Queen Máxima, Current Events 3: November 2021 - present

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo

Arms of Queen Máxima

Welcome to Queen Máxima's
Current Events, Part 3

Commencing November 8th 2021

The previous thread can be found here

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A moving moment indeed. The kind lady who got emotional - described by Josine as 'Máxima most faithful fan' - apparently received some bad news earlier this week related to her health.

It seems that HM knew about it already because when the lady offers the flowers, the Queen just opens her arms and says: 'come'. And during the hug she can be overheard whispering: 'I am going to miss you', which brings back a smile. At the end the queen wishes the lady 'strength'.

Edit: full story here: https://www.ad.nl/show/maxima-...zing-zieke-oranjefan~a6f2e7bd/

Apparently it was Josine who kindly signaled the matter to the entourage of the Queen. The lady will be undergoing treatments to battle cancer, which makes it impossible for her to go to the events of the Queen, as she usually does. Let's hope the treatments will be succesful!

What a beautiful moment. It brought tears to my eyes. I pray things go well for that faithful and loyal woman.
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Queen Máxima virtually attended the presentation of the Annual Report 'State of SMEs 2021' of the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship today, November 18.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 **
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Queen Máxima paid a working visit on mental health issues and visited Thrive Amsterdam Mentally Healthy, El Mazouni Coaching and Sportbegeleiding, De Studio, Stichting Ara Cora and Roger That Inspiratielab at Lab6 in Amsterdam today, November 24:

** ppe gallery ** anp gallery ** rex gallery **

** gettyimages gallery: NLD: Queen Maxima Of The Netherlands Visits Mind Amsterdam **

And later today she received the first copy of the photo book of the Stichting Haags Verhaal by photographer Piet Gispen in the Museum Beeld en Geluid in Den Haag:

** ppe gallery ** anp gallery ** gtresnews gallery ** rex gallery **

** gettyimages gallery: NLD: Queen Maxima Of The Netherlands Receives The First Photobook "The Hague Stories" **
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Today, January 12, Queen Máxima participated in the online session 'The two faces of social media' organized by MIND with support from Amsterdam Public Health:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 **
Does the Netherlands have many asylum seekers?
Maxima has been volunteering today with the Red Cross, sorting clothes for asylum seekers.

Just a little correction: she already did so on January 19, not yesterday, January 20:

** Red Cross Twitter Post **

Her Majesty Queen Máxima today set up as a volunteer for the Red Cross! Together with our volunteers, she sorted clothing in Boskoop clothing, which goes through asylum seekers in the whole of the Netherlands.
This clothing has been donated by companies

** omroepwest.nl: Koningin Máxima sorteert in Boskoop kleding voor asielzoekers **
Today, January 25, Queen Máxima as Honorary President of SchuldenlabNL together with the Chairman and the Director of the Foundation SchuldenlabNL visited the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in Den Haag to talk to the Minister for Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions, Carola Schouten, about tackling problematic debts:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 **

** koninklijkhuis.nl: Koningin Máxima en SchuldenlabNL spreken met minister Schouten over schuldenproblematiek **

And later today she visited the Home Owners Association in Amersfoort, where she spoke to home seekers who are unable to find a (suitable) home:

** gtresnews gallery ** ppe gallery ** koninklijkhuis.nl photos ** anp gallery **
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Queen Máxima paid a working visit to the !WOON Foundation in Amsterdam today, february 24. She talked to "younger and older home seekers, particularly in the rental sector, about the tightness in the housing market".

** ppe gallery ** anp gallery ** rex gallery **
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Handicraft groups from all over the country are helping to embroider the new curtains for the Chinese Hall of Huis ten Bosch Palace. Queen Máxima is today at the instruction of a craft group, so that she can also embroider on the curtains herself.


Queen Maxima visited a humanitarian service point for refugees from Ukraine, set up by the Red Cross, at the RAI in Amsterdam today 16 March


https://www.ppe-agency.com/show.php?zoektype=2&search=16-03-2022 Amsterdam

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Queen Máxima, as honorary chairperson of the Money Wise platform, opened the 11th edition of Money Week in the Kunsthal in Rotterdam today, March 28:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** anp gallery ** gtresnews gallery ** ppe gallery **

** gettyimages: NLD: Queen Maxima Of The Netherlands Opens Moneyweek In Rotterdam **

As honorary chairperson of SchuldenlabNL she aftwards launched the national Geldfit campaign "Grip op je geld" (Grip on your money) at Eneco's head office in Rotterdam:

** ppe gallery ** anp gallery **

** gettyimages: NLD: Queen Maxima Of The Netherlands launches The Campaign Grip On Your Money In Rotterdam **
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Today, March 30, Queen Máxima launched the MIND Us foundation and with that also became Honorary President of MIND Us.

MIND Us will focus on the mental health of young people between the 12 and 27:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** anp gallery ** ppe gallery ** rex gallery **

** gettyimages gallery: NLD: Queen Maxima Of The Netherlands Launches The Mind US In Rotterdam **

In the afternoon she held a speech at the VIP-event of nlgroeit in Zeist:

** Pic ** ppe gallery ** anp gallery **

** gettyimages gallery: NLD: Queen Maxima Of The Netherlands attends The VIP NLGroeit Event In Zeist **
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