The Casiraghi Family

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Apr 18, 2005
There is almost not info about another Casiraghi's grandparents, parents of Stefano.
I've just found some words of Fernanda Casiraghi about her grand children.

"Andrea is the alive portrait of his father and our pride ", says Fernanda Casiraghi, his paternal grandmother. " From his birth, Andrea was the exact copy of my son Stefano ". Despite he is laconic, he is more affectionate among sublings, in her opinion.

Fernanda Casiraghi about Char:

"Carlotta the most sweet and scrupulous, even too strict ".

Andrea saw the portrait of his father at age 16 with long hair in his grandmother Fernanda's house. Upon his request, Fernanda gave him the photo that he treasures to this day on his bedside table. He is said to often gaze at the picture as he combs his hair.

1. GrandMa
2. GrandMa and her another son


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Stefano´s parents are Fernanda and Giancarlo Casiraghi. Giancarlo died in 1998. Caroline attended with her mother in law at the memorial service for Giancarlo..

I remember that I heard an interview with Fernanda and they asked her how she feels about Caroline marrying again and that she will have another baby now.Fernanda answered that Caroline has suffered so much in her life and she had rather difficult times when Stefano died that she wishes her all the best and that she deserve to be happy. About the new baby she said that Caroline is a wonderful mother and every child would want Caroline as its mother.
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liv said:
I remember that I heard an interview with Fernanda and they asked her how she feels about Caroline marrying again and that she will have another baby now.Fernanda answered that Caroline has suffered so much in her life and she had rather difficult times when Stefano died that she wishes her all the best and that she deserve to be happy. About the new baby she said that Caroline is a wonderful mother and every child would want Caroline as its mother.

Such wise mother-in-law!
Thanks, Liv!!!!
Some pics of Fernanda and marco


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When and where were the 2 pics of Fernanda with the blue dress taken? The second one looks definetly like the Sporting Club's entrance but the first one nope.
monaco70s said:
When and where were the 2 pics of Fernanda with the blue dress taken? The second one looks definetly like the Sporting Club's entrance but the first one nope.

The first was taken in 12/04/2003, in the photo agancy says: GALA' DELLA S0LIDARIETA' COMUNQUE E SEMPRE (SOS) - FERNANDA CASIRAGHI


Monaco70s i love your avatar!!!!!:D
What a touching pic, the first one Alice posted:
Fernanda with the huge pics...That one goes
right to one's heart.
Do the Casiraghi Trio even like Fernanda? Her info. about them seems always to be outdated, as if she has not seen them for many years! And she speaks about them to the press. I wonder if they resent that. She acts like their mouthpiece in the media. I am sure Char is appreciative of her paternal grandparents, as her $7 million island was a gift from Giancarlo, but still....... Do they like Fernanda the Elder?

I know they definitely seem to like Fernanda the Younger, their cousin, and they seem to have gotten along well with Uncle Marco at the various Grand Prix formula one events.
i don't think the Casiraghi trio are really close to their paternal grandmother...i mean as a grandmother wouldn't you have formal portrait pictures of your grandchildren? the portraits she has seem to be blown up snaps of paparazzis...but its certain she loves her grandchildren especially Andrea =)

what does she mean by Charlotte being too strict? Charlotte to strict on herself? ^^
I think that after Stefano died, Caroline took her children to the grandparent´s house for some time. But now they have to decide if they want to visit her. And there is the problem.
Fernanda loves her grandchildren, Andrea seems to be her favourite. And if she gave that interview wasn´t in a bad way. And sure the trio love their familly
They didn´t enjoy his paternal familly very much: Andrea was only six years old when his father died :(. And they meet their cousins sometimes (at least andrea with fernanda) but the main conexion with them is over :(
connection not over

Doesn't Marco live in Monaco? He's always at the F1 Grand Prix, I think. And Fernanda (the cousin, not the grandmother) was seen with the trio and company several times on Lamu, and of course, as mentioned already, with Andy in Paris a few years ago. So I don't think there is distance between the trio and ALL of the Casiraghi family. I think the distance is exclusively for the grandmother because, I agree that it is very odd that the only pics she has of them in her home are blown up paparazzi pics. She actually has that very over-exposed pic of Char in the pashmina scarf at the 2000 F1 Grand Prix!!
maybe she just likes those pictures more... and perhaps the casiraghis dont have more formal portraits at this time? If they do, they haven't leaked out. Their paternal grandmother isn't well known so we can really say shes their mouthpiece to the trio. she seems nice and understanding from her interview.
and perhaps she has tons of pics of her grandkids that aren't paparazzi pics that we don't know of...
Yeah....... I suppose it's possible that the grandmother put away the private photos and replaced them with public ones for the sake of the interview. She might not have wanted to expose her private pictures to public viewing.
The Casiraghi Trio have a very close relationship with their "italian family", and their grandmother does not speak with the press so often; Italian journalists always contact her when something huge happens (Caro's marriage, Rainier's death) and she just answers with a polite short statement...the last time she gave a real interview was for the tenth anniversary of Stefano's death, and I think she did it because in some ways she wants her son not to be forgotten.
But shje is very private, never in the press, and together with her sons Marco and Daniele she takes care of Stefano's business for her grandchildren's sake!

I don't know if Caro is Afra's godmother, sorry. I can only make conjectures, like many of you: I guess Afra is more than 23 years old, and in this case Caro couldn't be her godmother as she only got together with Stefano in 1983. If on the contrary Afra is younger than I think, it is possible that she is infact Caro's goddaughter.
BTW, some years ago, on some occasion I don't remember (maybe Rainier was ill, or something of the kind) in a short interview Marco's wife said her daughter was with Caro, so I guess they must be pretty close...
I'm sorry I couldn't help more...
Grace said:
I don't know if Caro is Afra's godmother, sorry. I can only make conjectures, like many of you: I guess Afra is more than 23 years old, and in this case Caro couldn't be her godmother as she only got together with Stefano in 1983. If on the contrary Afra is younger than I think, it is possible that she is infact Caro's goddaughter.

I also tend to think that Afra is older then her Casiraghi cousins. In this picture which was taken in 1993 before or after memorial mass for Stefano, it's obvious that both girls are at least 2, 3 or more years older then Charlotte. Althought on Townsend's website aren't mentioned the names of the girls it could be Fernanda and Afra Casiraghi. Link;

As for godmother, Princess Caroline could be Afra's Confirmation godmother, not neccessary baptizm's godmother. Of course, that are only my thoughts..;)
towsend said:
I also thought of that Picture Ianna. I know it's her cousin's but I don't know their names. I aslo found some pix where she also on it . (maybe)
This is the link.
Look at the "1998, jan Funeral", behind Andrea.

These girls.. (Townsend's site) I agree with Ianna and Townsend that they must be Fernanda and Afra.
Oh, Townsend, you have a pic on there under which you say "Is this Melanie?" I think it is.I used to think it was Juliette but now think it's very possible it's Melanie as you propose.
Do you guys remember the pics of Andrea with his Casiraghi cousin in Paris from 2000? Ernst and Daniele Casiraghi were behind them. At worldroots, it says that this cousin is Fernanda, but she looks sooo much like these newest pics of Afra (from the wedding.) Is she Fernanda or Afra? What do you think?
Which photos? I have never seen photos of cousin Daniele Casiraghi!!! Where can I found that photos?
Fernanda and Giancarlo Casiraghi attended a dinner to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Fino Mornasco band in 1996 (source: gruppo musicale G.Verdi Fino M.)

Fernanda Casiraghi at the 2005 Christmas dinner party organized by the G. Verdi band whose council she is a honorary member ( gruppo musicale G. Verdi Fino M.)
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She´s beautiful! Is it recent? And di you have pics of Stefano´s nieces?
Thanks so much for a picture of his sister! I actually didn't even know he had one. She's very pretty. Do you know how old she is? And does she have children?
I only know she's a business woman. Sorry!
I guess she must be in her early 40s.
Not to be spoken English, so to pardon if this badly expressed. The Stefano sister must be 50 years old or but, since Stefano was the small brother and now tendria 46. I have seen some photo of rosalba in magazines, and the truth is that it was not like that. Safe stays that that is the sister?
Rosalba must be 55 or so now, because, as Rerehh said Stefano would now be 46, and he was by far the youngest of the siblings (I think Rosalba is the second after Marco, but i'm not sure)...
rerehh said:
Not to be spoken English, so to pardon if this badly expressed. The Stefano sister must be 50 years old or but, since Stefano was the small brother and now tendria 46. I have seen some photo of rosalba in magazines, and the truth is that it was not like that. Safe stays that that is the sister?

In that picture she looks a lot like her mother Fernanda. Perhaps that picture isn't a recent one.
Tosca said:
In that picture she looks a lot like her mother Fernanda. Perhaps that picture isn't a recent one.
How many siblings were they ? I Know only Marco and Stefano
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