Royals Who Are Competing in Olympics 2012

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Team GB in 2nd place at the end of cross country part of eventing. Zara ranked 10th individually. It all comes down to tomorrows showjumping portion. It starts at 5:30AM EDT.
That article would've been written no matter who the royals were watching compete. Kate going anywhere gets its own article on the Daily Mail, it just so happens that it was Zara she was there to see.
Just realized it is Zara & Mike's 1st anniversary - what a way to spend her anniversary!
I'm not very knowledgeable in equestrian events but am rooting for Team GB. What kind of track record does High Kingdom have in show jumping? Is it anticipated he should do well? Is it possible for Zara to gain enough points to medal individually?
I'm not very knowledgeable in equestrian events but am rooting for Team GB. What kind of track record does High Kingdom have in show jumping? Is it anticipated he should do well? Is it possible for Zara to gain enough points to medal individually?
High Kingdom has shown a pretty good track recently, so I'm reasonably optimistic.
Zara can definitely gain enough points for a medal individually; in fact, she still has chances to victory. Basically, all depends on tomorrow's course.
Now I'm even more impressed with Zara's result since, according to the article, High Kingdom lost two shoes.
Really hoping Britain wins team gold, even if Germans are favourites; you never know - Britain may well beat the odds, especially on home ground.
It's a it of a tall chance for Zara to win an individual gold (although some of her team-mates definitely can), but she will fight for a bronze or even silver.

I never realised was the youngest in the team. I knew, of course, Mary King, Kristina Cook and William Fox-Pitt were quite a bit older (and more experienced), but for whatever reason, I thought Nicola Wilson was the youngest.
Thanks, Lumutqueen and Artemisia, for your feedback. I'm really hoping Britain wins gold too. Best of luck to Zara and her team!
To respond to a few earlier comments:

Mark Phillips won two medals - gold in 1972 and silver in 1988.

Zara doesn't actually want to gain points tomorrow - the lower the score the better. She is about 2 fences from gold. Each fence down costs the rider 4 penalty points so if the 9 ahead of her and the one equal to her all knock down 2 fences and she goes clear she wins individual gold - that won't happen as most of those ahead of her will probably go clear. There are also penaltiues for refusals and over time.

Her best chance of a medal tomorrow is with the rest of the team - silver is more likely than gold but both are possible - as is none.
The Three Day Eventing event runs over 4 days. This allows for more competitors and teams.

Each of the teams is allowed up to 5 members and the best three of their scores count. Individuals are also able qualify.

This year they are running the team and individual events at the same time - which they did in past years although I remember in Sydney the two events were separated but many of the top eventers simply don't have two equally good horses and they can't use the same horse for two competitions at this level within a two week period.

Day 1 (or at the Olympics Days 1 and 2) is the dressage where the horse and rider ride around a relatively small arena to a set pattern and they are scored based on the performance such as how they change from canter to walk and back again.

Day 2 - the Cross Country involves horse and rider riding over a series of obstacles along a 5 km course. Falls and refusals see a competitor disqualified (Anne fell in this event in 1976 and was put back on her horse but now it is automatic disqualification - for the health and safety of horse and rider).

Day 3 is the Show Jumping and will see the horses and riders back at the dressage venue but this time jumping with again a set number of refusals resulting in disqualification and penalties applied if they knock down a jump. Mark Philips has made some of his living over the last 3 decades from designing courses for various competitions for this stage of the event.

After the three stages the best individual score wins gold and the team with the best three combined scores - not best three individual scores. This means that the best three dressage scores from the team will count even if those aren't the best three performers in the other two sections.

thank you so much for taking to time to explain this.... however after 2 days of watching I am a bit confused on the scoring so I misunderstood what you wrote (see bolded)

For the team scoring I understood what you wrote as the 3 best dressage scores of the team would be added to the 3 best cross country scores of the team plus the 3 best jumping scores. And I thought today how nice since Zara and Nicola had the 2 high (worse) scores in dressage that they both had clean rides today so all of the teammates would have contributed to their score - and no one would feel like dead weight.

However if that was the case the GB team would have a combined score of 127 40.90 for Mary King, 42.00 for tina Cook and 44.10 for Wm Fox-Pitt and the 000 for cross country as Nicola Zara and Tina were all clean with no penalites.

Since the GB score is 130.20 - that would mean they take the 3 best combined scores which would be Cook 42.00, King 42.10 and Zara with 46.10. Is that right - or am I still looking at this wrong?

appreciate any clarification
Having watched about 90% of the cross country and having seen how many horses went down, I don't care about medals. I'm just grateful that Zara and High Kingdom came through this without injury!

That said, it would be fantastic if Team Great Britain would make it to the podium. Zara still seems pretty young compared to the rest of the competitors, so I bet there will be more opportunities for her in future games.
Glad to see that Zara is doing so well (as well as the rest of the British equestrian team). Hopefully there will be a medal.
There is a great chance that GB will win the gold in eventing. Zara is up very soon for the jumping event.

United Arab Emirates shooter Sheikh Saeed al-Maktoum prepares to compete in the men's skeet qualification at The Royal Artillery Barracks in London on July 30, 2012, for The London 2012 Olympic Games. gallery

Great Britain's Zara Phillips brings her horse High Kingdom for inspection prior to the show-jumping phase of the equestrian eventing competition at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 31, 2012, at Greenwich Park in London.

Picture gallery
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Zara is up next in the show jumping.

She's gone through - low 80s with 7 penalty points. Currently on third.
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Zara is up next in the show jumping.

Zara entered the arena with loud cheering. Great to see so much support for the team.
A pretty good round for her.

So far, she ranks 3rd in the individual, but could change depending on how good/bad all the other remanning riders do.
Zara entered the arena with loud cheering. Great to see so much support for the team.
A pretty good round for her.

So far, she ranks 3rd in the individual, but could change depending on how good/bad all the other remanning riders do.

by now, she ranks 4th and it is likely that others will be better as well
Now down to 8th with six still to jump.

Team GB in 2nd place with Germany 8 points to the good.

Looks like she will emulate at least her father's silver in 1988 but not his achievement from 1972 when he was on the gold medal winning team.
How do they work out who competes in the individual event? What position does Zara need to end up in to enable her to compete?

EDIT: Great Britian have got Silver in the Eventing. :D
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Zara is in the final this afternoon - it is the top 25 with a maximum of 3 per country (Zara has pipped the #1 ranked Brit for the 3rd British spot).

So she has another chance for a medal this afternoon - as an individual - but it will be harder as she is a lot lower and they only have one more round of jumping to do.
Wonderful for Zara and her teammates. Germany were certainties for the gold, and have been for years now. The real competition was for silver, so well done to the team.
Not sure if it is raining at Greenwich but it is at Wimbledon so there is a possibility of a rain delay for individual jumping depending on how hard it rains and how long it rains.
Great work for GB. At least they won a medal and Zara must be over the moon especially as this is her first time in the Olympics.
The medals will be presented by Princess Anne.
Great work for GB. At least they won a medal and Zara must be over the moon especially as this is her first time in the Olympics.
The medals will be presented by Princess Anne.

That'll make it all the more special! Congrats to Zara!
For the individual, Zara is out of the top 3 places.
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Zara finished 8th individually and of course has a silver medal from the team competition. She should be very pleased with her first Olympic Games. Very good results.
She should be very pleased with her first Olympic Games. Very good results.
And probably only, giving that at the time of next Summer Olympic Games she will be already 35; it's a rather advanced age for a sportswoman.
Congratulations to Zara and the rest of the British equestrian eventing team on winning the silver medals. Well done.
Biri said:
And probably only, giving that at the time of next Summer Olympic Games she will be already 35; it's a rather advanced age for a sportswoman.

Not at all for an equestrian- many of the people competing are in their forties and fifties.

In fact, the more seasoned riders typically do better, and there's no reason to think Zara won't be back to the Olympics, perhaps even several times.
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