The Queen and Her Prime Ministers

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Heir Apparent
Mar 29, 2004
Do you know anything about the relationship between The Queen and Lady Thatcher?
The Queen and Lady Thatcher together at Buckingham Palace in March 2004.


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Well, the fact is, that HM The Queen and Lady Thacher didn't like each other
when Thacher was a Prime Minister. What about now, I don't know. Excelent
reading is Ben Pimlott's THE QUEEN: A BIOGRAPHY OF ELIZABETH II, and there
you will see everything you would like to know about their relationship.
Yes,i also heard that The Queen and Thatcher didn't like each other when Thatcher was British PM.And i also heard that Thatcher was the most PM who always hate and criticized the Royal Family.She used to forbidden The Queen to appear at European Community.Today,they sometimes appear in some pictures and smile together.
I am afraid that PM Tony Blair is the Oueen's worst prime minister .
My opinion is that his government would like to disband the monarchy in UK.
Well, that is only mine opinion...
I would like to know if someone share my opinion that PM Tony Blair is the
worst prime minister ever served under reign of HM The Queen? I think he
and (his) government would like to disband the monarchy.
Valuk said:
I would like to know if someone share my opinion that PM Tony Blair is the
worst prime minister ever served under reign of HM The Queen? I think he
and (his) government would like to disband the monarchy.

I am not sure he is the worst Prime Minister I personally was not found or Mrs Thatcher and though I am Canadian my father is British so I am allowed to critize British politics ;).

I do think Blair treats Her Majesty with little respect. He has removed some of the Queen's duities without even consulting her. In several cases she has heard about the reforms from the media and not her Prime Minister. Blair claims to be trying to make the Monarchy more relevant, but he's doing it without even asking the Queen what she thinks, which in my opinion is a stupid thing to do considering she has been Queen since before Blair was born.
The relationship between the Queen and Mrs. Thatcher was very formal. The Queen, as it's well documented, was not at all fond of Thatcher's policies and her attitude towards Commonwealth affairs. Thatcher was a devoted Monarchist, but I don't think she was overly fond of the Queen. Some have suggested that Thatcher was jealous of the fact that the Queen always took precedence over her, but I personally don't think that's true.

I think it's more of the fact that their were from two very different worlds and found it very hard to understand each other. The Queen is suspected to much more liberal in her political views while Thatcher was a "blue Tory" to her core and I think the Queen was very concerned over Thatcher's extreme conservative social views.
The Prince of Wales spent a fair bit of time being openly critical of government policy in the 1980s, which the Queen was unable to do, but Mrs Thatcher's attitude toward the Commonwealth must have been a problem for the Queen (and probably vice versa). Things don't seem to have improved much, though, with Tony Blair increasingly behaving as though the monarchy is a total irrelevance and Diana was the only worthwhile royal.

I agree with the suggestion to read Ben Pimlott's biography of the Queen for a good account of her relationships with her senior politicians and the constitutional side of her position.
Well, in terms of his attitude to the monarchy, there don't seem to have been many worse ones (although Mrs Thatcher did run him close). He seems to be trying to marginalise the Queen in one area which most Prime Ministers saw as a strength of a constitutional monarchy, which is consultation about political and constitutional matters. It's almost as if he's decided that now the country has him, it doesn't need a head of state too, or at least it only needs a decorative and feel-good head of state rather than one that actually does things.
Hopefully we will get rid of him and that common wife of his at the next election!
wymanda said:
Hopefully we will get rid of him and that common wife of his at the next election!

Cherie is quite annoying, especially when she does that little bounce thing of hers that she wants to be passed off as a curtsey when meeting The Queen. I do hope she (Cherie) doesn't get her hands on Forbes Magazine which claims she is the "1st Lady" of the UK and that she is more powerful than Her Majesty. Mr. Blair on the other hand claims to be very respectful and reverant to The Queen, consulting Her about things, but his actions have proved other wise. Yet when Mr. Blair needs The Queen for something (like smoothing over relations with European Allies), he is quick to send Her on an official visit.
PM Tony Blair and his wife really adores of HM Queen lots when Tony Blair become PM in 1997 but i think HM Queen like PM Tony Blair than former Prime minister like John Major or Margaret Thacters.

im not sure PM's wife not curtsey at HM Queen but PM Tony Blair bow at HM Queen i think so!

Sara Boyce
Yes,i also think that Blair is not a perfect PM.I think that the best one during The Queen's reign is Winston Churchill.He had done a lot of thing for UK and he also helped The Queen so much in her early years.Some books,they call Winston like"Godfather" of The Queen.But some Pm after Winston,i think that some of them made bad relationship with The Queen.Thatcher,she always criticize The Royal Family when she was PM.She criticized about Charles and Diana's marriage,she criticized that Prince Edward was a boy...I have read from magazine.Poor our Gracious Queen!There were some bad PM during her reign.
sara1981 said:
PM Tony Blair and his wife really adores of HM Queen lots when Tony Blair become PM in 1997 but i think HM Queen like PM Tony Blair than former Prime minister like John Major or Margaret Thacters.

im not sure PM's wife not curtsey at HM Queen but PM Tony Blair bow at HM Queen i think so!

Sara Boyce
No!Sara.In some books and magazine i had read,they told that The Queen had good relation with John Major better than Thatcher.Thatcher is the most PM during The Queen's reign who always criticized The Royal Family and made bad relation with The Queen.
HM and Baroness Thatcher

Her Majesty supposedly used to joke about how low Margaret Thatcher would curtsy to her--she thought it hilarious!!

Her Majesty and the Now Baroness Thatcher did not get along. The Queen had her press secretary leak somethings out in the 1980's about her political views and how they clashed with Baroness Thatcher. That was a very unprecedented step for the Queen to take, but I think she wanted the country to know she didn't agree with Thatcher.

And yes it is true that Thatcher put Charles in his place. She was quite angry with what she saw as his "interference". I liked Charles' butting in--for once I agreed with him. Alas, royals must stay politically neutral.
HMQueenElizabethII said:
No!Sara.In some books and magazine i had read,they told that The Queen had good relation with John Major better than Thatcher.Thatcher is the most PM during The Queen's reign who always criticized The Royal Family and made bad relation with The Queen.

i understand your posts but you're right about but im wrong with my posts! i think John Major been good relationship with HM when John Major was PM in 1990's but my mistakes!

Sara Boyce
The fact is he should have kept to his own business. As an American, and a liberal one, I must admit, I personally regard Ms. Thatcher as the best British prime minister aside from Churchill and Pitt. Remember it was she who really attempted, quite successfully to resurrect something of Britain's former imperial glory. She made the world really respect Britain again and built ties to Europe more than any other pm.
grecka said:
The fact is he should have kept to his own business. As an American, and a liberal one, I must admit, I personally regard Ms. Thatcher as the best British prime minister aside from Churchill and Pitt. Remember it was she who really attempted, quite successfully to resurrect something of Britain's former imperial glory. She made the world really respect Britain again and built ties to Europe more than any other pm.

I understand where you are coming from with your post, but you must understand that even though Thatcher tried to "resurrect something of Britain's past imperial glory," she was not very well liked within the Commonwealth which is composed of the countries on which Britain's past Imperial power was formed. Thatcher even once tried to keep The Queen from attending a commonwealth conference due to "security reasons." The conference was in an African country where The Queen is highly regarded, and The Queen ingnored Mrs. Thatcher and went as She should have because She is head of the commonwealth. In an interview Mrs. Thatcher did on The Queen, she said she was very relieved The Queen went because "She knew everbody."

P.S. no one can do a curtsey like Baroness Thatcher can!
The documentary I watched made about the Queen and her PM's at the time of the Golden Jubilee (and just rebroadcast for about the third time where I live) states that the Queen couldn't "make her out", i.e., couldn't understand her mindset. "Does she always sit on the edge of her chair like that?" the Queen is also said to have remarked about the Iron Lady.

A.C.C. said:
P.S. no one can do a curtsey like Baroness Thatcher can!

Isn't that fortunate, she would put the char ladies at BP out of work if everyone was to imitate that floor-wiping bum curtsey of hers.
Thatcher and the Queen

It is my understanding that the Queen expressed concern over Ms. Thatcher's views and the Commonwealth. This may have helped to focus some thought on Ms. Thatcher's racial policies and helped to turn her out.
I think you are correct about the tensions regarding the Commonwealth. However it also extended to other things that happened where the Queen must have felt she wasn't given the formal courtesy of notification of events. For instance, during the invasion of Grenada when Mrs. T. was notified of the American intentions to invade by the Reagan White House but told the Queen nothing of it until it was well underway. As the Queen is the head of state with a governor general on that island, she was probably taken aback to read about it the next day in The Times along with the rest of the country.
"The weekly meetings between the Queen and Mrs Thacher - both of the
same age - are dreaded by at least one of them," wrote Anthony Sampson, who had good Palace contacts, in a book published in 1982.

Ben Pimlott: The Queen: A biography of Elizabeth II, page 460.
Julian said:
I think you are correct about the tensions regarding the Commonwealth. However it also extended to other things that happened where the Queen must have felt she wasn't given the formal courtesy of notification of events. For instance, during the invasion of Grenada when Mrs. T. was notified of the American intentions to invade by the Reagan White House but told the Queen nothing of it until it was well underway. As the Queen is the head of state with a governor general on that island, she was probably taken aback to read about it the next day in The Times along with the rest of the country.

I guess The Queen, being Queen of Grenada has the right to know such things.
I wonder if the Queen didn't have the last laugh since there's a good chance she heard ahead of Lady Thatcher that her son Sir Mark had been arrested in South Africa for allegedly funding a coup plot in another African country (Equatorial Guinea). Lady T. was traveling in the States at the time of the arrest, her daughter Carol said she didn't know if her mother was even aware of what was going on. Now in the past day, Lady T. has had to post a huge amount of bail for her son in Cape Town. The wife (she's Texan) has left S.A. for the States in a big hurry. My impression of what interests the Queen is that this is the type of bizarre story she follows rather closely, especially given the cast of characters. Back when Mrs. T. was in power, Mark was giving her similar headaches, once getting lost in the Morroccan desert while race car driving.
I think Blair hasn't respect for The Queen, even if once he said to be a monarchist. It's true that he supported great celebrations for the Jubilee, but he did it only to save appearances.
I really dislike him. He acts against the Queen, he wants to join Euro (I'm Italian, but I think Euro it's not good for Britain), he abolished the Lord High Chancellor - the most ancient role of England, he's poorly reforming the house of lords (but I don't know if he first had the idea, or somene before him had), he wants to end fox hunting (I don't like hunting in general, but fox hunting is a simbol of Britain). And he's been taking bad international decisions.
They're going to want to move into Buckingham Palace soon!!

Blairs demanded press treat their children 'like William and Harry'
By Melissa Kite, Deputy Political Editor
(Filed: 03/10/2004)

Tony and Cherie Blair demanded that their children be given the same protection from the press as Princes William and Harry, according to the former director of the Press Complaints Commission

The Prime Minister and his wife summoned Guy Black, who is now Michael Howard's director of communications, to Downing Street to ask that Euan, 20, Nicky, 18, and Kathryn, 16, be "completely removed from the media spotlight".

Guy Black, former director of the Press Complaints Commission

The request has been revealed by Mr Black in an interview for a forthcoming book about the Blairs' inner circle, The Blairs and Their Court, by Francis Beckett and David Hencke.

The book describes how Mr Black was summoned to the Prime Minister's private flat at No 11 in March 2003 and shown into a room with Mr and Mrs Blair, their friend Carole Caplin and Fiona Millar, Alastair Campbell's girlfriend, who was then Mrs Blair's assistant.

Mr Black says in the book that Mrs Blair "looked like a volcano that was about to erupt". Mr Blair told him: "I would like to have a similar agreement which has been reached between the press and the Royal Family over the coverage of William and Harry." Mr Black says he replied: "I'm afraid we can't do this, Prime Minister. Your children are not going to be public figures in their own right. William and Harry are heirs to the throne.

"We are certainly willing to take up any complaint about the breach of their privacy, but we cannot give an undertaking to do that."

He continues: "Blair frowned. Cherie looked furious. The Prime Minister was interrupted by a telephone call from the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin. As he left, Cherie exploded."

Mr Black says Mrs Blair then raised another element of recent press coverage. She asked him to take action against the Daily Mail because it had claimed she bought a cheap bottle of wine for her husband's birthday when, in fact, she had purchased an expensive one.

"What are you going to do about it?" she asked. Mr Black replied that she should take any complaint to the Daily Mail's editor. The PCC did intervene on the Blairs' behalf earlier this year with a direction to editors not to report a private family problem that is an open secret at Westminster.

The Blair children have made many appearances in the press, some unfavourable, including Euan's drunk and incapable escapade in Leicester Square in 2000.

Mr and Mrs Blair have not always hidden their children from public sight. The family are pictured together every year on the Blair's official Christmas card, and Mr Blair has referred to his children when making policy.

He set a "Euan test" in his efforts to make the Millennium Dome interesting. After the birth of Leo, his youngest son, Mr Blair posed for pictures in Downing Street, clutching a mug imprinted with the image of his other children.
No offence to the Blair's children -- whom I couldn't even name except for baby Leo until reading this article -- but they are no William or Harry, no matter how good looking they may be or who their parents are.

If Princess Michael, who is married to the Queen's cousin, can't get her children the same protection (or attention) as William and Harry receive, then who are the Blair children in the grand scheme of thiings?

Thanks for the article Wymanda.
i agree with wymanda!

i really like her articles what're talking about it! but Prince William is second to the throne and Prince Harry is thrid to the throne what wymanda says.

before Princess Diana's death Prime Minister's children visit Prince William and Harry at Diana's house in Kensington Palace i read Diana's books or on articles by the computer but Diana like to share with her boys with PM's sons with Future King of England and Prince Harry that really interest of Princess Diana oh boy for me!

Sara Boyce
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