Roman and Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empires

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Heir Presumptive
Apr 16, 2005
Amsterdam, Upstate NY
United States
The Roman and Byzantine Worlds

The Genealogy of Eastern Roman Empire (known from the 19th Century on as Byzantine Empire)

The Geneaology of the Trebizond Empire

And in case you want more on all Royals from all times:
Directory of Royal Genealogical Data (when you get there scroll up please, the link gets you to the center of the page, not the top)

and Royal and Noble Genealogical Data on the Web
Good luck, you will be reading for weeks! That site is an extraordinary resource of information for all things Royal :)
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Waow, we are lucky! Thanks Toledo for providing us so many links!
And I have more! I always save all these hard to find websites on genealogy in case my curiosity needs precise data while I'm reading history books.

I'll post them individually (but according to the subject of the thread) over the next few weeks. It will make it easier for our pals at Royal Forums in case they are looking for detailed information. Whether is for a school project or, like me, just for the fun of knowing a little more about history.
Now time for me to go, I'll be back at the end of the day. :)
A quote from the artilce:
His only sister Anne ( d. 1462) had m. Louis I de Savoie. His only dau. Charlotte ( d. 1487) was recognised as Queen of Cyprus, Armenia and Jerusalem and m. her 1st cousin Louis de Savoie but she was dethroned in 1460 by a bastard son of her father, namely Jacques II ( d. 1473) and fled to Italy.

Ok, apart from openning new things about other Royal Families for me , I learnt about my own, since I have never heard that Charlotte was recognized as Queen of Armenia. Was she recognized by others or did Armenia recognize her as well?
I know that I should have known the answer myself but I ran through my History of Armenia book again yesterday (618 pages!) but with no result. She wasn't mentioned at all.
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A quote from the artilce:

Ok, apart from openning new things about other Royal Families for me , I learnt about my own, since I have never heard that Charlotte was recognized as Queen of Armenia. Was she recognized by others or did Armenia recognize her as well?
I know that I should have known the answer myself but I ran through my History of Armenia book again yesterday (618 pages!) but with no result. She wasn't mentioned at all.

The reason why she was recognised as such is because most of the families that were Byzantine rulers also had Armenian ancestry...most were, in fact, either of Greek-Armenian or pure Armenian origin, when traced back far enough.

If you want the definitive reference on all things Byzantine, go and get yourself a set of the Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. It's very expensive (several hundred dollars), but it is written by all the top Byzantine scholars and is an excellent work. Either that, or look for a copy in your local university library. Most of the larger uni's will have a copy, I should think.
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