Richard II (1367-1400)

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Imperial Majesty
Dec 2, 2013
United States
The Wilton Diptych (about 1395) is the first royal portrait painting commissioned by an English king. Richard II is pictured kneeling in veneration of the Madonna alongside John the Baptist and two English kings. The kings are Edmund the Martyr and Edward the Confessor.

The Wilton Diptych is in the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery in London, England.
The blue of the Madonna is exquisite!!

One of the indictments against Richard II concerning his deposition was:
He imposed very heavy burdens of taxation on his subjects in nearly every year of his reign, to their great impoverishment, and used the income thus obtained, not for the benefit of the realm of England, but for his own ostentation, pomp and vainglory.

One of the indictments against Richard II concerning his deposition was:
Contrary to his coronation oath he had denied justice to Henry duke of Lancaster.

When King Richard II reached his majority in 1389, he was able to assume direct rule and choose his own advisors.
Richard II was responsible for the introduction of the handkerchief.
Richard II kept his face clean-shaven when it was conventional for men to wear a beard.
Richard II developed elaborations on court protocol. He insisted on new forms of address such as "Your Highness" and "Your Majesty".

On August 21, 1392, Richard II and Queen Anne crossed London Bridge from Southwark to receive the keys of the city of London from the mayor. This was the first time that such a ceremony was performed.

Richard II's second wife Isabelle de Valois was presented with two crowns after her marriage in 1396. One crown was decorated with jewels, pearls, and white daises.

In 1385 Richard II led a military campaign into Scotland.
It was the only military campaign of his reign.
Richard II was impressed by French culture and customs.
He installed French cooks in his kitchens.

King Richard II tried unsuccessfully to secure his election as Holy Roman Emperor.
Petitioners, even the Archbishop of Canterbury, were made to grovel before him on their knees.

Richard would sit on his throne for hours at a time in silence, with the whole court gathered around him.
If his gaze rested upon anyone, that individual had to make obeisance to King Richard.
King Richard II was a patron of the poets Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower.
Richard II was a patron of the chronicler Jean Froissart.
In Queens Consort, Lisa Hilton wrote:

Initially the discussion of Anne of Bohemia's dowry had been diplomatically postponed, but it was soon obvious that her brother Wenzel simply could not afford one. Nevertheless, the marriage was considered sufficiently important for Richard to effectively buy Anne from her brother for 'loans' totalling 15,000 pounds.​
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The Wilton Diptych (about 1395) is the first royal portrait painting commissioned by an English king. Richard II is pictured kneeling in veneration of the Madonna alongside John the Baptist and two English kings. The kings are Edmund the Martyr and Edward the Confessor.

Its a wonder that this portrait survived the Reformation & the Puritans but it now hangs in the National Gallery I believe!

HistoricRoyalPalaces ‏@HRP_palaces
Today in 1400: Richard II dies. In 1399, he was captured and deposed by Lancastrian king, Henry IV.
King Wenceslaus of Bohemia could not afford a dowry for Anne of Bohemia. The marriage was considered sufficiently important for Richard to effectively buy Anne from her brother for loans totaling 15,000 pounds.

King Richard II asserted his authority at the great council in May 1389 dismissing the Lords Appellant.

King Richard II assumed the commands of the rebels in 1381.
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The second youngest to be crowned. At least in England I think after Edward VI. Or have there been younger?
The second youngest to be crowned. At least in England I think after Edward VI. Or have there been younger?

There were also
Henry III was 9 when he became King
Edward III was 14 when he became King
Henry III of course! Fancy me forgetting him.:ohmy:

Thank you.:flowers:
Why was the demise of King Richard II mysterious?
Queen Isabelle was given her own French governess, Margaret de Courcy, who received an annuity of a hundred pounds on New Year's Day 1397.
The primates of London and Canterbury argued about which of them should be given presence at the wedding and coronation of Anne of Bohemia.
The quarrel was resolved by the primates of London and Canterbury sharing the honors.
The primates of London and Canterbury argued about which of them should be given presence at the wedding and coronation of Anne of Bohemia.
The quarrel was resolved by the primates of London and Canterbury sharing the honors.

Anne was Crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury,William Courtenay on the 22nd of January 1382.
The Bishop of London was Robert Braybrooke,but the Archbishop out ranked him.
Though Anne of Bohemia had no dowry, she did bring some fine jewelry with her.
Anne's father and brother were both successive Holy Roman Emperors and hailed from the House of Luxembourg.

Anne's mother was the daughter of the Duke of Pomerania and a Polish Princess.
Great picture. She wasn't even 7 when She married 29 year old Richard. The marriage was never consumated. I've read he was very kind to her, and after his death Isabel refused to marry the then Prince of Wales, future Henry V. Which her sister Catherine of Valois would later.
While also later founding The Tudor Line with Owen Tudor.
Almost of Isabella's sisters made very advantageous marriages

Jeanne de Valois married Jean V ,Duke of Brittany
Michelle de Valois married Philippe III of Burgundy.
Catherine de Valois married Henry V of England

Only Marie de Valois never married ,she had been proposed as a bride for the Duke of Bar but instead became a nun and Prioress of the Saint-Louis de Poissy priory.

Marie died at the convent a victim of the Black Death!
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