The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child: September 2017

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The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child: September 2017

I remember with George Kate went to the hospital and it took 10 hours for him to be born, and then with Charlotte I slept through the entire thing; I woke up one morning and she was already born! (Mind you Charlotte was born at 3:34 in the morning my time.) I think with George Kate went to the hospital at the first sign of contractions because she’d never done it before; with Charlotte she laboured at home for a while before deciding it was time to go to the hospital. I believe both of them were all-natural deliveries; no epidural.
The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child: September 2017

I think they did take Kate giving birth into consideration, but Harry & Meghan shouldn't have to postpone their wedding until the new baby is weaned.?

They planned the wedding for just after mid May so the baby would have arrived. With all the other considerations involving other people and events that's probably all that could done.

When my dad graduated from university, his sister had just had her second baby six weeks earlier and was breastfeeding, so she and her husband had to bring him to the ceremony; they left their 2 1/2-year-old son with her husband’s parents, as my grandparents were also at the ceremony.
I think she is due around yesterday or today and we are going into late territory. I hope the baby is born in the next three or four days to give some space between the birthdays.
I think she is due around yesterday or today and we are going into late territory. I hope the baby is born in the next three or four days to give some space between the birthdays.

I'm betting on a later date. George and Charlotte were born 189 and 194 days after their birth month confirmation announcement, if this baby follows the same pattern as G&C then he/she will arrive April 24th-April 29th.
Whereas I fully understand that H&M are the priority here and not Catherine, if she can't attend and William is best man, who would be minding George and Charlotte as attendants?

Hahaha !

The same person who is 'minding' the other bridal attendants :flowers:

Last I looked Kate wouldn't be walking down the aisle or around her kids during the ceremony. Just like Eliza and Grace's mothers weren't during the Cambridge. She isn't the 'unofficial maid of honor' like her sister's wedding, aiding with all the little kids. The bridesmaids and page boys will be watched over the same way if she is there or not. If she is concerned who ever is there wont be able to handle it, the nanny could likely be there some where as well.

I still don't understand why people would think that your one-and-only sister-in-law who also lives next to you and is your colleague for life and has been praised as a great asset (by Meghan) and the sister you never had (by Harry) is so low on the list of priorities according to some. Are Meghan's grandparents still alive?

To me it seems that they made sure that the wedding was not conflicting with the birth of Cambridge #3 in normal circumstances (and based on previous births they have some idea after how much time she most likely will be recovered enough to attend at least part of the wedding).

I think people over play how close they all are. Yes, because of the foundation their work will be linked. But as the years go on, that will slowly drift apart. When William and Kate are Prince and Princess of Wales, they will be on a totally different track then Harry and Meghan.

Meghan has just met Kate. Its not like she is bossom sisters with her. She respects her, but it seems you are over playing just how deep that is. Its not like her friends she has known and built bonds with for years.

No her grandparents have passed away. Meghan doesn't have much extended family but what people often over look, many people who don't have much family of their own, build their own. Or others, who their families are not involved in their life, do so. Friends, and co-workers, people who they create bonds with, become your foundation in life.

Yes I think they took into mind Kate and William's baby. As much as needed. Honestly if they didn't marry in May, they may have had to wait until fall. With all the events in June, unless they wanted to marry in Scotland, a summer wedding might be an issue.

We have to remember also Catherine is not the ONLY royal who they need to take into consideration. The queen, Charles and Camilla, Harry himself, they all have schedules that need to have been considered. Many of their events would be planned months if not a year in advance.

While having his sister in law attend would attend is important, Harry probably puts more importance on his dad, and grandparents being there.
I think that it's time that people posting re H&M had a laugh and stopped taking everything so seriously!

It's just I had this vision of George and Charlotte running riot - and it made me laugh
I think that it's time that people posting re H&M had a laugh and stopped taking everything so seriously!

It's just I had this vision of George and Charlotte running riot - and it made me laugh

Well then share the laugh- the image of Charlotte pulling a Leonor all over the church at the wedding would make anyone laugh :lol:

Suggesting Kate would be incharge of the bridal party, like she was for Pippa, I fail to see what we are meant to laugh at :ermm:

Hopefully they have chosen kids to be in the bridal party who can behave during the ceremony. That is what you have to be careful about when choosing kids to be in your ceremony. Your niece and nephew may be adorable, but if they are going to run amuck, perhaps not the choice. At least the Cambridge kids have experience.
I think people over play how close they all are. Yes, because of the foundation their work will be linked. But as the years go on, that will slowly drift apart. When William and Kate are Prince and Princess of Wales, they will be on a totally different track then Harry and Meghan.

Meghan has just met Kate. Its not like she is bossom sisters with her. She respects her, but it seems you are over playing just how deep that is. Its not like her friends she has known and built bonds with for years.
It's not just Meghan who is getting married (in that case I would agree that the sister-in-law of your fiancé is not on top of your personal list; nor are his grandparents or his stepmother to name a few); there is also a groom who has known Catherine for about half his life :D

No her grandparents have passed away. Meghan doesn't have much extended family but what people often over look, many people who don't have much family of their own, build their own. Or others, who their families are not involved in their life, do so. Friends, and co-workers, people who they create bonds with, become your foundation in life.

Yes I think they took into mind Kate and William's baby. As much as needed. Honestly if they didn't marry in May, they may have had to wait until fall. With all the events in June, unless they wanted to marry in Scotland, a summer wedding might be an issue.

We have to remember also Catherine is not the ONLY royal who they need to take into consideration. The queen, Charles and Camilla, Harry himself, they all have schedules that need to have been considered. Many of their events would be planned months if not a year in advance.

While having his sister in law attend would attend is important, Harry probably puts more importance on his dad, and grandparents being there.
I don't think he played them out against each other. I am sure he wanted all of them to attend (and his brother probably most of all) if reasonably possible (and it looks like his grandfather might be a larger question mark than his sister-in-law) - so, that's what they had in mind when picking the date. I've been 'advocating' for a May wedding even before they got engaged, so I agree with the assessment that this was the best month considering all other things (that we know about). And a few months in between his and his cousin's wedding is nice as well.
Blood or not blood, anything effects Catherine's condition will have a very direct impact on William also.
See today they are saying Kate is back at KP ....presumably getting close to the birth.

im guessing the baby is going to be late like the others...and im going to say bw april 26-may 1...when charlotte came in may i laughed..people go crazy and the baby is like nah...i'll

i hope the baby isnt born on their anniversary...and i wouldnt be surprised if this pregnancy goes into the first days of may..bc its looking like baby 2 and 3 due dates are similar..
It's not just Meghan who is getting married (in that case I would agree that the sister-in-law of your fiancé is not on top of your personal list; nor are his grandparents or his stepmother to name a few); there is also a groom who has known Catherine for about half his life :D

I don't think he played them out against each other. I am sure he wanted all of them to attend (and his brother probably most of all) if reasonably possible (and it looks like his grandfather might be a larger question mark than his sister-in-law) - so, that's what they had in mind when picking the date. I've been 'advocating' for a May wedding even before they got engaged, so I agree with the assessment that this was the best month considering all other things (that we know about). And a few months in between his and his cousin's wedding is nice as well.

When did I ever suggest Meghan was the only consideration :ermm:

I actually never even suggested Meghan. I never suggested what schedule may work for her parents. Or her friends. Or the people she may want to have at the wedding. I was completely one sided.

But all emphasis is being put on KATE. How an entire wedding should be scheduled around her weaning a baby. What is comfortable for her. What works best for her.

Known Kate for half his life? Kate and William started dating in 2003, when Harry was 19, an adult. He may have met her back then, but likely had no real relationship with her until it became serious. Certainly not 'half his life'.

How about the father he has known his entire life? Or his grandparents who are in their 90's who have known him their entire life? I am sorry but I highly doubt Kate being at the wedding ranks higher in importance then Charles and Philip. I know everyone paints Charles as this horrible human being because of Diana, but he is Harry's father who he is close to. I highly doubt he would pick a wedding date when his only living parent wasn't available. Or his beloved grandparents.

Heaven forbid Meghan's family also be considered in things.
When did I ever suggest Meghan was the only consideration :ermm:
You explained that Meghan didn't really know Catherine, so she was not as important as many people thought she was in terms of attending the wedding.

I actually never even suggested Meghan. I never suggested what schedule may work for her parents. Or her friends. Or the people she may want to have at the wedding. I was completely one sided.

But all emphasis is being put on KATE. How an entire wedding should be scheduled around her weaning a baby. What is comfortable for her. What works best for her.

Known Kate for half his life? Kate and William started dating in 2003, when Harry was 19, an adult. He may have met her back then, but likely had no real relationship with her until it became serious. Certainly not 'half his life'.

How about the father he has known his entire life? Or his grandparents who are in their 90's who have known him their entire life? I am sorry but I highly doubt Kate being at the wedding ranks higher in importance then Charles and Philip. I know everyone paints Charles as this horrible human being because of Diana, but he is Harry's father who he is close to. I highly doubt he would pick a wedding date when his only living parent wasn't available. Or his beloved grandparents.

Heaven forbid Meghan's family also be considered in things.
I don't think anyone suggests that if they had to choose between Charles and Catherine they should pick Catherine; nor that Meghan's family was of no importance. Only that Catherine was ALSO of high importance. As far as I can tell, they made sure that all important people, and that certainly includes William and Catherine as well as parents and if healthwise possible grandparents), will most likely be able to make it to the wedding. Hopefully Philip will be able to make it unlike the Easter service.

Had they ONLY considered Catherine they would have waited a few more months but from the start I've said that May was most likely as they would avoid April but there is no need to wait months for her to recover (attending the church service is most important - all other events that day are secondary), knowing that the royal family has many other important events in June and the queen's summer residence is in Scotland (and because I don't think the couple wanted to wait that long - so why wait until (late) summer to get married if May is a feasible option) - the fact that she is queen does make a difference in this respect. In other families grandparents would just be shuttled to whatever the wedding location was but you do reckon with the queen's schedule in terms of housing.
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I think they didn’t have much choice in a wedding date. But that doesn’t stop me feeling for Kate
3 or 4 weeks after giving birth needing to be dressed up with comments on her figure etc. and with new born baby to think about.
Let’s move on from the wedding date discussion, please.
3 to 4 weeks later she'll look pretty fit. She's in amazing shape and good health. She's not going to be laying around after the first few days anyway assuming there are no complications that arise.

She's so lean anyway she can easily wear something to hide any bulge left..which I doubt there'll be much.

3 to 4 weeks later she'll look pretty fit. She's in amazing shape and good health. She's not going to be laying around after the first few days anyway assuming there are no complications that arise.

She's so lean anyway she can easily wear something to hide any bulge left..which I doubt there'll be much.

Fortunately for Kate, the focus will be on the bride and those front and center like her bridal party :flowers:

Kate also favors pretty loose fitting dresses, coat dresses and such, for day events. Certainly should be no concern.
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Whereas I fully understand that H&M are the priority here and not Catherine, if she can't attend and William is best man, who would be minding George and Charlotte as attendants?

Hahaha !

Charlotte of course! I hear she takes charge of everything. :lol:
Only 2 days and a few hours left in this monarch's brithday week... I don't think Cambridge #3 is going yo make it (but do think s/he is past due date) but hus/her greatgrandmother's birthday would be nice.
Only 2 days and a few hours left in this monarch's brithday week... I don't think Cambridge #3 is going to make it (but do think s/he is past due date) but his/her greatgrandmother's birthday would be nice.

I agree. :flowers: I think Kate is now overdue.
So if she started to have contractions during the "Commonwealth Meetings" (in abbreviation) William couldn't go with her to the hospital? (he had some engagements during these days.
On April 18 Omid Scobie tweeted "Just five days to go until the #RoyalBaby is due!"
And from what this Omid Scobie would know the due date?
The Royal watchers have been saying the 23rd for awhile now...but I have no idea why exactly.

Royal watchers have no idea. Some royal reporters have said that she’s overdue now. KP never confirmed an actual date, so everyone is just guessing. Only thing we can say is, ‘any day now.’
Would be a great birthday present for the queen if the baby would be born tomorrow. My guess is a boy which is funny, because I always thought it will be a girl. But I get a boy-feeling more and more these last few days.
The Royal watchers have been saying the 23rd for awhile now...but I have no idea why exactly.

They did the same with George and decided July 11th was the date. Obviously they then panicked and thought this was a decoy date and started to camp in front of the hospital way too early , driving themselves and everyone else crazy.
I think they just don't want to say that they have as much information as we have .
Would be a great birthday present for the queen if the baby would be born tomorrow. My guess is a boy which is funny, because I always thought it will be a girl. But I get a boy-feeling more and more these last few days.

Same here (though different timeline). It seems to me it will be a boy. :flowers: Unless she's a serious tom-boy!
The second decade of April already has passed and the baby still inside:D
Don't tell me this baby will be like Charlotte and be a May baby...I hope the baby doesn't share the same birthday as Charlotte...
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