Spanish State Visit to China: June 24-29, 2007

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005
Los Reyes llegarán a China el próximo día 24 para su tercera visita de Estado

The Kings will come to China next 24th for their third Visit of State

The Kings will come next 24th to China, in their third visit of State to the Asian country, in which they will develop an intense activity to promote the political, economic and bilateral relations.

The economic importance that is given to this trip, when in China it is celebrated the Year of Spain, is reflected in three managerial meetings that will take place during five days that will be there and that will be celebrated in three cities to which Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía will move, concretly to Shanghai, Pekin and Chengdu.

The Kings will support meetings to the highest level and in Pekin, where they will be received by honors in throughout the world known square of Tiananmen, Don Juan Carlos will meet the president of China, Hu Jintao, the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, and the president of the Assembly of the Republic, Wu Bangguo.

In these five days the diffusion of the Spanish will be stimulated in this country. Beside Cervantes visits the headquarters of the Institute in Pekin, which the Princes of Asturias inaugurated last July and it is the biggest of the world, in Shanghai - the economic capital - there will be stimulated a Classroom of the same institution and a cultural section in the consulate.

On the occasion of this visit, the Kings will inaugurate two great exhibitions, one on ' The big teachers of the Prado, Tiziano's to Goya ', in the National Museum of Chinese Art, and different, qualified ' Visions and expressions ', that will be exposed in the Gallery of Art of the capital.
Besides, in Shanghai they will see the sample organized on the occasion of the Year of Spain in China with the name ' 300 per cent spanish design '.
It is foreseen that last day, June 29 and already in Chengdu, the Queen visits a reserve of bears.

Casa de Su Majestad el Rey de España

Monday 25

Visit to the International business School China Europe CEIBS

Visit to Shangai's Museum

Visit to the Tower of the Oriental Pearl

Visit to the Museum of Shangai's Art, where they will visit the exhibition " 300 % Spanish Design "

Receipt to a representation to the Spanish collectivity

Tuesday 26

His Majesty the King will be present at a breakfast of work with Chinese businessmen

Meeting with the mayor of Shangai, Mr Han Zheng

Visit the Museum of Shangai's Town Zoning

Trip to Pekin

Receipt offered by the President of the Republic, Mr Hu Jintao and lady, in an Official Ceremony of Welcome in the Great Palace of the People and they will support a later meeting with the Chinese agent chief executive. The President of the Republic and his wife, will offer a Gala dinner in Honor of His Majesties, in the Palace of the People.

Visit deprived to the exhibition " From Tiziano to Goya " in the National Museum of Chinese Art NAMOC

Wednesday 27

Hispanic - China managerial meeting, in the Great Palace Palace of the People

Visit to the Headquarters of China Netcom

Meeting and a later lunch with the members of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games of Pekin 2008

Meeting of His Majesty the King on the President of the Assembly of the People's Republic of China, Mr Wu Bangguo, in the Great Palace of the People and a later meeting on the Prime minister of the Republic, Wen Jiabao, in the residence of the Prime minister

Receipt to a representation of the Spanish resident collectivity in Beijing

Thursday 28

Visit to the Headquarters of the Institute Cervantes in Beijing, including a visit to the exhibition " Flamenco pa ' tós ".

Visit the exhibition " Visions and expressions ", of the collection of Contemporary Art of the Foundation " The Caixa " in the Gallery of Art of Pekin in the Imperial City

Inaguration of the exhibition " The big teachers of the Prado Museum. From Tiziano to Goya " in the National Museum of Art of China (NAMOC)

Trip to Chengdu

Friday 29

His Majesty the King will be present at an economic seminar in the Hotel Jijian, and later he will support a meeting with the Governor of Sichuan, Jiang Jufeng

Luncheon offered in honor of Their Majesties
Los Reyes de España en visita de Estado a China

The Kings of Spain come in visit of State to China

The plane of the Air Spanish Force landed in Hongqiao's airport soon after 20:30 (local time) and, though the reception with honors on the part of the president Hu Jintao will be Wednesday in Pekin, Chinese authorities and the ambassador of Spain in Pekin, Carlos Blasco, they received them in the airport.

Following a local tradition, after descending from the plane, two children offered flowers to Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía, that tomorrow they will initiate an agenda with more than 20 acts in Shanghai, Pekin and the capital of Sichaun, Chengdu.
... nacional - nacional - El Rey condena «enérgicamente» el atentado terrorista en el Líbano

The King condemns "energetically" the terrorist attempt in the Lebanon

The King of Spain expressed today " his more energetic penalty " for the terrorist attempt that cost the life to six " blue hulls " Spanish, three of them of Colombian origin, when a car exploited bomb to the step of a patrol of the FINUL near Jiam's city, in the south of the Lebanon.

Juan Carlos I expressed this way before more than five hundred Spanish that they came to a receipt that offered in Shanghai on the occasion of hisvisit of State China, which began today.

Since already he was doing in the first hour of the day (local time), the King of Spain repeated, in his(her,your) name and in that of the Queen, to the families, as well as to their friends and companions, all his affection, support and solidarity, in the moments of deep pain that are living ".
Both of them look great. Are they still going to stay until the 29th, or have they changed their plans given the tragedy?
Both of them look great. Are they still going to stay until the 29th, or have they changed their plans given the tragedy?

The Kings continue their trip of State to China, and they will be the Princes of Asturias who preside at funeral. According to the newspaper ABC, the Kings will travel from China to Kazakhstan in official trip. nacional - nacional - Los Reyes llegaron a China con la mayor delegación empresarial de la historia

The visit of State of Their Majesties will end on Friday in Chengdu, from where they will move, in official trip, to Kazakhstan, invited by the president of this country of great petriliferous and mining wealth, Nursultán Nazarbayev.
Receipt offered by the President of the Republic, Mr Hu Jintao and lady, in an Official Ceremony of Welcome in the Great Palace of the People and they will support a later meeting with the Chinese agent chief executive. The President of the Republic and his wife, will offer a Gala dinner in Honor of His Majesties, in the Palace of the People.

Visit deprived to the exhibition " From Tiziano to Goya " in the National Museum of Chinese Art NAMOC

ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank
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BEIJING, June 26, 2007 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao and Spain's King Juan Carlos I visit an arts exhibition entitled "From Titian to Goya: Great Masters of the Museum of Prado" in the National Art Museum of China in downtown Beijing, China, on June, 26, 2007

ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank
Truely queen Sofía is spectacular with that set. I see younger the very handsome kings and seem every day.Thaks for the pics:flowers::flowers:
Chinese President Hu Jintao and Spain's King Juan Carlos I visit an arts exhibition entitled "From Titian to Goya: Great Masters of the Museum of Prado" in the National Art Museum of China in downtown Beijing

ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank
Could someone please post a bigger version of Isifa photos, please?

BTW, thank you for all the information :flowers: :wub:
Visit to the Headquarters of China Netcom

Meeting of His Majesty the King on the President of the Assembly of the People's Republic of China, Mr Wu Bangguo

Meeting and a later lunch with the members of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games of Pekin 2008

Meeting of the King Juan Carlos with the Prime minister of the Republic, Wen Jiabao, in the residence of the Prime minister
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