, as a crucial support and advisor in all this years, but you have to take it seriously when the Queen says that she intends to continue. It is her mission in life'', says Thomas Larsen.

They both agree that there is an emerging generation shift, where the Crown Prince will continue to take a more visible role.

''It really is a chapter that will be reversed, where the Queen will start to give the throne to the next generation'', says Anette Kokholm.

I knew something was going to happen that's why Fred and Mary got to have this long trip to Australia they will be extra busy now taking on his duties and supporting the Queen whose health isn't good

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It's true that she's had some health problems due to her unhealthy lifestyle, but she's not seriously ill, and she has said recently that she's not feel old.
So he's bit going to do any more apperances? TBH i think after the way he acted when he sat next to M and complained about bot being King the writing has been on the wall. he also seems to find getting round a bit trickybso maybe he doesn't feel he can go on doing it all anymore. Sad for M as he has been there most the time for her. Hope her famy rally round her, maybe Joachim will accompany her more and M and F of course for the bigger state events.

Finally got to a real computer, apparently BB report a letter from the Lord Chamberlain which states (well according to google translate so sorry for any errors):

Prins Henrik trækker sig tilbage - læs meddelelsen | BILLED-BLADET

His Royal Highness the Prince Consort decided to retire with effect from 1 January 2016 after more than 40 years of activity for Denmark and Danish interests.

His Royal Highness will "slow down". It implies that the Prince Consort future does not participate in a series of official events and meetings, including New Year levees, the opening of Parliament, Ambassador receptions and state visits abroad.

By contrast, the Prince Consort continue to participate in other events of an official nature, including various events taking place where the royal couple have residence.

His Royal Highness keep the bulk of its patronages and honorary position, and the Prince Consort will continue to participate in a variety of chores, including art and culture.

The decision is not expected to have implications for the royal family's overall activity. The relevant tasks will be solved by Her Majesty the Queen or other members of the royal family. Therefore, emphasis is not up to the changes in the total state grant to the Royal Family.

Hmm to me if he is keeping some patronages etc but dropping all the 'state' stuff it could all be about his role/lank of King title. IF he was ill surely he would drop most things not just some? I wonder if he has finally thrown his dummy out the pram and said no more...but then realised if he turns up to teh odd event he can still cause trouble ;-).

I guess I hope it is this, rather than him being ill which of course would be very sad indeed.

Link to a video of the speech:!/

The more i think about it the more i think this could be related to him wanting to be King. It all seems a bit dramatic to me and if it was because of ill health wouldnt they want him to stop all activities not just "state" duties? I mean if he is going to carry on being patron of some things (which the Chamberlain seeemd to imply) then he can't be that ill? I wonder if he has finally thrown his dummy out the pram and said no more (but then realised if he still does some things he can go on moaning about his title??)
I hope he isnt seriously ill, that would of course be sad.
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Just speculation of course, but what if the Prince is suffering from some form of cognitive decline, which would also explain some of his recent controversial claims ?!/
Link here to the Queen's NY message, I think she talks about Henrik around 10min, just before the end.

Thank you for posting this; I watched with fascination as she lost her place while reading her speech from the infamous cue cards! Do other members recall this happening before? I wonder if she was unusually tense in having to announce the Prince Consort's retirement? Indeed, as others have mentioned, his timing is not fortuitous and I would not be surprised if non compos mentis may be the cause.:bang:
Luckily the queen is surrounded by a supportive family and many friends, so that HM may be quoting Angela Merkel 'Wir schaffen das! to herself. I would love to know the Danish-language equivalent, but will, in any case, wish God Nytar to all!:flowers:
Maybe Henrik has decided that as he obviously isn't going to be King Consort then he won't be anything at all. These past episodes of his have been unseemly to say the least, but I do feel very sorry for the Queen. Her sons and daughters in law will support her by taking over most of Henrik's patronages, I'm sure.

After all these years, why would he think he would be elevated to King Consort at this time? Is there a precedence for this?
OK! Something is very odd here. The schedule of the New Year's Courts in particular are announced well in advance. As a matter of fact, since November 12, it was announced that the regent couple (QMII & Prince Henrik) will host the 3 New Year's Courts.

What the hell happened between November and December that resulted in this decision? It would appear that something very dramatic happened to result in Prince Henrik retiring.

Something isn't right...there is more to this issue!!!

It may simply be that the plan was to announce the retirement in the New Year's speech, and had they not included Prince Henrik as the 'host' as they usually do, it would have led to lots of speculation about why he wasn't included/etc/etc.

I don't think this is something that has been decided abruptly or without thought.
I don't think they could not include him as it would raise questions straight away, or more simply, maybe the Press/Communications Office didn't know in November, other staff may have been consulted/informed but the press office wouldn't necessarily need to know that far in advance.

Whatever happened, I do think this is something that has been decided long before now.
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