State Visit from South Korea to Sweden: June 14-15, 2019

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Serene Highness
Feb 8, 2012
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The President of South Korea will pay back to back visits to Norway and Sweden.
:previous:It's June, not May ?

I was apparently too tired and/or able to do more than one thing at the time, of course it's June. :lol:

The President of South Korea will pay back to back visits to Norway and Sweden.

Indeed, the President will also visit Finland (9-11 June) before the royal state visits.
The thread title is no also changed to June. I'm delighted that finally an incoming SV to Sweden is announced. It's only a very short visit, but I hope see a large number of royals to turn out for it.
Come to the Royal Palace in Stockholm and join the welcome ceremony for South Korea's President!
On Friday, June 14, South Korea's President Moon Jae-in and his wife Kim Jung-sook will come to the Royal Palace in Stockholm. The Presidential couple come to Sweden for a state visit at the invitation of the King and Queen.
The Presidential couple goes at a cortege with the Royal Couple from H.M. The King's Stables at 9.25 and arrive at the Royal Palace's inner courtyard at 9.40 where the official welcome ceremony takes place.
The public is invited to attend the ceremony. Feel free to take this opportunity and welcome and welcome the President and his wife to Sweden!
The program for the visit has been released by the Court:

Friday 14 June
Official welcome ceremony
The state visit commence in the morning when the President and First Lady are welcomed by the King and Queen at the Royal Mews. Cortege to the Royal Palace.

The official welcome ceremony takes place at the Inner Court Yard at the Royal Palace. The ceremony includes inspection of the Guard of Honours, national anthems and greetings with the official delegations.

Press meeting (10:30)
The King and the President will make statements to the press in Lovisa Ulrika's Dining Room.

Meeting with the Speaker
President Moon Jae-in is received by the Speaker of the Riksdag, Andreas Norlén, for a meeting in the Riksdag. President Moon Jae-in will deliver a speech in the Old Second Chamber, about peace and security on the Korean Peninsula. The King and Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström attend.

Silviahemmet Foundation
The Queen and First Lady Kim Jung-sook visit Silviahemmet, and are presented to the business and have the opportunity to meet some of the residents.

The King and Queen host a luncheon at the Royal Palace.

Ericsson Studio Kista
The King and President Moon Jae-in visit Ericsson Studio in Kista, together with the Minister for Enterprise and Innovation Ibrahim Baylan. Ericsson is an important partner in the development of 5G in South Korea, during the visit will the technique be presented and demonstrated.

Sweden-Korea Business Summit
The King and President Moon Jae-in, together with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, participate in the Sweden-Korea Business Summit, that gathers around 200 representatives from companies, start-ups and investers from Sweden and Korea. The President and Prime Minister will give short addresses during the summit.

State Banquet
The first day is concluded by the state banquet hosted by the King and Queen at the Royal Palace.

Saturday 15 June
Meeting with the Prime Minister
President Moon Jae-in is received by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at Grand Hotel in Saltsjöbaden in the morning. They will discuss: foreign-, and security issues, innovation, research, digitalisation, creative sectors, and increased cooperation in social and employment matters. Foreign Minister Margot Wallström, Minister for Employment Ylva Johansson, Minister for Enterprise and Innovation Ibrahim Baylan and Minister for Trade Ann Linde attend as well.

The Queen and First Lady Kim Jung-sook visit Waldemarsudde, former home of Prince Eugen.

Svensk Form – Korea + Sweden Young Design Award 2019
The Queen and First Lady Kim Jung-sook particiapte in the award ceremony Svensk Form – Korea + Sweden Young Design Award 2019.

Norrsken Foundation
The King and President Moon Jae-in, together with the Minister for Energy and Digitalisation Anders Ygeman, Norrsken Foundation.

Unveiling of a Memorial
The King and Queen, and President Moon Jae-in and First Lady Kim Jung-sook, participate in an unveiling of a memorial at Djurgården for Swedish veterans who served at the Red Cross Hospital during the Korean War.

Concert at Musikaliska
President Moon Jae-in and First Lady Kim Jung-sook host a concert, Celebration Concert, at Musikaliska in honour of their Swedish hosts.

The state visit is concluded when the King and Queen bid farewell to their guests at the Royal Palace.

So Princess Madeleine is not involved n the state visit after all, or will she show up at the state dinner only ?

Princess Sofia looks beautiful in the picture.
So Princess Madeleine is not involved n the state visit after all, or will she show up at the state dinner only ?

Princess Sofia looks beautiful in the picture.

Margareta Thorgren said last Friday to Svensk Damtidning that Madeleine and Chris will take part in the state visit. We will see.
Kungaparet tog emot med pompa och ståt – se första bilderna från statsbesöket! _ Svensk Damtidning

Now Svensk Damtidning writes "We look forward to see Madeleine (and even Chris?) together with the royal family, she connects at the gala dinner starting at 20.00. Victoria, Daniel, Carl Philip and Sofia attended at the luncheon.
Just nu på slottet! Kronprinsessan Victoria vid pappa kungens sida under statsbesöket _ Svensk Damtidning

The queen and the First Lady at Silviahemmet
Belga Image

Court Youtube
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What a wonderful welcome with the carriage ride and band

Nothing beats a proper Royal Family when it comes to the ceremonial role of the Head of State ( the carriage ride, the welcome reception, the white tie state dinner, etc.) .
The president met The Speaker of the Riksdag, Andreas Norlén. King Carl Gustaf attended too.
Talmannen tog emot Sydkoreas president - Riksdagen

The king and the president visited Swedish networking and telecommunications company Ericsson in Kista. They watched an esport match.
Belga Image

Photos from court Facebook
At the Royal Stables
The cortege and welcome ceremony
Group photo
The queen and the First Lady at Silviahemmet
The king and the President at Ericsson

Photos at the President's Twitter

Swedish Press Agency
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State Dinner

The King and the President

Queen Silvia and the First Lady

Victoria and Daniel

Carl Philip and Sofia

Madeleine and Chris

Only the king, queen, Victoria and Daniel have got South Korean orders. The king and queen have got theirs at their state visit to South Korea.

Belga Image

Just nu på slottet! Prinsessan Madeleines kungliga återkomst _ Svensk Damtidning

The court about the first day
Statsbesök från Republiken Korea – dag 1 - Sveriges Kungahus

Court Instagram

The guest list at the dinner
Gästlista vid galamiddag hos DD.MM. Konungen och Drottningen på Stockholms slott den 14 juni 2019 med anledning av statsbesök från Republiken Korea - Sveriges Kungahus

From the group photoshoot: Victoria, Daniel, Carl Philip and Sofia.
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Lovely to see Chris at the state banquet. Isn’t this his first time?
Lovely to see Chris at the state banquet. Isn’t this his first time?

No, Chris was present at the 2017 Canadian State Visit. I believe that was his first time.
Photos from the dinner at court Facebook

The Mistress of the Robes, baroness Kirstine von Blixen-Finecke with baron Hans von Blixen-Finecke
The First Lady of the Court, countess Anna Hamilton with count Peter Hamilton
The Director of the Press Department Margareta Thorgren
The Marshal of the Court and Head of HRH The Crown Princess's Household Karolin A. Johansson

Hela gästlistan! Här är alla som fick gå på galabankett med Victoria och Daniel _ Svensk Damtidning
Juvelerna, dukningen och menyn! Så var galamiddagen på slottet _ Svensk Damtidning
Prinsessan Madeleine och Chris O'Neill strålade tillsammans

ROYAL: Carl Gustaf und Silvia empfangen den südkoreanischen Präsidenten Moon Jae-in zum Staatsbesuch in Schweden, Tag 1
ROYAL: Eine stolze Silvia stellt Südkoreas First Lady ihr "viertes Kind" Silviahemmet vorngen den südkoreanischen Präsidenten Moon Jae-in zum Staatsbesuch in Schweden, Tag 1[/URL]

Photos at the President's Twitter
First Lady Kim Jung-sook had #fikatime with Swedish #lattepappas, dads on paternity leave (this is lovely!)

Btw. now we have seen the First Lady in Sweden and Norway, at first she was on a state visit to Finland and looked like this
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Lots of unseen photos from the dinner at this gallery. Nice to see also a photo of Daniel at the table.
ROYAL: Das schönste Kleid? - Victoria, Madeleine & Sofia beim Staatsbankett anlässlich des Staatsbesuchs des südkoreanischen Präsidenten

The second day has started
President Moon Jae-in arrived just before nine o'clock to meet prime Minister Stefan Löfven to the Grand Hotel in Saltsjöbaden outside Stockholm. In the end of their talks they held a press conference. Photos are updated to the gallery, of the queen's and First Lady's visits to Waldemarsudde and Svensk Form.
Belga Image

Queen Silvia and the First Lady visited Prince Eugen's Waldemarsudde and got a guided tour at the prince's former home and garden.
Court Facebook
Then they visited Svensk Form at Skeppsholmen to attend the awards ceremony for the Korea Sweden Young Design Award. After the ceremony, the prize winners were given the opportunity to show their work.

King Carl Gustaf and the president visited Norrsken Foundation.

ROYAL: Carl Gustaf und Silvia empfangen den südkoreanischen Präsidenten Moon Jae-in zum Staatsbesuch in Schweden, Tag 2
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What a wonderful welcome with the carriage ride and band

Absolutely its a shame that so may other monarchies such as Spain and Belgium use motorcades rather than carriages (which they have an ample supply of) & are are now sadly more or less redundant museum pieces in this green friendly age.
The king, queen, the president and the First Lady participated in an unveiling of a memorial at Djurgården for Swedish veterans who served at the Red Cross Hospital during the Korean War. The king and the president also planted a tree.

King Carl Gustaf, queen Silvia, Victoria, Carl Philip and Sofia at a concert president Moon Jae-in and First Lady Kim Jung-sook host at Musikaliska in honour of their Swedish hosts. Behind them sits a lot of members of the court staff.
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Daniel and Estelle flew today to Nice to support Team Sweden at FIFA Women's World Cup match against Thailand tomorrow.

Court Facebook, at Norrsken House
Unveiling the monument
At the concert the K-pop band AOA, the classic group Haegum Plus and the Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team were some of the performers who performed.
The royal family said farewell to the President and First Lady at the Royal Palace.

Performers at the concert

The court about the second day
Statsbesök från Republiken Korea – dag 2 - Sveriges Kungahus
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King Carl Gustaf said at his speech at the state dinner among other things:
Mr President, you are a few years younger than me. But I think you agree with me that the longer you live, the more you understand how to value long-term friendships.
Such a friendship unites our two countries. This year we celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations. But our bands go even further back than that. Already in the late 1800s Swedish missionaries, journalists and explorers began to find the Korean peninsula.
My grandfather, King Gustaf VI Adolf, was the first public person in Sweden who was interested in Korean art and archeology. For us grandchildren, he gladly told about his trip to Korea in 1926, when he and Crown Princess Louise went there to participate in excavations.
During his lifetime he donated a number of objects to the East Asian Museum here in Stockholm, and these are the objects that form the basis of the Korean collection which today is preserved at the museum. Thanks to our common Korean Database Project you can now also see the collection online. A fine example of how digitization can help to show a valuable cultural heritage.(...)
In this context, should also be a mention made of the nearly 1,000 Swedes who have served in the demilitarized zone of Panmunjom, in the service of peace and security since 1953, within the framework of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. I myself have strong memories of previous visits and when the Queen and I visited this place in connection with the state visit to the Republic of Korea 2012.
A few years later, in 2015, the Crown Princess couple also visited your country. It has been extremely rewarding to discuss our plentiful impressions from these and other journeys to the Republic of Korea.
H.M. Konungens tal vid stats_bankett i samband med statsbesök från Republiken Korea, Kungliga slottet, fredagen den 14 juni 2019 - Sveriges Kungahus

At the President's Twitter, visit to Norrsken Foundation
At the concert

Belga published more photos from the state dinner
Belga Image
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Great photo of the king and the president

Schwedische Royals_ Die besten Bilder vom Staatsbesuch aus Südkorea _

Svensk Damtidning asked from the court about the orders at the state dinner, why Victoria and Daniel didn't wear The Order of the Seraphim.
The court press department informed:
- In connection with the state visit, the Crown Princess and Prince Daniel were conferred with "The Diplomatic Service Merit, Grand Gwanghwa Medal" - one of the Republic of Korea's state orders.
Queen Silvia wore also a pink sash. First Lady Kim Jung-sook wore The Order of The Polar Star. President Moon Jae-in wore The Order of the Seraphim.
Mysteriet kring de rosa och blå ordensbanden – vi reder ut begreppen! _ Svensk Damtidning
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At Silviahemmet's website
State visit at Silviahemmet
The queen and mrs Kim Jung-sook visited Silviahemmet on June 14 and received a presentation of Silviahemmet's activities. After the presentation, the Queen and the President's wife had the opportunity to meet one of Silviahemmet's guests during the day's activities over a cup of coffee and homemade cookies.
Statsbesök på Silviahemmet _ Silviahemmet

At the President's website
Taking a carriage ride to reach the Royal Palace for the official welcoming ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden
Attending the official welcoming ceremony and posing for a commemorative photo at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden
Greeting members of the press corps at the Royal Palace in Stockholm
Meeting with Speaker Andreas Norlén of the Riksdag (Parliament) of Sweden
Addressing the Riksdag (Parliament) of Sweden
First Lady Kim Jung-sook visiting Silvia Home, a dementia center founded by Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden
Visiting the Ericsson Studio in Stockholm together with His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
First Lady Kim Jung-sook meeting with "latte papas," a Swedish term for fathers taking a parental leave to look after their children
Attending the Sweden-Korea Business Summit in Stockholm
Attending a state dinner hosted by His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden

Having a one-on-one conversation with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven in front of the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Sweden
Attending the Korea-Sweden summit at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden near Stockholm
Attending a Korea-Sweden MOU signing ceremony at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden near Stockholm
Attending the Korea-Sweden joint press conference at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden near Stockholm
First Lady Kim Jung-sook visiting the Svensk Form (an institution to promote Swedish design) in Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting the Norrsken Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden
Attending the unveiling of a Korean War memorial at the Royal Djurgarden in Stockholm, Sweden
Attending a concert held at Stockholm’s Musikaliska in appreciation of the invitation for a state visit to Sweden
Departing from Stockholm Arlanda Airport in Sweden
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