Princess Badiya bint El Hassan To Marry Khalid Blair

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Apr 14, 2003
San Diego
United States
Princess Badiya bint El Hassan of Jordan is engaged as of today to Mr. Khalid Blair.
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What do we know about the Mr. Khalid Blair? Did he convert to Islam to marry Princess Badiya (as his name indicates)?
I think he did convert. Congrats to the couple!:)
so do we know how those two met? Is he from a prominent british family?
How do you gals find rania in the engagment pic (her dress:eek: )
~*~Humera~*~ said:
so do we know how those two met? Is he from a prominent british family?
I will do my reserach and post as soon as I can ! But some months ago there was speculation as whether the princesses married for love or was it arranged. Well, I guess this one must be love ! :)
shelley said:
I will do my reserach and post as soon as I can ! But some months ago there was speculation as whether the princesses married for love or was it arranged. Well, I guess this one must be love ! :)

From her bio on Prince Hassan's website, It seems that she spent quite a bit of time in London studying. I wonder if thats how she met her fiance
La la said:
What do we know about the Mr. Khalid Blair? Did he convert to Islam to marry Princess Badiya (as his name indicates)?
Right...this is what I can find out so far !

Khaled Blair is Edward Blair, but no relation to Tony Blair ( Phew !). He is a barrister like P. Badiya and yes they met at Lincoln's Inn whilst doing their legal studies. Khal/ed/ward first went to Eton School and Bristol University. His father was also a barrister and something called a Q.C. ( I looked that up : it means that he was amongst the barristers who 'are appointed Counsel to the Crown by the Lord Chancellor' which in Britain goes with the the rather funny description of having 'taken silk' which means that they are the guys who go round the high courts in wigs and robes. ) He is 30. I guess in many ways he is an English version of P. Badiya's sisters' husbands in that he comes from what would be called an upper class background, but not aristocrats. Well educated professional men. I wish them both all the best.
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thanx for the info shelley
Have they set a wedding date yet?
I went to Prince Hassan's website but couldn't find anything about the engagement
there hasnt been much in the jordanian media about the engagement either.
I hope the wedding will be covered a little better
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What is in the water!!!!!

Is it me or does it seem like everyone in jordan is getting married? Khalid/Edward, whatever his name is, seems alittle out of place........uhmmmmmmmmm. At least they appear happy. I wish them the best.
Akilah said:
Is it me or does it seem like everyone in jordan is getting married? Khalid/Edward, whatever his name is, seems alittle out of place........uhmmmmmmmmm. At least they appear happy. I wish them the best.
What's 'in place'......sometimes I wonder !:confused: As you say, they seem happy and obviously want to marry each other for the 'right' reasons. And as I said, if you look at everything else other than him being English, he is very much the same type of man P. Badiya's sisters have married - young, educated , well born professionals.
Amman, Sept. 23 (Petra)-- His Majesty King Abdullah II received
on Thursday Her Royal Highness Princess Badi'ah Bint Al Hassan and
Mr. Khaled Blair.
His Majesty congratulated them on the occasion of their betrothal

which occurred last Tuesday.


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Since KA and his wife travel alot anyway, shouldn't he be attending the 59th session of the General Assembly of United Nations instead of attending weddings and..I know family events are also important but he is the head of a state and should represent "jordan" especially that the middle east region is not that stable...

OH WELL...Maybe attending UN session is not as fun as going abroad for shopping, skiing and so on...:eek:
matesha said:
Since KA and his wife travel alot anyway, shouldn't he be attending the 59th session of the General Assembly of United Nations instead of attending weddings and..I know family events are also important but he is the head of a state and should represent "jordan" especially that the middle east region is not that stable...

OH WELL...Maybe attending UN session is not as fun as going abroad for shopping, skiing and so on...:eek:
I'm actually proud of him for attending family engagement parties and weddings. Good for him for not neglecting his extended family! Says a lot about him....
Very hectic year for the Royal family. There hasn't been a royal wedding for years and all of a sudden, in the same year 5 (!!!!!!!!!!) weddings- Prince Hamzah's, Prince Ali's, Princess Haya's, Princess Badi'ah's and Farah Al-Daghistani's. I wonder who's next.....or will there be a another long drought?
La la said:
Thanks for the info, Shelley!

You're witty! :D

So he 's changed his name to Khaled but did he also have to get circumsized? :p
Hopefully for them Princess Muna and Queen Noor just dealt with the obligation to change their names.
Sometimes we should also talk about Men Rights lol not just Women 's ones!

SC :rolleyes:
Princess in Love

there is an article in today's sunday telegraph about Princess Badiya, prince hassan's daughter.

Princess Badiya of Jordan has clearly taken her father's commitment to furthering understanding between the Islamic and Western worlds to heart. Mandrake ( who wrote the article) can announce that Prince Hassan's 30 year old daughter is to wed an old etonian whom she helped to convert to islam.

Edward Blair, 29, who has taken the Muslim forename Khaled, will marry 'princess bad'- as she was known to her schoolfriends-in a lavish state ceremony in the Jordanian capital, Amman, next June.

"Ed grew more interested in Islam as he got to know Badiya and converted last spring", says a friend of the couple, who are house hunting in Notting Hill.

Ed will not, of course, be the first British Christian to marry into the Hashemite dymasty. King Hussein shocked many in the Arab world when he took Toni Gardiner, the daughter of a British Army officer, as his second wife. Like Ed, she became a muslim and took the name Princess Muna. Sadly, despite bringing the king much happiness and four children, their marriage ended in divorce.
cut1me said:
there is an article in today's sunday telegraph about Princess Badiya, prince hassan's daughter.

Princess Badiya of Jordan has clearly taken her father's commitment to furthering understanding between the Islamic and Western worlds to heart. Mandrake ( who wrote the article) can announce that Prince Hassan's 30 year old daughter is to wed an old etonian whom she helped to convert to islam.

Edward Blair, 29, who has taken the Muslim forename Khaled, will marry 'princess bad'- as she was known to her schoolfriends-in a lavish state ceremony in the Jordanian capital, Amman, next June.

"Ed grew more interested in Islam as he got to know Badiya and converted last spring", says a friend of the couple, who are house hunting in Notting Hill.

Ed will not, of course, be the first British Christian to marry into the Hashemite dymasty. King Hussein shocked many in the Arab world when he took Toni Gardiner, the daughter of a British Army officer, as his second wife. Like Ed, she became a muslim and took the name Princess Muna. Sadly, despite bringing the king much happiness and four children, their marriage ended in divorce.
this story sounds familiar to me,I mean a guy converting to Islam to marry a muslim women:eek:
I Wish our culture wud understand such an issue better...I envy princess Badi3a as she won't find ppl to criticize her for what she did...cuz smtimes i get to the conclusion that getting married to an non-arabic man is better.
if he's willing to change his RELIGION and whole life for ur sake,what else does a women want,then the guy loves u and wants u!
Way to go princess Badi3a!

Akh menna e7na el arab bas,law bas ysheelu men 2agelhum hay el afkar el mutakhalifeh!!!!!!
Bubbette said:
Why do you think he's changing his whole life?
He is...He was born and raised not being a muslim and there things that he can't do anymore cuz he converted to Islam...or again maybe not! (I'm not talking about Badi3a Bint AL-Hassan's fiance,I am speaking in general!)
I really doubt he's changing his whole life. Do you think if he drank alcohol he have it up when he converted?
Bubbette said:
I really doubt he's changing his whole life. Do you think if he drank alcohol he have it up when he converted?
Again I am not talkin about bai3a's Husband...I know if I wanted to marry a non-muslim i wud want him to stop drinking after he converts,this is what must happen but that might be impossible to do...I dunno,My situation is different than P BAdi3a's
T-R-O-U-B-L-E said:
this story sounds familiar to me,I mean a guy converting to Islam to marry a muslim women:eek:
I Wish our culture wud understand such an issue better...I envy princess Badi3a as she won't find ppl to criticize her for what she did...cuz smtimes i get to the conclusion that getting married to an non-arabic man is better.
if he's willing to change his RELIGION and whole life for ur sake,what else does a women want,then the guy loves u and wants u!
Way to go princess Badi3a!

Akh menna e7na el arab bas,law bas ysheelu men 2agelhum hay el afkar el mutakhalifeh!!!!!!
Um ,yes you were talking about him.
Bubbette said:
Um ,yes you were talking about him.
He was just an example...I was talking about non-arabs and him getting married to Badi3a opened the fine thats my opinion whether i was talking about him or
light bulb moment

T-R-O-U-B-L-E said:
this story sounds familiar to me,I mean a guy converting to Islam to marry a muslim women:eek:
I Wish our culture wud understand such an issue better...I envy princess Badi3a as she won't find ppl to criticize her for what she did...cuz smtimes i get to the conclusion that getting married to an non-arabic man is better.
if he's willing to change his RELIGION and whole life for ur sake,what else does a women want,then the guy loves u and wants u!
Way to go princess Badi3a!

Akh menna e7na el arab bas,law bas ysheelu men 2agelhum hay el afkar el mutakhalifeh!!!!!!
Hi Trouble,

I believe that just because a man/woman converts to another religion in order to marry a person who they supposedly care about, doesn't necessarily mean that they do it because they truly love and want the person. Although individuals could do it because they honestly love their bf/gf or "special friend" lol, at times this isn't the case. For example, I've noticed that "some" non-Muslim men especially tend to convert for girls of Middle Eastern/North African and South Asian descent (especially Muslim girls), because they think that they're #1 virgins #2 submissive and #3 good cooks. Men/women who aren't virgins themselves and specifically convert to Islam (or any other religion) for the "virginity" reason get two major unethical payoffs. Not only are their wives/husbands symbols of purification for their past "physical ventures", but at the same time they get a power payoff as well for the very same reason; not to say that some so-called Muslim, Hindu etc. men (for example) don't tend to do the same thing i.e. specifically marry a woman because they believe that she hasn't had any physical relations before (while they themselves have). This is why its better to be careful if someone converts for a person in order to marry them, because their decision to change religions may not be as much about being madly in love with their mate, as it would be about their interpretation of "symbolic cleansing" on a power basis. And off course on a last note, there are men/women out there who marry individuals who are of the same religion and/or ethnicity as themselves and truly love and want their spouses without converting for them as well.
lovy_bear said:
Hi Trouble,

I believe that just because a man/woman converts to another religion in order to marry a person who they supposedly care about, doesn't necessarily mean that they do it because they truly love and want the person. Although individuals could do it because they honestly love their bf/gf or "special friend" lol, at times this isn't the case. For example, I've noticed that "some" non-Muslim men especially tend to convert for girls of Middle Eastern/North African and South Asian descent (especially Muslim girls), because they think that they're #1 virgins #2 submissive and #3 good cooks. Men/women who aren't virgins themselves and specifically convert to Islam (or any other religion) for the "virginity" reason get two major unethical payoffs. Not only are their wives/husbands symbols of purification for their past "physical ventures", but at the same time they get a power payoff as well for the very same reason; not to say that some so-called Muslim, Hindu etc. men (for example) don't tend to do the same thing i.e. specifically marry a woman because they believe that she hasn't had any physical relations before (while they themselves have). This is why its better to be careful if someone converts for a person in order to marry them, because their decision to change religions may not be as much about being madly in love with their mate, as it would be about their interpretation of "symbolic cleansing" on a power basis. And off course on a last note, there are men/women out there who marry individuals who are of the same religion and/or ethnicity as themselves and truly love and want their spouses without converting for them as well.

Thanks for sharing this w/us... U made me think seriously of what u said,though i dun think all those men who want to covert to Islam to marry a muslim women think that way...that wud be sick!
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