Grand Ducal House of Baden (Zahringen)

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Please find attached a link to a video on the Schwäbische Zeitung Website:

The Government of Baden-Württemberg has asked for an evaluation of the castle-complex. Result: EUR 7 Mio. This is far below the debts of the House of Baden which are amounting to EUR 30 Mio. Wait and stay tuned for the next round in the sale of Salem :D

BTW in spite of the fact that the video is in German there are some nice views of the place.


And here is the corresponding article: SZON - Neue Gespräche über Schloss Salem: Gutachten nennt nur 5,4 Millionen
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I was mentioning other options that could be taken with this property that is up for sale and none think my ideas will or would work in this kind of situation.I wonder how many people has been interested buying a small or large portion of the castle?
I just have to keep my eyes on what is going on this historic property up for sale.
The newspaper article mentions that the family is in negotiations with one private investor.

IMHO there are only few possibilities to use the property, e.g. either as a first class wellness resort or as an academy. A lot of work will be necessary before and it won't be cheap. Converting a part of the complex into luxury appartments isn't really an option. Those apartments would be expensive and truly, those people who could afford them can easily get a lake-view apartment at the same price. Why should they move some 15 km away from the lake just to live within a castle-complex? And Salem does not offer this much entertainment honestly. Concerts take place just about 5 times or so per year, ok there is the Schlossseefest and Weinfest ... but hardly anything else. It's remote location probably is a disadvantage. Though it's impressive it might be difficult to find a working option for it. :ermm:
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HGDH Prince Leopold Max Christian Ludwig Clemens Hubert of Baden

HGDH Prince Leopold Max Christian Ludwig Clemens Hubert of Baden DOB October 1st, 1971

Does anyone have any info on the above Prince?

Im interested in learning more about him, and his family.

Does anyone know of any books that relate to the "current" family?

Kind Regards

Nick, Sorry, other than the wikipedia information Maximilian, Margrave of Baden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , which shows that he is the third child, I do not know of any other source. The official site of Schloss Salem does not offer any insight into the family as you might like to check out yourself: Schloss Salem am Bodensee - Willkommen! (unfortunatly in German only, I am afraid).

And books on the current family ... I am not aware there are any. The last family member who was portrayed is (up to my knowledge) Prince Max von Baden, who died in 1929.

You might find many newspaper articles on the family on the website of the Südkurier (local newspaper: as well as on the website of the Schwäbische Zeitung ( ) However, these sites are available in German only.

Sorry for not being able to help more.
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Thanks for that, worth a try, ive crawled Google looking for information, but come up with nothing.

Thanks Again
Nick | Geteilte Ansichten über Kaufidee

My apologies for late posting. This one is again on the sale of Schloss Salem. The prime minister of Baden-Würrtemberg Oettinger wants to buy the castle complex finally. According to the mayor of Salem a sale might be possible before year end. The estimated earnings-value of EUR 5,4 Mio. is considered too low for the historical importance is not recognised in it. | Heikles Thema bald vom Tisch

Baden-Württemberg prime minister Oettinger does not doubt an agreement. He did not comment the published offer amounting to Mio. 23 EUR which some newspapers have reported this week. Last open points are to be presented to the Baden-Württemberg cabinet on Monday. The remaining open items don't seem to be of high importance and everything is suppossed to be finalised within the next few days ...
Just heard on the Radio

They have finally found a solution. The country Baden-Württemberg will buy Salem Castle for 58 Millions €. The Family will therefore renounce on their possible rights at the Handwritings and other historic Items which Ownership ist not cleared and also not go to Court.
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Just heard on the Radio

They have finally found a solution. The country baden-Württemberg will buy Salem Castle for 58 Millions €. The Family will therefore rennounce on their possible rights at the Handwritings and other historic Items which Ownership ist not cleared and also not go to Court.

First article:
The part where the Margrave and his wife live will not sold. | Schlosskauf im Schweinsgalopp

And here is some more info on the deal on the Südkurier-Site.

Finally they are negotiating an amount of over EUR 60 Mio., included is an immediate help for roof-maintenance amounting to EUR 4,5 Mio.

19,8 Mio. for the site
17 Mio. for the art treasures
6 Mio. for the socalled Prälatur (without the part where the Margraf is living)
15 Mio. for the assignement of claims (whatever this is supposed to be ...)

plus 4,5 Mio. maintenance of the roof

However, there is still oposition: the green party was obviously suprised by the overall amount and vetoed, the Baden-Württemberg Prime minister Oettinger still needs to discuss the issue with the other parties in order to obtain their approval. Also the amounts are yet to be confirmed.
So it looks like the Royal Family will still have some rights to part of the castle? If so, they might as well re-establish the monarchy and let the royals go to work for the Land!
This is for the rights at the handwritings and other historical items where it was never cleared up what belongs to the Country and the Family.

Thanks, Stefan, for the clarification.

Please find attached a interview with Bernhard Prinz von Baden on the sale: | ?Für uns fällt eine große Last weg?

On a sidenote - it was carried prior to upcoming rumours that the christian decmocratic parliamentary group would not agree on the outcome of the negotiations.

Basically what Bernhard says is that he is happy and glad for the result and that he does not consider the amount too high. After all the family has invested a lot during the last years into the site. If he compares the EUR 30 Mio. the Baden-familiy has spent to the EUR 92 Mio. which have been spent on the castle in Ludwigsburg, which is smaller, he believes the family has acted wisely and forward looking.
My problem with the deal is that the Baden-family is going to keep 3.500 sqm for their own usage - are they paying rent for it? Or will the palace be devided legally, so they have to pay for the upkeep by themselves? I didn't find more information about that.
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My problem with the deal is that the Baden-family is going to keep 3.500 sqm for their own usage - are they paying rent for it? Or will the palace be devided legally, so they have to pay for the upkeep by themselves? I didn't find more information about that.

This part will not be sold and they keep ownership like an appartement.
This is was i understand Prime Minister Oettinger said. And the Country Baden-Württemberg will have the first right to buy it.
I'm happy if that is the solution: the family has to keep the contact with the castle, also because it is the last castle they have, isn't it?
oh good news, warren! I didn't know that!
the other castles of the family after 1918 were salem and baden-baden, right?
both Max and Ludwig married catholic women, are all their children lutheran?
Looking for pictures

I'm looking for pictures of Ludwig II, grandduke of Baden (1824-1858).
Does anyone have some?

Thanks for the reply.
So did they sell the Salem Castle ?

There weas an agreement about the sale and the details but i think the sale has not taken place yet.
Break through?

Lösung für Salem: „Fürstliche Apanage“ für das Haus Baden - Hintergründe - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET

The FAZ reports today that Prinz Bernhard of Baden had to give way to one major item: he will be one of five members of an advisory committee instead of working as a general manager. The German environmental party - the socalled Greens - agrees on Monday to the budget authorisaton of the deal whereas the Social Democratic Party still opposes it. In particular they decline that fact that so far details of the deal have gone through the nonpublic finance board. The parliament will obtain full information in March only.
update sale of castle

Yesterday's Südkurier reported on the estimated maintenance which will be carried out during the next 25 years : EUR 47 Mio.

Thereoff in the next ten years EUR 20 Mio. will be spent. However, a part of this is necessary to separate the private and the public part in the so called Prälatur. | 47 Millionen für Sanierung Salems

Today there was another article on the sale of the castle. The agreement is expected to be signed March 19, 2009. On a sidenote it mentions that the Baden-Württemberg minister of finance took part in the YSL auction and won 2 small tables for a mere EUR 91 000. Now that reeeaaaallly is a bargain!!!! | Schloss Salem und seine Baustellen
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I am looking for information about Pr Ludwig von Baden (*1937.,Karlsruhe - ). His wife is ANNA Maria Henrietta Eleonora Gobertina von Auersperg (She is my distant relative).
Have (Had) they any children?

Thanks you.
Regards and Happy Easter!
Prince Ludwig and Princess Marianne have three children:

• Prince Berthold, b 1976
• Princess Sophie, b 1975
• Princess Aglae, b 1981

The Baden genealogy: baden
Prince Bernhard of Baden and his wife Princess Stephanie
celebrated the "Landesfest" of the German state Baden-
Württemberg at the castle of Salem yesterday, July 25
with thousands of guests.

The state government celebrated the purchase of the castle
and the 875th jubilee of the convent and castle.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 **
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