Princess Letizia, Current Events Part 9: March - September 2007

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crisiñaki said:
Originally Posted by crisiñaki
Yeah, one of the things I've never been able to understand is why Letizia hasn't gotten a full agenda of her own after 3 years, it would be fun watching her doing her own acts all the time and Felipe having his own agenda away from her

I think they'll be better apart in acts than together, 'cuz all the puppy love doesn't let them work properly :D :lol::ROFLMAO:

I agree with you DoM, the white/silver was the topic of the event and it looked good on her, once again, the only bad were hair and shoes, the rest was quite ok

After that basketball fashion disaster, I think anything we see on her is better than that one :lol:

khal02 said:
Must you constantly put down Letizia in an attempt to make Cristina look better. It's really getting old and basically spamming the board. Let people enjoy all members of the family instead of consistently putting down some to try to make others look better.

Yes, I have noticed that too. And I agree with you khal02.
Letizia wore this white suit with silver underneath during the lighting of the olympic torch in Mardrid in 2004 (Felipe was still sporting a beard at that time). I see that her body never changed in 3 years and after 2 pregnancies because it still fits perfectly on her today (I'm so jealous). Although the outfit is very nice as you say now, Letizia received a lot of cristism back then for always wearing pant suits including her engagement one :lol:
As for the hairstyle, Letizia was also heavily critisized before for her mono/only hairstyle that dates back to her journalist days. Although I think that that was the hairstyle that best suited her, I also appreciate the fact that she tries a new one today. And with two kids under the age of two, it's reasonable to have a wash & wear hairstyle (although they have nannies for the two kids, but still). Anyway, I am trying to imagine her in a Queen Sofia hairdo later on :lol:
It is nice to see her on solo duties once in a while. We could have seen her often on her own if she attends fashion shows because for sure, Felipe won't be going with her in those shows. But then, she'll also be criticized if she goes to it often. She could still browse the magazines and internet to see what's new this season privately- at the comfort of their home, and in that way she escapes being photographed often. And I'm sure, Spanish designers are sending her catalogues every season.
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I just simply love Letizia! I really don't have any complaint about her attire today. I think she looked exceptional as always. I love that she had a solo act but at the same time I'm not one of those that is sitting around thinking that she needs her own agenda. I like that she works with Felipe.

I recently went back and read their press conference comments around their engagement period and them working so closely together is exactly what they promised and I really respect that about them. But at the same time her doing something alone is perfectly fine at times.
Must you constantly put down Letizia in an attempt to make Cristina look better. It's really getting old and basically spamming the board. Let people enjoy all members of the family instead of consistently putting down some to try to make others look better.

Excuse me, but I haven't mentioned Cristina in a single post in this thread, I'm not comparing them, if you are inferring that because of my nick, then, you're sorely mistaken, I'm voicing my opinion about LETIZIA, not about Cristina, Elena or the Queen

Does everything have to be roses and sunshine? no, if you are critical about someone, then you're automatically damaging the "feeling" of the board? do we all have to think the same?

I haven't broken a single TRF rule in my previous posts, so I'm not spamming the board (even if I know this post and the ones leading to it are going to be erased for being off-topic) and I ask respect for my opinions, which aren't the same that most of you have, but I'm not being disrespectful with anyone, I just think different from most of you
Excuse me, but I haven't mentioned Cristina in a single post in this thread, I'm not comparing them, if you are inferring that because of my nick, then, you're sorely mistaken, I'm voicing my opinion about LETIZIA, not about Cristina, Elena or the Queen

Does everything have to be roses and sunshine? no, if you are critical about someone, then you're automatically damaging the "feeling" of the board? do we all have to think the same?

I haven't broken a single TRF rule in my previous posts, so I'm not spamming the board (even if I know this post and the ones leading to it are going to be erased for being off-topic) and I ask respect for my opinions, which aren't the same that most of you have, but I'm not being disrespectful with anyone, I just think different from most of you

Why you don't have the courage of your opinion, you are totally right to don't appreciate a personn. That is less acceptable is - for a woman so clever as you - is the constant use of the irony to speak about the Princes of Asturias in particular the princess, and to jump on all the false ideas to say that she isn't the adequate personn: your main error is to say that the Infantas have so much works for the crown than Letizia. First isen't true and it's easy to check that, but to do it it's a sterile polemic. Then to make remarks like this one only to ironise on the lack of "liberty" of the Princess in her way to work is totally intellectually unfair because Letizia dosen't manage and mainly dosen't decide by herself the fields and the importance of her intervention.

For her outfit of the base ball match, as this item seems to be your favourite one, nobody can stop you to use it if that make you joke but I have to confess it's a little boring and I'm not the single one to think the same thing. But dosen't matter, it's the "salt" of a true and interesting forum to have various advice about the same thing, isen't it?:graduate:

Just a question is the Infanta Cristina has an agenda no very important in this time to allow you some digressions about the Princess who is not your cup of tea?:angel:
well, I didn't get your point very well adelaide, but what I understand is that you are talking about the Infantas' work in here and I haven't mentioned them in this topic AT ALL, I dunno why you people are bringing them to this topic:ermm: The Future of the Spanish Monarchy is a topic and this is another completely different one

I usually don't participate in this forum because as you said, Letizia isn't exactly my cup of tea, but I have decided to do it since sometimes a different opinion is needed and not everybody thinks the same things, besides, I find her "entertaining" to look at, if you get my point; my idea of her not being the adequate person isn't FALSE, just as yours of her being adequate isn't TRUE; it's simply a matter of opinions;)

And for Cristina's agenda, since she was in the public eye most of the summer, I'm glad she and her family are getting some time for their own, it's just fair, I like them enough to understand their need for privacy sometimes and also that's something that's completely out of my reach, so I don't mind much, the good thing is that since I also follow other royals, it's the perfect time to catch up with pics of them;)

I guess it's better to leave this discussion at this point, because we're going off-topic and it's actually a pointless discussion, it's very likely that we will never agree on this, but that's cool, imagine how boring the world would be if we all thought the same:rolleyes:

PS: BTW, the basketball outfit is by far the worst outfit I've ever seen her wearing, she doesn't usually dress that bad (and if you see my posts, you'll see that when she's nicely dressed, I say so ;)), that's why I'm still a bit on shock over it
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Crisiñaki I see that you are enjoing much tonight at Letizia´s expense.

Letizia will continue with her agenda in solitaire and I am sure that we will see Letizia work a lot, probably she will be one of the crown princess with the most filled agenda
Camarina, I really doubt this! Zarzuela has his own way of thinking very different from the other European Royal houses (like Denmark or the Dutch), they don't want that Leitiza gets the leading role so they will definitively reduce her solo events. I think that her events will be only deliver prizes and nothing else more serious!
I also don't like her hair but I think that's the hair cut fault, her bob doesn't flatter her face at all!
She is also very thin and please do not say thet her body is like that, because it isn't!!!! We can see pcitures of letizia before and after her marriage and we can see that she wasn't so thin like she is now. She s extremely thin and that doesn't flatter her at all!
thanks for those pics!!

eltizia is absolutely perfect with her white suit!!! it was really simple but nice for this kind of event!!!
Princess Letizia looked great in her white outfit, her hair is O.K. Maybe, when she had curly hair on some occasion , she looked sexy.Now, She looks more serious, it is good to experiment with hair from time to time. Hovewer, Princess is too thin ( it doesn't bother me and It is not my bussiness why she is thin, there maybe plenty of reason for such situation).However, She smiles a lot and that is a good sign.
i'm glad she is back at work on her own! it's quite an asset if she also carries out her own duties.

they are following such a hectic schedule...! they are really starting to rank again to me as the "most hard-working crown princely couple".
Letizia looked stunning, of course, her best asset (aside from her husband and children) is that wonderful smile. Glad to see that it's back in full force. The outfit was wonderful, very appropriate for the event and for her. Her hair is very healthy looking, I think that it's the blunt cut that has everyone faulting her hair, I personally see nothing wrong with it. She isn't trying to look like she stepped of the runway and I applaud that. Can't wait to see her again and again. Just another thought, Jane Fonda is still a beautiful woman, congrats to her on the reward and for looking so fabulous!
Some posters are just tiresome--they are only encouraged by people taking them so much too heart. Let them say and think what they want; bad karma always comes back to those who sow it.

Anyhow, the report I saw of a reporter at the event said the Princess was full of energy and charmed everyone in attendance. Jane Fonda was said to be particularly taken with her. It certainly seemed like the event was warm and open.
:flowers:Letizia looked nice and and I guess she has become more self confident after her second maternity.
That was one of her best outfit, but IN MY OPINION the sandals were a mistake and the pants were a bit out of fashion.
IN MY OPINION, the problem with Letizia is that she hasn't yet the Queen's and the Infanta's class.
But she is improving....

It is great to see Princess Letizia having more of single engagements. I don't know whether i'm wrong but the outfit looks similar to the one of her engagement to Felipe back in October 2003?
It is great to see Princess Letizia having more of single engagements. I don't know whether i'm wrong but the outfit looks similar to the one of her engagement to Felipe back in October 2003?
No, it's not that Armani suit she was wearing for her engagement, the collar line and front part is different. The pants look very similar, though. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the pictures, everybody! :flowers: Letizia looked very confident and relaxed, smiling all the time. Her brooch was very beautiful and matched the top and shoes.
I don´t know the trousers but the jackets are not the same ones.Observes the pockets of both jackets, these are different.It seems the same suit but it isn´t.:flowers:

Totally right. To be correct She wore the first outfit - not the Armani one that it had been wore only one time, i.e. for the engagement- the last time in september 2006 the day of her 34rd birthday meanwhile she was yet pregnant. This one is totally new. As you know it's very difficult to match up two white, it's the reason why this outfit is necessary totally new.:angel:
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It´s wonderful to see how Letizia enjoyed this event. She looked just great and seemed to be full of energy and it´s great to see her smiling so much.
She looked lovely and very happy. Good to see Graca Machel there as well.

Is fascinating to read to comments about the Letizia's work.... mainly it was about her appearence, nothing about the content of the act.

Since after to have notice during a while that the Princess didn't have her own agenda the principal comments turn around her outfit- fashion or not fashion- her shoes- sandal or not sandal- her hairdo- flat or not flat- and so on.

What about the event, the signification of this prizes, the personns who have received this prizes, the qualities of the princess for this event. A lot of things to say, isen't it?
^ You raise good points, and I totally agree. The print media comments on her appearance and on her fashion choices, but forget about the actual event! I'm sure that is not her intention at all but unfortunately everytime a royal or famed person appears people are taken aback as if the presence of this person makes all the difference.
Letia looks great and energetic. I am glad she's back to solo engagements this is where she will really stand out and show that she can be a great queen someday.
Medias are always complaining about how frivoulous the world is, and they are the first one to spend their whole time speaking about dresses and hairstyles.

Besides, some kind of press, will never be happy : if you are decently dressed they will say you are too frivoulous and only thinking about good clothes...If you are more simple to dress, they will say that a good princess must dress more lavishly and that you are not accomplishing your duties...Oh, my.

And yes: they rarely focuses in the real content of Princely's activities...:ermm:

Letizia looks wonderful!! She will make a splendid Queen. Spain is very lucky.:flowers::flowers::flowers:
Some posters are just tiresome--they are only encouraged by people taking them so much too heart. Let them say and think what they want; bad karma always comes back to those who sow it.


I agree and there is nothing wrong in expressing one's opinions. But some of the posts are downright mean.
El Semanal Digital=
letizia is gaining the being idea to be one of the most ecological Princess of Europe. Its liking by the recycling of clothes already is everything a symbol and this Wednesday has returned to make sample of their humility.
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