The Duke of Cambridge Current Events 3: July 2018 - September 2022

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I did enjoy his address to the Assembly more than I thought I would. More than his fun engagement. Colour me surprised. I do love the more relaxing bits but this time, it was the address that grabbed me
There are a number of great points in that speech - especially those about his personal connection to Scotland, the use of the mute button and the way the Church of Scotland dealt with, and is still dealing with, the pandemic.

One that struck me though was this one:

One day, it will be my responsibility to swear my own oath to maintain and preserve the security and independence of the Church of Scotland.

I don't think I have ever heard William so clearly articulate that one day he will be the King - I know he knows that but this is a statement that clearly shows that he knows what that will actually mean ... that part of his accession and coronation oaths involve swearing to protect the Church of Scotland (and of England of course).

This was a great speech. I was impressed by it.

All the points you raised stuck out to me too. It was a good of combination of personal, poignant, had some humor (the mute button!), and nicely addressed how the Church has dealt with the pandemic.....very well done.
'Scotland is a source of some of my happiest memories but also my saddest. I was in Balmoral when I was told that my mother had died.'Still in shock, I found sanctuary in the service at Crathie Kirk that very morning and in the dark days of grief that followed I found comfort and solace in the Scottish outdoors.
'As a result, the connection I feel to Scotland will forever run deep. Alongside this painful memory is one of great joy because it was here in Scotland 20 years ago this year that I first met Catherine.
'Needless to say the town where you meet your future wife holds a very special place in your heart. George, Charlotte and Louis already know how dear Scotland is to both of us and they are starting to build their own happy memories here too.'

I was impressed by William sharing his personal connection to Scotland which has been the scene of such joyful and sad moments in his life. Fortunately it appears that the happy times outweigh the sad ones and that he's happy to share this special place with his children.

I know that the BRF did receive some criticism for taking William and Harry to the service at Crathie Kirk the day after Diana died, but it seems that for William it offered his some sanctuary and peace.
The Duke of Cambridge Current Events 3: July 2018

I was impressed by William sharing his personal connection to Scotland which has been the scene of such joyful and sad moments in his life. Fortunately it appears that the happy times outweigh the sad ones and that he's happy to share this special place with his children.

I know that the BRF did receive some criticism for taking William and Harry to the service at Crathie Kirk the day after Diana died, but it seems that for William it offered his some sanctuary and peace.

Indeed. I was also impressed that William was so personal in sharing his joyful and sorrowful memories of’s lovely that he and Catherine are passing on their love of Scotland to their children.

Really? People criticized them for taking the boys to CHURCH?! I can see why the family would have thought there would be comfort to be found there. They are Christians. I’m glad it offered William some solace.
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Indeed. I was also impressed that William was so personal in sharing his joyful and sorrowful memories of’s lovely that he and Catherine are passing on their love of Scotland to their children.

Really? People criticized them for taking the boys to CHURCH?! I can see why the family would have thought there would be comfort to be found there. They are Christians. I’m glad it offered William some solace.

I think they would have been criticised for just about anything they did right then. Don't forget HM had fury levelled at her for staying in Scotland and giving them the privacy to grieve. I think some of the criticism was about bringing them out in public a few hours after it happened which is ironic given the public calls for them to be there a few days later.

I was a kid at the time but I do remember a newspaper article later with quotes from the boys saying that they had wanted to go to Church, and at least for William that still is true.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge instagram have added a video of The Duke of Cambridge in the Odyssey 21 for Extreme E.

Seems like he had a lot of fun, and more to come this week:

The engagement seems to be linked to The Earthshot Prize so if this needs to be moved, please do.
The Duke of Cambridge paid a visit to the Queens Bay Lodge care home in Edinburgh and even had some ice cream.
He has grown into his role extremely well, William has displayed both seriousness and charisma on this visit, and I love that he mentions Catherine in his speech, I am very impressed.
Communities associated with the Church of Scotland have done an incredible job to continue to support one another during the pandemic — it was great to see some of them at work today, especially Betty

Edinburgh care home resident, 96, flirts with Prince William during royal visit


However, it was ex-servicewoman Ms Magee who stole William’s attention.

As the duke took a seat at her table, she said: “It’s customary in these parts to give a lady a kiss on the cheek.”

William replied: “Oh you are sweet. You’ll make me blush.”

Betty persisted, asking him to give her a peck as William laughed.

He added: “When the rules relax more I will come back and give you a kiss on the cheek, Betty.”

After speaking to other OAPs and their families he later returned to her table as his oldest admirer tried her luck again.

William said: “Betty, I don’t know who is flirting more, me or you. Talking to you makes me blush. Is there whisky in your tea Betty?"

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Yeps. William has all the "right stuff". He's inherited his knack for diplomacy from his Granny, his charisma that endears him to people from his mother and his willingness to be of service to others from his father. He also has a wife that compliments him completely and between the two of them, they've created a wonderful balance between their public roles and their private family life.

Such is the man that would be king.
I saw a nice summary of the visit on IG.
It was a very nice and well rounded trip. I loved his naturalness and the ease at which he spoke to people.

He'll be a good King!
Yes, William is going to be a good king.

Hmm, but what makes a good King in our days?

I don't want to interrupt the conversation, but doing charity and being full of charm towards old ladies... is this already enough? Really?

To see him getting involved more into science and business, that is what I would like to see from him. An example: He is now in Scotland. And the folks there basically invented to world we're now living in! The Enlightenment did lead to capitalism. And all these breakthroughs in science!

And the Duke of Cambridge is now there, in a now perhaps breakaway region, and doing what: Flirting with old ladies...

This is nice! No question about it! And the most pensioners in Scotland were voting against the Independence. But...

So, again, what makes a good King?
Is William generally known as "Your Grace" there, when he's a prince and a Scottish earl, or is it just as Lord High Commissioner?
Is William generally known as "Your Grace" there, when he's a prince and a Scottish earl, or is it just as Lord High Commissioner?

he's a prince - thereforre He is "your Royal highness"
Hmm, but what makes a good King in our days?

I don't want to interrupt the conversation, but doing charity and being full of charm towards old ladies... is this already enough? Really?

To see him getting involved more into science and business, that is what I would like to see from him. An example: He is now in Scotland. And the folks there basically invented to world we're now living in! The Enlightenment did lead to capitalism. And all these breakthroughs in science!

And the Duke of Cambridge is now there, in a now perhaps breakaway region, and doing what: Flirting with old ladies...

This is nice! No question about it! And the most pensioners in Scotland were voting against the Independence. But...

So, again, what makes a good King?

What makes a good king? For starters, a good king is one that stays far, far away from anything that even hints at Scottish independence. He, as a king, will reign and not rule. He embraces *all* of the people by remaining apolitical and leave those matters to the governments of the day.

A good king recognizes that there is something special in everyone he meets from a renown scientist that is working on a breakthrough to a flirtatious woman that's his grandmother's age. What is important to them is important to him.

If I could pick out one thing that would describe what it takes for a person to be a king or queen, I'd have to pick Rudyard Kipling's "If". It's a tall order, for sure, but really doesn't only describe a man that would be king, but a good human being. Being a king is being in the people business.
He embraces *all* of the people by remaining apolitical and leave those matters to the governments of the day.

Hmm, but everything Prince William and Duchess Kate are doing, is already political or will be taken as political meant. The human being is a political creature, a "zoon politikon" (Aristotle).

And in our days everything is judged by a nervous public in the social media if it is "political(!) correct". And by the regular media anyway. There is no flight from it!

But I really like your description: "a king is being in the people business"! Even if there is imho a political meta level.

It is just, that I "feel" the Prince William is playing it too safe - So, what will be the King like?
he's a prince - thereforre He is "your Royal highness"

Yes, so it's quite funny how both the title of that video and people in Scotland are addressing him as "Your Grace". :rolleyes:

Edit: Wikipedia comes through. ""Your Grace" is also an alternative style for the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in the Church of England and the Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland".

So it does have to do with this specific role.

More wiki: "When the Princess Royal was appointed in 1996, she was styled as "Her Grace" for the duration rather than her normal dynastic style "Her Royal Highness" because the Lord High Commissioner is ranked higher in the order of precedence."
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Hmm, but everything Prince William and Duchess Kate are doing, is already political or will be taken as political meant. The human being is a political creature, a "zoon politikon" (Aristotle).

And in our days everything is judged by a nervous public in the social media if it is "political(!) correct". And by the regular media anyway. There is no flight from it!

But I really like your description: "a king is being in the people business"! Even if there is imho a political meta level.

It is just, that I "feel" the Prince William is playing it too safe - So, what will be the King like?
Im sure you are aware that a constitutional monarch has to avoid anyting political...
:people do NOT Take waht they do as "political" because the public are aware that they are not supposed to say anything controversial.....
Im sure you are aware that a constitutional monarch has to avoid anyting political...

Oh, I was not talking about Prince William taking political positions. He will be a Majesty - way above the abyss of daily politics, anyway.

And I don't want William to discriminate against either the more conservative or the more progressive part of the population.

But the Cambridges have been having (?) until recently the tendency to transform everything into a children's birtday party - with shooting arrows and goals and baking cakes with the commoners... I have difficulties to imagine a Majesty doing this... And what else are they doing? Charity and the old ladies thingy...

Well.. And other members of the The Royal Forums say, that shows a good future king. Really, does it?
Oh, I was not talking about Prince William taking political positions. He will be a Majesty - way above the abyss of daily politics, anyway.

And I don't want William to discriminate against either the more conservative or the more progressive part of the population.

But the Cambridges have been having (?) until recently the tendency to transform everything into a children's birtday party - with shooting arrows and goals and baking cakes with the commoners... I have difficulties to imagine a Majesty doing this... And what else are they doing? Charity and the old ladies thingy...

Well.. And other members of the The Royal Forums say, that shows a good future king. Really, does it?

I think the Dukes of Cambridge are doing a good job. They represent the monarchy well. They have good charity projects, assume more and more functions in representation of the monarchy and are increasingly comfortable with their role in BRF.
I think they are doing what is expected of them.
Oh, I was not talking about Prince William taking political positions. He will be a Majesty - way above the abyss of daily politics, anyway.

And I don't want William to discriminate against either the more conservative or the more progressive part of the population.

But the Cambridges have been having (?) until recently the tendency to transform everything into a children's birtday party - with shooting arrows and goals and baking cakes with the commoners... I have difficulties to imagine a Majesty doing this... And what else are they doing? Charity and the old ladies thingy...

Well.. And other members of the The Royal Forums say, that shows a good future king. Really, does it?

It's rather important to note William is not the king. He's not even the heir. So his style may yet (and likely will) evolve quite some more.

A good modern king is in touch with everyone he reigns over and cares for. Will appears to have that part down nicely. What sort of majestic dignity is he supposed to project, exactly?
Oh, I was not talking about Prince William taking political positions. He will be a Majesty - way above the abyss of daily politics, anyway.

And I don't want William to discriminate against either the more conservative or the more progressive part of the population.

But the Cambridges have been having (?) until recently the tendency to transform everything into a children's birtday party - with shooting arrows and goals and baking cakes with the commoners... I have difficulties to imagine a Majesty doing this... And what else are they doing? Charity and the old ladies thingy...

Well.. And other members of the The Royal Forums say, that shows a good future king. Really, does it?

The Queen participated in a Bond sketch for the Olympics and no one ever thinks of her as anything less than regal.

They participate in the activities when appropriate and put on their serious faces when appropriate. Sometimes they might go too far one way or the other or come off awkwardly but they do have to show they can connect with and understand the people they meet.

They've managed very diplomatic tours to sensitive places with a delicate balance (like William's trip to Jordan, Israel and Palestine) and it's clear from the recent events that he's taking his future responsibilities seriously.

They are still figuring their personal style out and it is evolving quite a bit. They (hopefully) have time before the biggest job.
The Duke of Cambridge/Earl of Strathearn in Scotland paid a visit to the BAE Systems shipyard in Glasgow to see construction on HMS Glasgow today, June 29:

** Pic ** gettyimages gallery **

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The Duke of Cambridge/Earl of Strathearn in Scotland paid a visit to the BAE Systems shipyard in Glasgow to see construction on HMS Glasgow today, June 29:

I did not really get it: For me it sounded like "HMS Belfast"... and that the ceremony was at the Glasgow Shipyards.


I still have terrible difficulties to understand all the different British accents. :sad: And for me the Royals speak very nasal, through their nose.
I did not really get it: For me it sounded like "HMS Belfast"... and that the ceremony was at the Glasgow Shipyards.


I still have terrible difficulties to understand all the different British accents. :sad: And for me the Royals speak very nasal, through their nose.

He says HMS Glasgow, quite clearly IMO.....
There are going to be three of the new Type 26s. One is HMS Glasgow, another is HMS Belfast and HMS Cardiff.
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