Swedish State Visit to Estonia: May 2-4, 2023

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Imperial Majesty
Jun 22, 2007
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An expected state visit I would say, or at least I have had it on my list for a few years. The King and Queen have made state visits to Latvia and Lithuania in recent years and countries around the Baltic seems like a priority the last years.

And, we might even get two tiara opportunities from the Queen.
There's been a few royal visits to Estonia recently with the Princess Royal earlier this year and Prince Edward last year.

Looking forward to the Swedish State Visit.
The King and Queen had today a briefing ahead of the state visit from representatives of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The program

Tuesday, May 2
Welcome ceremony
The state visit begins with an official welcome ceremony at Freedom Square (Vabaduse Väljak), where President Alar Karis and mrs Sirje Karis welcome the King and Queen. After the ceremony, a wreath will be laid at the memorial for the War of Independence.

Meeting in the presidential palace
The royal couple and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Billström are received by the president and mrs Karis in the presidential palace. After an official photo shoot, guest book signing and individual talks, they walk through Kadriorg Park to a place where an oak tree is planted.

Lunch with the Prime Minister
The royal couple and Foreign Minister Billström attend a lunch at Stenbockska huset, Stenbocki maja, hosted by Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

Parliament, Riigikogu
The royal couple and Minister Billström visit Estonia's parliament, the Riigikogu. They are received by chairman Lauri Hussar.

The Museum in Nikolai Church (Niguliste Museum)
The royal couple and the minister visit the museum in Nikolai Church together with the presidential couple. There they get a screening of the upcoming exhibition "Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue”.

The monument in memory of the victims of communism, Maarjamäe
The royal couple and the minister visit Maarjamäe and the monument in memory of the victims of communism. The president, together with mrs Karis, gives a guided tour, which ends with the lighting of candles.

State banquet
In the evening, the presidential couple will host a state banquet at Viimsi Artium.

Wednesday 3 May
Business seminar – Estonia-Sweden Business Forum
The royal couple, Minister for Foreign Affairs Billström, and Minister of Aid and Foreign Trade Forssell participate together with the presidential couple in the business seminar "Estonia-Sweden Business Forum" at Kultuurikatel.
The King and the President begin the seminar with an opening speech each.

Gustav Adolf Grammar School
The royal couple and Minister Billström visit the Gustav Adolf Grammar School, which is the oldest high school in Estonia. It was founded by Gustav II Adolf in 1631. The high school currently has 437 students, of whom 116 study Swedish five to six hours per week. In the academic year 2022/2023, the school celebrates 30 years of teaching Swedish.

Cyber ​​Range 14
The King, Minister for Foreign Affairs Billström and Minister for Defence Jonson visit Cyber ​​Range 14 (CR14). Here is a demonstration of Estonia's ability to defend itself in the event of a cyber attack.

Lunch Lillepaviljon
The King, Minister Billström and Minister Jonson participate in a lunch at Lillepaviljon, hosted by Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna.

Seminar on security at the Ministry of Defence
The King, Minister Billström and Minister Jonson participate together with President Karis in a seminar on security and defence. The focus is Swedish-Estonian defense cooperation today, in the future and in relation to the Swedish NATO accession process.

Arvo Pärt Centre
The queen and mrs Karis visit the Arvo Pärt Centre, where Michael Pärt, Arvo Pärt's son and chairman of the board of the Arvo Pärt Centre, gives a guided tour. The visit ends with a concert in the center's concert hall.

Mrs Karis is hosting a lunch at Lahepere Villa. The Queen and Mrs Karis will have the opportunity to talk to people who participate in the afternoon's places of interest.

SOS Children's Villages
The Queen and mrs Karis visit one of the SOS Children's Villages located in Keila-Joa.

Broken Line Monument
In the late afternoon, the royal couple, minister Billström and minister Jonson together with the presidential couple visit the Broken Line Monument, where those who died in the Estonia disaster are honored.

Reception for the Swedish colony
The royal couple, minister Billström and minister Jonson meet Swedes living in Estonia. Ambassador Ingrid Tersman hosts the reception in the residence at the Swedish Embassy in Tallinn.

Response dinner
The royal couple gives a response dinner in honor of their Estonian hosts.

Thursday 4 May – Tartu
Train to Tartu
The royal couple, Minister Billström and the presidential couple travel by train to Tartu.

Town Hall Square, Tartu
The royal couple, Minister Billström and the presidential couple are received at the town hall square by Tartu's mayor Urmas Klaas. The royal couple signs a guest book, then they walk to the University of Tartu.

University of Tartu
At the University of Tartu, where President Karis has previously been rector, the royal couple, the foreign minister and the presidential couple meet with representatives of the city of Tartu.

Gustav II Adolf's memorial
From the University of Tartu, the royal couple, Minister Billström and the presidential couple, as well as rector Toomas Asser, walk to Gustav II Adolf's memorial.

Rector Toomas Asser is hosting a lunch at the university's museum.

Delta Centre
In the afternoon, the King, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the President visit the Delta Center at the University of Tartu. It is a modern center for digital technology and analytical and economic thinking, bringing together students, researchers and innovators in fields such as computer science, robotics, engineering, mathematics, finance and business management.

Estonian University of Life Sciences Forestry Building
The king, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the president visit the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The work and research activities conducted there focus on the sustainable development of natural resources as well as the preservation of heritage and habitats. Rector Ülle Jaakma welcomes and presents the university's work.
After planting a tree in the Dendroparken, they visit the plant physiology laboratory.

Estonian Agrenska Tammistu Centre
The Queen and Mrs Karis visit the Eesti Agrenska Foundation in Tammistu. It is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 2003. The overall aim is to develop services for children and teenagers with rare diagnoses and disabilities in order to improve the quality of life, integration and equal opportunities for them and their families.

National Museum of Estonia
The afternoon's program ends with a visit to Estonia's national museum, Eesti Rahva Museum, where the director of the museum, Dr. Kertu Saks, welcomes. President Karis, who was director of the museum 2018–2021, will present parts of the museum's collections.

Farewell ceremony
The state visit ends with an official farewell ceremony outside the national museum, where the presidential couple bid farewell to the royal couple.
Program för statsbesöket till Estland _ Kungahuset

About the visit at the website of the President of Estonia
The King and Queen of Sweden will be on a State Visit to Estonia next week
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Seems like there are two tiara opportunities for Queen Silvia. Not bad for a state visit these days.
Seems like there are two tiara opportunities for Queen Silvia. Not bad for a state visit these days.

At the State Visit to the Netherlands the Swedish royal couple organized a return banquet, in white tie. Almost the only royal family still doing so (and I like it).
At the State Visit to the Netherlands the Swedish royal couple organized a return banquet, in white tie. Almost the only royal family still doing so (and I like it).

They usually have the same dresscode at the return Dinner then at the State Banquet. so if the State Banquet is white tie so is the return Dinner. If the State Banquet is black tie so is the return Dinner.
Now a question: the Estonian First Lady will be awarded with the Nordstjärneorden on its black sash or on its blue-yellow sash?
Now a question: the Estonian First Lady will be awarded with the Nordstjärneorden on its black sash or on its blue-yellow sash?
Good question. According to the Royal Court the sash is black from 2023, so we could assume she would be one of the first to wear this old-new colour.
Good question. According to the Royal Court the sash is black from 2023, so we could assume she would be one of the first to wear this old-new colour.

We'll see it in a possible white-tie banquet
The state visit has started

OTSEPILT JA GALERII ⟩ Kuningapaar on Eestis! Visiidi avab pidulik tervitustseremoonia
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningapaar Vabaduse väljakul _ Galeriid _ ERR
FOTOD ⟩ Presidendipaar võttis Kadriorus vastu Rootsi kuningapaari
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningas Carl XVI Gustaf ja kuninganna Silvia Kadriorus _ Galeriid _ ERR

Lunch hosted by prime minister Kaja Kallas
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningapaar külastas Stenbocki maja _ Galeriid _ ERR
VIDEO ja FOTOD _ Rootsi kuningapaar külastab Eestit, Stenbocki majas kohtuti peaminister Kaja Kallasega - Delfi

Visiting Estonia's parliament, Riigikogu
Chairman of the Riigikogu Lauri Hussar said at the meeting with King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden that Estonia wants to see Sweden as a member of NATO already at the NATO summit in Vilnius in July.
Hussar_ meie eesmärk on, et Rootsi saaks NATO liikmeks - Riigikogu

At the Museum in Nikolai Church (Niguliste Museum)
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningapaar nautis Nigulistes kontserti ja Sittowi näitust _ Galeriid _ ERR

At the monument in memory of the victims of communism in Maarjamäe
FOTOD ⟩ Kuningas ja kuninganna mälestasid kommunismiohvreid
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningapaar külastas Maarjamäe memoriaali _ Galeriid _ ERR

Kung Carl XVI Gustaf och Silvia på statsbesök i Estland_ ”Besöket demonstrerar de utomordentliga relationerna” – svenska.yle.fi

Statsbesök i Estland_ Drottning Silvias namnteckning fångad på bild _*Svensk Dam

The state banquet, queen Silvia has the King Edward VII Ruby tiara.
The woman in red is queen Silvia's lady-in-waiting Harriet Bredelius. She is also wearing a tiara.
Margareta Thorgren (the director of the press department) and lieutenant general Jan Salestrand (the Chief of H.M.The King's Military Staff)
OTSEFOTOD _ President Alar Karis ja Sirje Karis võõrustavad riigiõhtusöögil Rootsi kuningapaari - Kroonika
OTSEFOTOD ⟩ Riigiõhtusöök Rootsi kuningapaari auks Viimsi Artiumis
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningapaari auks korraldatud riigiõhtusöök Viimsi Artiumis _ Galeriid _ ERR

Photos by SPA

The royal court at its website about the first day
Statsbesök till Estland _ Kungahuset

The King's speech at the state banquet
H.M.*Konungens tal vid välkomstbanketten vid statsbesöket i Estland _ Kungahuset
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The gifts

Video from the state banquet
The second day began with the Estonia-Sweden Business Forum.
The King's speech:
H.M. Konungens inledningstal vid Estonia-Sweden Business Forum _ Kungahuset
Eesti-Rootsi ärifoorum President of Estonia

Visit to the Gustav Adolf Grammar School
FOTOD ⟩ Kuningapaar tekitas kooliõpilastele palju elevust
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningapaar külastas Gustav Adolfi gümnaasiumi _ Galeriid _ ERR
FOTOD _ Rootsi kuningas külastas Gustav Adolfi gümnaasiumi õpilasi - Delfi
Queen Silvia and mrs Karis visited the Arvo Pärt Centre.

Queen Silvia and mrs Karis visited the SOS Children's Villages located in Keila-Joa.
GALERII ⟩ Kuninganna Silvia külastas Eestis paika, mida 29 aastat tagasi aitas ise luua
UHKE KLÕPS ⟩ Keilas asuv kodurestoran võõrustas kuningannat ja presidendiprouat. «See on elusündmus!»

The King, Minister Billström and Minister Jonson participated in a lunch at Lillepaviljon, hosted by Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna.

Visiting and laying wreaths to Broken Line Monument, the Estonia disaster memorial
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningapaar viis lilled Estonial hukkunute mälestusmärgile _ Galeriid _ ERR

The return dinner

The royal court about the second day
Statsbesök till Estland – dag*2 _ Kungahuset
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Carl XVI Gustaf and Silvia are both wearing the Order of White Star instead of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana
Carl XVI Gustaf and Silvia are both wearing the Order of White Star instead of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana

They got the Order of White Star at the state visit president Ilves made to Sweden in January 2011.

The decorations given due to this state visit, dated 20.4.2023:
Bearers of Decorations


The last day of the state visit will be in Tartu. The royal couple have arrived.
Galerii_ Rootsi kuningapaar sõitis rongiga Tartusse _ Eesti _ ERR
FOTOD _ Rootsi kuningapaar väisab täna Tartut ning kohtub seal linnapea ja ülikoolide rektoritega - Delfi
PILDID ⟩ Rootsi kuningas saabus Tartusse

The royal couple and the presidential couple were received at the town hall square by Tartu's mayor Urmas Klaas. Then they walked to the University of Tartu.
OTSEFOTOD _ Rootsi kuningapaar väisab täna Tartut ning kohtub seal linnapea ja ülikoolide rektoritega - Delfi
Visit to Gustav II Adolf's memorial

The King visited the Estonian University of Life Sciences. In addition to getting acquainted with the research and study areas of the rural university, the King planted a descendant of a king pine tree growing in Järvselja forest in front of Metsamaja in the rural university campus.
FOTOD ⟩ Kuningas ja president istutasid paljakäsi maaülikooli õuele männi
Queen Silvia and mrs Karis visited Estonian Agrenska Tammistu Family Centre
GALERII ⟩ Kuninganna Silvia külastas Tammistu perekeskust

Visit to Estonia's national museum, Eesti Rahva Museum

Galeriid_ Rootsi kuningapaar külastas Tartut _ Eesti _ ERR

The royal court about the last day
Statsbesök till Estland – dag 3 _ Kungahuset

Photos of the visit at the President's website
Photos President.ee

And at the President's Facebook
Alar Karis _ Facebook

Anders Pihlblad, the host of TV4's "Kungahuset", the annual program of the royal family, followed the state visit in Tallinn and said at TV4's News morning:
"Great interest in Estonia".
Anders Pihlblad hänger med kungaparet_ ”Stort intresse i Estland”

#Estonia and #Sweden are close, long-term friends and soon Allies in #NATO. It was a pleasure to welcome H.M. Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden, ??DefMin
@PlJonson and @SweMFA @TobiasBillstrom for discussions on the future of bilateral and multilateral defence cooperation.

SPA's video of the Queen and mrs Karis visiting the SOS Children's Villages in Keila-Joa.

The King at "Estonia-Sweden Business Forum" at Kultuurikatel and the King and Queen at Gustav Adolf Grammar School.

Video from the return dinner
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