Queen Elizabeth (1926-2022) and the Duke of Edinburgh (1921-2021)

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo

Arms of HM The Queen of the United Kingdom and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

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HM The Queen Wardrope and Hats

Does anyone know what is going to become of HM The Queen's hats, handbags and clothes in general?

I had hoped that they would put together one of the most treasured ones as a exhibition. Do you think there is an apatite for such a thing. She must have had quite a collection of hats and such - what becomes of them.
Ohhh, I'd love to see all of those. What a collection it must be!
I guess that not all of her clothes, hats etc. will be kept but mainly those worn for special occasions like Jubilee's Weddings important State Visits etc. Otherwise the Archives would be bursting
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Ohhh, I'd love to see all of those. What a collection it must be!

I'm sure the iconic ones will appear at future exhibitions of the late Queen!
I would presume, as prosaic it may sound, that the umbrellas could be reused by Queen Camilla.

As for upcoming possible exhibitions I would wish that, if they are goind to create one, they last longer than some weeks to give people from abroad the possibility to attend them as well.
The Queen died of cancer, says new book

Hi, I read the queen died of bone marrow cancer. Is this true? I hope so or not!

Can't they leave her in peace ? She gave her long life to UK, wasn't it right she keeps her death and the details of it, secret ?
:previous: I agree.

And I really hope it's not true. Bone marrow cancer is said to be incredibly painful.

Here is the extract from the upcoming biography "Elizabeth, An Intimate Portrait" by Gyles Brandreth, from which the Mirror article is citing.


His exact words are: "I had heard that the Queen had a form of myeloma — bone marrow cancer — which would explain her tiredness and weight loss and those ‘mobility issues’ we were often told about during the last year or so of her life."

Mr. Brandreth is not the first to have "heard" this (I remember a journalist being castigated on social media for saying the same), and it would be consistent with many people on this forum saying that Queen Elizabeth II appeared, in the speeches and actions in the last year of her life, to be setting affairs in order and preparing the nation for the transition to the next reign. But if true, then the court physician will have lied on the death certificate (if my understanding is correct, the designation of "old age" is only permitted in cases when there is no more specifically identifiable cause of death).
An extract from the upcoming biography "Elizabeth, An Intimate Portrait" by Gyles Brandreth:


I found this section of the extract interesting:

And it was thanks to Bond that she famously made a truly dramatic entrance when the 2012 Olympics were staged in London, in a filmed sketch with Daniel Craig.

Craig was seen running up the red-carpeted stairs at Buckingham Palace, meeting two of the royal corgis, being greeted by the Queen's page and ushered into the royal presence.

It was the Queen's own idea to keep Bond waiting a moment as she signed off a letter, before turning around to say: 'Good evening, Mr Bond.'

Her line delivered, the Queen, accompanied by Bond and her page and her corgis, walked with purpose to the waiting helicopter that transported her past the statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square (Churchill looked up and gave Her Majesty a wave — she especially liked that touch), along the course of the river Thames, to the Olympic Park in East London.

'She was a natural,' said Daniel Craig. 'I was definitely more nervous than she was.'

Lord Janvrin, the Queen's former private secretary, told me he was sure the Queen wouldn't have done the stunt during the Queen Mother's lifetime. 'Why?' I asked him.

'Simply because she would have felt her mother wouldn't have approved — that it would have been a bit undignified.

'The Queen became less inhibited in several ways after her mother's death [in 2002], less constrained, more relaxed.'
I believe Lady Colin Campbell was among the first to say that it was bone marrow cancer that HM had died from. She stated that on her You Tube Channel. How she, or anyone else apart from the Queen’s doctors could possibly know, she didn’t explain.
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But if true, then the court physician will have lied on the death certificate (if my understanding is correct, the designation of "old age" is only permitted in cases when there is no more specifically identifiable cause of death).

A potential lie was the first thing that occurred to me as well. However, the Duke of Edinburgh was publicly hospitalized and received surgery for heart issues in the months before he died, and the cause of death was still determined to be "old age" there, as well.
It’s possible to die “with” something without dying “of” that thing. I would image a great many people die of old age with conditions that would fill a textbook of medicine,
It’s possible to die “with” something without dying “of” that thing. I would image a great many people die of old age with conditions that would fill a textbook of medicine,

But as Tatiana Maria said, you are not legally allowed to list "old age" as the cause of death (it has its own very specific definition) when there is some greater or clearer underlying cause that would be responsible.

It's a bit more problematic than George VI, whose coronary thrombosis was caused by metastatic lung cancer...
I believe Lady Colin Campbell was among the first to say that it was bone marrow cancer that HM had died from. She stated that on her You Tube Channel. How she, or anyone else apart from the Queen’s doctors could possibly know she didn’t explain.

Yes, I do remember seeing Lady CC make that remark on the evening of the death of the queen.

I also wondered then why she spoke with such authority.:ermm:
They should let her medical conditions kept private. She was in her 90s and frail of health and that's it. Lady C C is like the version of USAs tabloid press and TV gossip mongers Perez Hilton or Wendy Williams.
There have been a lot of rumours over the last year or so but I wouldn't necessarily trust The Mirror as a source and I would definitely take Lady Colin Campbell with a ginormous grain of salt. She may have *some* sources but I doubt she has the deep, impeccable sources that she's always apparently claiming. At least not for *everything* royal.

It is possible that the person who signed the death certificate was being.....deliberately discreet, we have no way of knowing but "HM has cancer" became "fact" to many long before she died when they certainly had no way of knowing.
Strange to say, had HM QEII been suffering from terminal cancer her death would not have come as such a shock to her family because they would have all had the time to spend time with her prior to her death. The impression I got was that while she was frail, they were not expecting her to die within days.

I may be wrong but I am pretty sure that had her death been immenent we would have seen a constant flow of family and friends calling on her or supporting her immediate family. None of that was seen and it was so sudden that Andrew, Edward, William, Harry all missed a final farewell, for all the haste to get there.

I mean, who entertains an ingoing and outgoing PM when they are so sick and in pain from cancer so extreme they are going to die within two days This is just sick headline grabbing to sell a book. What a pack of vultrures . . .
:previous: It was no secret that "Mummy" still held considerable control over her daughter until the day she died. She didn't even hand back some of the most significant jewellery in her possession even though it was supposed to be worn by the Monarch or current Consort.
Is a whole chapter in this here book - that very conveniently is published up to Christmas - based on: "I have heard"?

Also, if you live long enough you tend to develop cancer somewhere. Prostate cancer being a notorious example.
"I have heard" says it all to me. If we based fact on everything we have heard about the RF .... well, imagine!
I think there are elements that fit either old age as a cause, or something more sinister. That we don’t know either way affords her the privacy she would have wanted. That we know there was a hospital stay in October 2021 fuels it, because it fits a timeline of when she could have been diagnosed. She missed more of her Jubilee than was expected (the thanksgiving service and the derby were the events that I really expected to see her at, but she had to miss both.)

Old age would surely have been a factor either way - someone of HM’s age battling cancer would go downhill more quickly, I’d have thought.

It’s clear that the family weren’t expecting it so soon. It was noted that Charles had been visiting most days in the coverage, but that was all. A child’s concern for an older parent, just as HM had for her own mother in later years. Harry would have gone to Balmoral over the Summer when he was invited if he’d thought he wouldn’t get another chance.

On Lady C, doubt is thrown onto her by the time she gave for the Queen’s death - 2:37pm. Even if Royal doctors and the family were going to be discreet about the cause of death, they’d have no reason not to give the exact time. This was given by Princess Anne who was actually there as 3:10.
Im surprised at Gyles Brandreth. I thought he was a reasonably accurate writer. But I agree with the idea that if she had had cancer, the family would have been around her more and the younger children would not have been so far away from Balmoral when she died.
I think that there was a steady decline during hte summer, she was able to do less and less, and she held herself together at the end to see in Liz Truss, but she was just exhausted and gave way 2 days later.
If she had bone cancer, I don't think she would have been able to stand up and receive the PM, no matter how pumped up with painkillers she was. My mother died of metastatic breast cancer that spread to her bones. She was bedridden the week before her death, and she was on heavy painkillers, which kept her asleep when she wasn't experiencing terrible pain. The Queen passed away shortly after the PM left. If she was so close to death at that point, she never would have been able to function at the level she did if she had had cancer. Nope, don't believe it.
There is nothing about the Queens death that couldn't be described by anything other than old age. If she was ill, there would be no reason to say it. It was obvious for the last year that her health was failing and it wouldn't be long. She was very old.
If she had bone cancer, I don't think she would have been able to stand up and receive the PM, no matter how pumped up with painkillers she was. My mother died of metastatic breast cancer that spread to her bones. She was bedridden the week before her death, and she was on heavy painkillers, which kept her asleep when she wasn't experiencing terrible pain. The Queen passed away shortly after the PM left. If she was so close to death at that point, she never would have been able to function at the level she did if she had had cancer. Nope, don't believe it.

She was working the day she died. She was very old and body was failing. A death from cancer is a death bed watch.
I have been asked to not post unverifiable stuff on this forum - so I will not in the future. But like Gyles Brandreth and many other people on the planet (several which might be here - for all I know) they saw many things and they make assumptions around them that lead them to conclusions. Conclusions that might be completely off the mark or might be spot on.
The press are not allowed talking about the health of the royals - standing agreement. Unless they are directly told to break agreement and yes they have in the past been told to do so. We will never conclusively know - maybe in a hundred years.
But I concluded she was getting treatment for something - she was definitely getting blood products. But it might have been oxygenated blood - who knows. But while I concluded Oxygen enriched blood - another will see platelets - platelets leads to Cancer, so I can see how the rumor gets started.
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