The Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Sochi Winter Olympics

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo

Discuss the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics in this thread.


I'm so bummed I missed the ballet segment with Svetlana Zakharova. It was a pretty great show from what I was able to catch though. I was expecting a whole lot worse.
Does anyone know if there is any coverage happening here in Australia? I haven't seen any mention of the games anywhere and my circle of friends, acquaintances and work colleagues are only talking about the upcoming cricket test series in South Africa and the start of the football seasons here - rugby in the next couple of weeks with league and AFL soon after.
I'm so bummed I missed the ballet segment with Svetlana Zakharova. It was a pretty great show from what I was able to catch though. I was expecting a whole lot worse.

I don't think we got to see that in the US, but then I wasn't paying too close attention. I think we got a highly edited and condensed version.

Or maybe we haven't gotten to that part yet?
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I'm so bummed I missed the ballet segment with Svetlana Zakharova. It was a pretty great show from what I was able to catch though. I was expecting a whole lot worse.

As was I, but they really put on a really great show. Then again...Watching one of *the* Prima Ballerinas of the World perform will have me at " Hello!!" every single time. :). Also having the first Woman to go into Space as one of the Olympic Flag Bearers made my Space Science junkie side squeal w/delight. :D

And for the second straight Olympic Games, I win the right in our Family Guess The Final Torch Bearer Fun Game to shout I WIN!! :D I called Tretiak a year ago and also expected the Great Rodinina to be one of the Final Group in the Stadium, but the two of them together to light the Cauldron...A Hockey Legend, a Skating Legend and using the Torch that flew to the ISS!?!

Three of my Passions all together like this!?! How could I not love that part!?! :D :D ::D

Only one thing left to say...

Let The Games Begin!!!
Fantastic show!!!Spasibo!
I thought it was a magnificent spectacle - loved all the effects which transformed the floor space. The dance sequences were particular favourites of mine with such wonderful dancers. I don't like the way much of the media has chosen to focus on the malfunctioning snowflake - mistakes happen - celebrate the amazing stuff.
Apparently the Olympic fire was lit by an ice skater who was in the news earlier for racism as she photoshopped a picture of pres. Obama and his wife: she added a banana to the image.

Meet Putin
And wasn't one of the final torchbearers Putin's (alleged) girlfriend? At least she is an actual gold medalist (rhythmic gymnastics).

Thought the whole opening ceremony was glorious, though.
Were there any royals at the opening ceremony? Where would that be posted if any were there?
Fantastic opening with wonderful ballerina, other ballroomdancers in beautiful costumes in War and Peace number, lovely Borodin music and of course tychaikovsky.
Didn't love the "dove" dancers giant string contraptions, got in the way of the dance.
That little girl was absolutely FEARLESS, and beautiful. I would like to see more on her.
The main dove was Diana Vishneva. I thought this segment was modern dance she seems to favour. Svetlana Zakharova and Vladimir Vasiliev were divine in the classic ballet segment. I loved both performances. I liked "The Olympic Gods" segment the most.
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:previous:Thank you for that information.
The olympic gods segment was wonderful also, highlighting the technological advances that were used to create effects, simply incredible.
However, I am more partial to the people, my son and I also really enjoyed the masses of white lit rollar skaters were going so fast!
Does anyone know if there is any coverage happening here in Australia? I haven't seen any mention of the games anywhere and my circle of friends, acquaintances and work colleagues are only talking about the upcoming cricket test series in South Africa and the start of the football seasons here - rugby in the next couple of weeks with league and AFL soon after.

You've probably already found out but there is evening and night coverage on 10 and 11. There is also repeat screenings of items during the day on 11.
Thanks for that - I have access to 10 but not to 11 as that is only through a digital TV and I don't have one and use Optus to access TV at all so only coverage is while I am asleep for the most part and therefore won't be watching this year
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