Princess Madeleine & Jonas Bergström Break Off Their Engagement: April 2010

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Imperial Majesty
Jun 22, 2007
Jenny Alexandersson writes at Aftonbladet, that recently Madeleine has been on holiday with her girlfriends without Jonas, they shopped in London and skiied in Verbier.
Meanwhile, Jonas has spent many late nights at clubs around Stureplan. For months Aftonbladet has been reached by rumors and tips about how the future Duke parties. It is possible that these rumours aren´t all true.
Alexandersson says: Noblesse oblige. Anyone who aspires to be noble also has to behave and act noble. An engagement with a Swedish princess means that Jonas no longer just represents himself, but also a family that depends on how much the people speak about them.
Jenny Alexandersson: Ska de satsa på sin relation eller gå isär? | Jenny Alexandersson | Aftonbladet
Unfortunatley these rumours won't go away until we have picture proof of Madeleine and Jonas together :rolleyes:
The problem is there's always a little bit of truth regarding rumors. I personally think it was not a smart move getting engaged while Victoria is engaged. I can't imagine the stress that may have caused. But hopefully there will be a wedding next year:)
There are too many different sources talking about the "crisis" for it to be completely untrue. There cannot be a fire without some fuel
I have to agree with HRHofNothing.

If it is true that Jonas proposed to Madeleine just to save the relationship, then that wasn't very smart of him. That's like a woman having a baby in order to save her relationship.
I personally think it was not a smart move getting engaged while Victoria is engaged. I can't imagine the stress that may have caused.

Why? Both the Crown Princesses of the past (Margrethe of Denmark and Beatrix of the Netherlands) were engaged at the same time as their younger sisters Benedikte and Margriet. The younger girls married less than a year later, and it didn't seem to cause a problem for either of those families.

I hope there's nothing wrong between Madeleine and Jonas - I don't follow the Swedes very much but I do like this couple.
hmmm well the swedes seem to making news theses days frm this story toelin woods to the prince being with a playgirl or watever nt to be off topic i hope the couple works it out
Why? Both the Crown Princesses of the past (Margrethe of Denmark and Beatrix of the Netherlands) were engaged at the same time as their younger sisters Benedikte and Margriet. The younger girls married less than a year later, and it didn't seem to cause a problem for either of those families.

:)This is a different day and time. Regardless, every girl wants their wedding to be all about them. No one can deny the fact that it's all about Victoria right now. Madeleine even said in an interview that the focus is not on her but on Victoria. Depending on how close they are as sisters, it could be a problem. Just because they are royalty doesn't mean they are exempt from those feelings. Although I hope everything will turn out okay for everyone involved.:)
According to Expressen, Jonas Bergström and Daniel Westling had a "crisis meeting" at the restaurant "Teatergrillen" last night. Jonas and Daniel are good friends and this time Daniel is supporting Jonas.
Jonas och Daniel i krismöte på lyxkrog - Nyheter - Senaste nytt | Expressen
Photos from last night:
ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank

Madeleine had a "crisis meeting" with her sister Victoria and best friend Louise Gottlieb yesterday morning at the Haga Castle, lasting more than three hours.
Efter Jonas-krisen: Madde flyr landet - Nyheter - Senaste nytt | Expressen

Jonas Bergström leaving to work on Monday morning
Princess Madeleine visiting the apartment while Jonas is at work on Monday
Oh man! This could be bad! Madeleine smoking and meeting with friends. Jonas meeting with Daniel. This doesn't look good.
Queen Silvia said to Expressen that she doesn´t know much about things between Madeleine and Jonas, because she hasn´t had contact with Madeleine and Jonas has been in Thailand. And she herself just came from Brazil... To the question why there won´t be a wedding this year she answered that there is so much now, that unfortunately they don´t really have time this year. There is so much program. There are the elections and a government must be formed. And in October, it´s perhaps not so beautiful, so we'll see, says the Queen.
Silvia till Expressen: Vi får se hur det blir - Nyheter - Senaste nytt | Expressen
Didn´t the Queen just return from Thailand, not Brazil ?
Queen Silvia said to Expressen that she doesn´t know much about things between Madeleine and Jonas, because she hasn´t had contact with Madeleine and Jonas has been in Thailand. And she herself just came from Brazil... To the question why there won´t be a wedding this year she answered that there is so much now, that unfortunately they don´t really have time this year. There is so much program. There are the elections and a government must be formed. And in October, it´s perhaps not so beautiful, so we'll see, says the Queen.
Silvia till Expressen: Vi får se hur det blir - Nyheter - Senaste nytt | Expressen
Didn´t the Queen just return from Thailand, not Brazil ?

Exactly she did not JUST return from Brazil. As a mother and a queen how could you not know much about your daughters relationship?? The queen was not even in contact with Madeleine. Maybe nothings wrong with that, but my mom and I are busy too and we stay in contact. So that shouldn't be an excuse.
Aftonbladet asked from Nina Eldh, the informationschef of the court, if there is going to be a wedding for Madeleine and Jonas next year. Eldh answered: "We have no answer today".
4 kritiska datum | Bröllopet | Aftonbladet
The court informed Aftonbladet, that Madeleine and Jonas don´t participate to Queen Margrethe´s birthday celebrities, Madeleine has a private commitment at home.
wow this is gettin very charles and diana hmmmm all we need now is a mistress and a public cat fight :)
I know the SRF is pretty inept at pr but this is embarrassing even for them. If there was no problem or minor problems there would be pictures of Madeline and Jonas out and about and denials from here to Leningrad....This leads me to believe there is a serious problem or possibly Madeline and Jonas have broken up but don't want to announce it before Victoria's wedding
I know the SRF is pretty inept at pr but this is embarrassing even for them. If there was no problem or minor problems there would be pictures of Madeline and Jonas out and about and denials from here to Leningrad....This leads me to believe there is a serious problem or possibly Madeline and Jonas have broken up but don't want to announce it before Victoria's wedding
I was thinking the same thing why are the srf going in circles :bang: do the queen honestly think we believe her story of not hearing from her daugther??? And you maybe its good PR.
I dont think a break up between Madeleine and Jonas should be a problem for Victoria's wedding if that is what the queen and king want to protect, nothing wrong, they were engaged but what if they decided to break up? That's normal, as a couple they have their own right to decide when to stop.
Hmm, this is getting interesting. I wonder if Jonas will attend the wedding? It seems rather troublesome to feign a relationship just for the sake of good impressions, royalty or not.
I know the SRF is pretty inept at pr but this is embarrassing even for them. If there was no problem or minor problems there would be pictures of Madeline and Jonas out and about and denials from here to Leningrad....This leads me to believe there is a serious problem or possibly Madeline and Jonas have broken up but don't want to announce it before Victoria's wedding

I agree - as much as I don't want there to be anything wrong, I think if things were really peachy between the couple then we would have lots of happy, affectionate pictures of them spending time together to combat the rumors instead of this half-baked "Madeleine and Jonas who? I've been in Brazil" stuff.

I think it would be odd that they can't announce it before Victoria's wedding - that's 2 months away, not 3 days, so I don't think it would overshadow it. I think it's more likely that they're still hoping to work things out without the public ever knowing there were problems.
Hmm, this is getting interesting. I wonder if Jonas will attend the wedding? It seems rather troublesome to feign a relationship just for the sake of good impressions, royalty or not.
I think the srf will take a gamble and if he does attend I think they will stay togther for a month then break up.:whistling:
I would expect an announcement soon about the break-up of the engagement. The situation has apparently escalated and gone on too long to just be a temporary disagreement.
Jonas was most likely to be one of Daniel's groomsmen and it would not be a good plan to have him in the weddingparty if the marriage with Madeleine was in question.

If the engagement is broken than she can attend the wedding without Jonas which makes more sense if they are not together anymore.

Jonas is in a very difficult situation as his career could easily take 60-70 hours/week of his time especially as he seems to be on a fast track at the firm. He will not make partner unless he puts in his time and he could not not be a partner and still be considered a successful attorney. His job is probably his priority at this stage in his life and that could be very difficult for someone else to live with especially if they have more free time.
I dont think a break up between Madeleine and Jonas should be a problem for Victoria's wedding if that is what the queen and king want to protect, nothing wrong, they were engaged but what if they decided to break up? That's normal, as a couple they have their own right to decide when to stop.

those were exactly my thoughts. i see no big deal in breaking up the engagement, even if victoria is about to get married. to me, it would not have a consequence.

however, it's odd that they are having issues now, after so many years going out, just before the wedding of victoria - perhaps the stress is really quite important.
maybe they have come up with a decision after the meetings...maybe we will hear soon.
According to Aftonbladet, king Carl Gustaf is very angry because he wanted the crises between Madeleine and Jonas should have been kept secret.
The royal couple has known for some time that Madeleine has problems in their relationship. But with the focus at the wedding of Victoria and Daniel the royal couple wanted to solve the problem in silence.
Now Madeleine travels to New York and turned down king´s 64-anniversary.
- Princess Madeleine will not be attending the birthday, says Nina Eldh, the informationschef of the court.
Aftonbladet was yesterday in contact with Jonas Bergström.
- Sorry, I have no statement. I do not even know what you are writing about. But I have no comment, said Jonas.
Maddes kris gör kungen rasande | Bröllopet | Aftonbladet

At Expressen the court says that the king is not angry at Madeleine and that Madeleine´s trip to USA has been planned for a long time.
Kungen är inte rasande på Madeleine - Nyheter - Senaste nytt | Expressen
i dont think that a women even if she is princess can have a crisis with the love of her live because he is ambitious and is focusing in his work to built a good carrier
i dont find that there is a big reason for this crisis

No, that is really not a reason. Probably more his philandering. It wold be much better to finish it all now.
I think it would probably look really stupid for Jonas to attend the wedding if his relationship with Madeleine is over, none of them would be very comfortable at an event that should bring only joy and happiness, I do hope everything works out for them and maybe they can pass this rough time and get it together for victoria's wedding.
Photo of Jonas recently, not very flattering...
According to Aftonbladet, king Carl Gustaf is very angry because he wanted the crises between Madeleine and Jonas should have been kept secret.
The royal couple has known for some time that Madeleine has problems in their relationship. But with the focus at the wedding of Victoria and Daniel the royal couple wanted to solve the problem in silence.
Now Madeleine travels to New York and turned down king´s 64-anniversary.
- Princess Madeleine will not be attending the birthday, says Nina Eldh, the informationschef of the court.
Aftonbladet was yesterday in contact with Jonas Bergström.
- Sorry, I have no statement. I do not even know what you are writing about. But I have no comment, said Jonas.
Maddes kris gör kungen rasande | Bröllopet | Aftonbladet

At Expressen the court says that the king is not angry at Madeleine and that Madeleine´s trip to USA has been planned for a long time.
Kungen är inte rasande på Madeleine - Nyheter - Senaste nytt | Expressen

The princess missing her dad bday unsual:ermm: hmmm you think jonas and her enagaged just because victoria did???:whistling:
The princess missing her dad bday unsual:ermm: hmmm you think jonas and her enagaged just because victoria did???:whistling:

There was some rumor after Madeleine and Jonas became engaged that Madeleine was jealous of all the attention Victoria was getting, so she decided that she wanted to be engaged as well. I do not know if there is any truth to it, though.
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