Site Maintenance, Software Upgrades, Downtime, Glitches etc

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Site Maintenance July 28

Due to preventive maintenance the forum may be offline starting July 28, 2011 starting at 1:01 am EDT (5:01 GMT). This maintenance window is scheduled for 2 hours but the hope is that it will be no more than 30 minutes.

We are apologize for any inconvenience. :flowers:
I type the post, it does not post. I type it again, it posts, along with my orignal post, and all other posts made since that time. I delete the repeat post, and it goes back to the way it was before I posted anything this AM! :bang:

It says the last post was made at 10:25 AM, yet, when I click on the thread, it only shows me posts up to 9:55 AM!

Now it has erased my posts in this thread too....:bang::bang:

The last post I can see was posted at 9: 47 AM....
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May be your computer as all the threads work for me,
I am not able to post Profile Comments.
I know my friends have not changed any settings.
I am having to type my username and password in twice in order to log in!
I am having to type my username and password in twice in order to log in!
does tell you if the password wrong or anything ? & you must fix your computer browser or maybe your computer have virus :cool:
Oh, Ye Gods and Little Fishes, what will the idiots think of next. Being a complete computer hopeless and helpless I cannot think for the life of me why anybody in his right mind would want to plant viruses or some such, parasites, worms bugs, slime mold etc in any of the wiring or what not of the Royal Fora. Talk about nutcases that have nothing better to do with their time, this must be one for the books. These people or person must be some kind of rabid republican type. So stern, so serious, so grim. Sigh. And one of the innocent joys of life has now become, SOB, a Target. That is the trouble with all these zealots and fanatics. No sense of humour, and by that I do not mean just laughing a jokes and funny things, I mean a sense of appreciating the happier side of life. MY favorite line in Horace: "Amara lenti temperet risu." Let him soften bitter things with a gentle smile. And while I am boring you to tears, one of my other favorite things is a literal translation from some Chinese sage or other: "good men, I good them. bad men, I good them too." So I suppose we should feel pity for the misguided creatures and their pathetic little stunt. But between the noble Warren and the other moderators, all these gorgeous royals and their palaces and trinkets, along with chocolat we can be transported to a happier world. Cheers.

These hackers live and breathe destruction and they must be jealous that this site is extremely popular with the masses. But thanks to the mods, all is well. Maybe if these harbingers of doom indulged in some civilized partaking of ice cream and chocolate, they wouldn't be so bitter and destructive and at peace with themselves.
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So all the issues I mentioned above have been fixed then?
When odd things happen a good first step is to log out of the Forums, clear the cache and history, close your browser then re-open it and log back in.
Site downtime Feb 21-22

We are going to be doing some server upgrades late Tuesday night and into early Wednesday morning Feb 21 - 22.

During this time (roughly 12 AM - 5 AM EST | GMT-5 ) the forum will be offline.

Thanks for your patience and understanding during this outage. It has been scheduled in the wee small hours to have as low an impact as possible and when we return you should see increased speed and stability. :flowers:
Thanx for bumping this Baroness, because I wouldn't have known. :flowers:
You're welcome; wouldn't it be awful if we had one of those sleepless nights and we were looking forward to getting on the forums and it came as a shocker that we couldn't? :eek:
Ah, thank you again, always nice to know there's an alternate route to the RF! :flowers:
Post #165 from Tyger (me) on Princess Charlene's Fashion and Style Part 4: April 2012 -


I have begun to get a pop-up advert on this thread and certain other threads (not all threads). It shows up at the top and comes down vertically in a narrow band on top of the posts. It seems to actually freeze the top part of the page - because I can't get the cursor to move to another page - where the advert is seems to freeze the page - but if I go down to the bottom of the page the cursor is live and I can go forward.

Just now I tried to respond to a post and this advert appeared in the reply area - but not as an advert - but as a white blankness in the shape of the advert - and the reply box would not take any text - I could not type.

This advert is clearly impeding. (I was able to post because I went down the page out of proximity of the advert). Anyone have any ideas? Its happening on this thread for sure but not others.

LATER: If someone could explain to me how to take a 'screen-shot' I could do so to show. Its not just one kind of advert. This morning it was for Wells Fargo Bank. Other days it is for other things - in the exact same area and it definitely freezes the frame where it sits.

Post #167 from Daria -

I've had the same issue as well. Hopefully someone that manages this site can do something about it. Refreshing the page helps too, but it may take more than one attempt.

Post #168 from Tyger -

Thank you, Daria, for the advice - I'll try that. It really does seem to be a virus or something that has glommed onto certain threads - invaded TRF. Very odd. What did it hitch-hike on to get in here? I hate to think what stuff one would find attaching itself to one's computer if one accidentally clicked on it.

Avoid said advert like the plague is my advice.

Post #169 from Baroness of Books -

It's been happening to me as well, and refreshing the page seems to eliminate it.

Post #170 from Tyger (me) -

Just had it happen on the Main Page (or Front Page) as I came on TRF. Hitting 'Refresh' does get rid of it. Where would I tell the mods about it - since no one is alighting here to say anything?

Post #171 from Daria -

I think there's a thread in the Community Forums that is specifically for technical glitches. I'm not sure of the name of it, but I do remember seeing it pop up at various times.

Hence I am posting here to let the mods know about this odd glitch. Its far more than an annoying advert - when the advert is showing it actually impedes scrolling and when it shows on the posting composition screen one cannot type. It seems to be a serious invasive bug of some kind. Somebody would be tempted to click on the advert in an attempt to get rid of it - and thus tumble down that rabbit hole - who knows what virus or bug the website that is hosting that thing would then infect one's computer with? :evil:
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:previous: One more element is operating: there will be a flash of the white space where the advert would show up when one comes on the Main Page, but the advert doesn't actually show up. However, the top part of the Main Page is frozen - the cursor is not live, it stays an arrow rather that reading a live link. If one scrolls down half the page or more - outside the influence of the advert area, I guess - the cursor goes live.

Refreshing or reloading the page does work, though sometimes the refresh/reload has to happen two or more times. There is definitely something amiss that has glommed onto the site.
Hi mods-
A ?-
When your server times you out during a private message, where do those private messages go to get saved? Who all ever sees a private message? Just the sender and recipient? They cannot be read by just anybody on something like Google right?
Hi mods-
A ?-
When your server times you out during a private message, where do those private messages go to get saved? Who all ever sees a private message? Just the sender and recipient? They cannot be read by just anybody on something like Google right?

If you get logged out in the middle of composing a PM or post, that info is never saved so there's nothing to see. It's just gone. Once you have sent a PM the recipient can see it and if you've configured your account to save sent items in a sent folder, you can also retrieve it. Others can't see your PMs and neither can google unless the recipient posts it somewhere publicly or perhaps forwards it to someone else. :flowers:
If you get logged out in the middle of composing a PM or post, that info is never saved so there's nothing to see. It's just gone. Once you have sent a PM the recipient can see it and if you've configured your account to save sent items in a sent folder, you can also retrieve it. Others can't see your PMs and neither can google unless the recipient posts it somewhere publicly or perhaps forwards it to someone else. :flowers:

Thank you!:D
I notified a little while ago that the site was offline for a short time for maintenance. What's up?
The tech staff have been working on the server so there have been some disruptions, for example I've been locked out a few times.
It should settle down soon, if it hasn't already. :)
It settled down well before I posted the message.
Having problems again with ads cutting off the screen both left and right. This time ebay.

A solution was found before but I can't remember what it was - can anyone help?


EDIT: Remembered - log out!
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Site offline late Tuesday, March 11

I wanted to give you a heads up that the forum will be offline for about an hour later today as we move to a new server. At about 10 PM (EST) (or 03:00 GMT) we will be offline for about an hour. Once we're back and running smoothly, you should see faster page loads and more stability. Thanks in advance for your patience. :flowers:
font change

Did you change the font in some of the threads?
I was in a thread, and the font in the recent discussions thread changed all of a sudden...
Don't users determine the font in their posts?
I imagine if admin changed the default font we all use it would change across the whole forum.
No changes but the recent discussions list over on the right has threads you've viewed lists in regular font. Threads you haven't read are in bold....
Now it is back to normal- but this afternoon when I would go in Crown Princess Mary jewelry thread- or some of the fashion threads the discussion lists were in a different type of bold than normal- hard for me to read...
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