What Charlene Can do to make her mark on Monaco?

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Just a thought but perhaps she didn't study hard to learn the language because she wasn't sure she would be living there permanently until Albert proposed. Why should she spend so much time on something if it may not pan out? The amount of time from the proposal to the engagement interview wasn't exactly enough time to learn a language fluently. Hopefully now that they are engaged she will devote more time to learning it.
I agree with Hissy that Albert should help her by speaking to her in French because the best way to learn it is to actually apply it to everyday speaking.
Yes, I agree. English and French are so different. French, as a Romance language, has more in common with Spanish and Italian. The structure of English is so different, and we don't have masculine and feminine for objects, except for referring to ships as "she" and other rarities. There are a lot of students here who take French Immersion for years and still can't speak the language fluently when they graduate from High School. An advantage English-speakers had years ago is that they were taught Latin, which is a great help to understanding how cases work in any language. I was in the last Latin class in Nova Scotia, believe it or not--
six boys and I in Grade 10.

I still maintain that it's quite hard for English speakers to learn French. I was lucky because I had French / Walloon speakers in my family.
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:graduate: Oui, il faut apprendre le Francais ((avec cedille)) ((et accent)).......parce que c`est la PLUS BELLE LANGUE du monde. :graduate:
I will say you are right that Charlene did nothing to learn French the day where you all would say these critics in a correct french, go go girls, show what you are able to do in french and than I will say nothing about that otherwise it is only critics.
Charlene speaks french , we see her speaking french but she is not easily confortable like many of us when we must exprims our feelings...Stephan Bern says that she is speaking more and more fluently.It is previous that there will be an interview of the prince and Charlene Wittstock before the wedding. We will see.
Your love for Charlene is amazing. How you defend her, it's really amazing.
We don't need to speak french, she MUST speak it, she knew this was going to happen. So, it's her fault if she doesn't speak well in 4 years. I mean, 4 years are 4 years, don't you think?

I think we all agree that it's essential that the future Princess of Monaco will speak French
fluently one day, as always criticism is allowed and in this particular case not a question of
own language skills. Having said that, this is not the topic of this thread, so let us move on now!

Thanks for your understanding!
What she did in her country for the Special Olympics was great .
Other than producing heirs, she can bring a healthy eating regime and appropriate exercise to Albert's lifestyle. He needs a change of direction if he is to avoid health disease, diabetes etc. He is looking terribly overweight.
Helping Albert loose weight is going to make her mark on Monaco how?
In view of his very large tummy at the Swedish wedding, CW could/should indeed try to influence him to change his sedentary lifestyle.
talking about a mark that Charlene could make about Monaco is to go very fast. In the all history, we see the mark of a king or a princess in any land or a president as Charles De Gaulle, the president of France that whe french people respect and admire,is further, not at the beginning.
We must take the question: What the people of Monaco wait of their future princess.?
First a heir for the future of the principality.In all the reports about the wedding, the monegash people who are quote said" we want a heir" It was the same thing for Princess Grace, they wanted a heir.
They want the future princess participe at the life of Monaco, their fests(National fest, Sainte Devote, visits of their hospital,) until now Charlene was at the big picnic in september, she was at the national fest (it was the first time that a future princess was at this fest), she was at several charity events in december(fightaids with Stephanie, she was at another Charity events for protecting children,she was with the family among the chidren for the gift of Christmas, she was at the Sainte Devot fest which is very important for the monegash people and she wore the black mantille.(last years Prince Albert was alone, it was a fest which was very important also for Princess grace)There is the problem of the language, the people of Monaco prefers to have a princess who is in the life of Monaco that a princess who speaks french very well and is staying in the palace and snobing them.
On the south africa radio interview, i found on a blog where we can entirely, she said that it is a challenge untill now for her to speak fluently french .
She said that it was very important for the people of Monaco to have a princess for the future of Monaco. and she will do all the whole people wanted of the future princess.
There are a lot of French-speaking people where I live. I love the sound of the language. I often think that they could be talking about something awful, and I would sit there thinking, "How pretty." ;)

:graduate: Oui, il faut apprendre le Francais ((avec cedille)) ((et accent)).......parce que c`est la PLUS BELLE LANGUE du monde. :graduate:
Starting a family will be the surest way for Charlene to win the hearts of her subjects. After all, the Princess must ensure the continuity of the dynasty. The laws had been wisely altered by Rainier who perhaps assumed that Albert is most likely to remain single and childless so that way, the Casiraghis can assume the throne. But I suppose once Albert and Charlene marry, it will be most ideal if they bear children who will then be next in line.

Well, she better bear a child as soon as possible. As crude as that may sound, let's do the math -- with Albert in his 50's, his successor needs to be mature physically and mentally in order to deal with the responsibilities.
Perhaps, she shall take over various patronages from Pss Caroline and Pss Stephanie.

Hopefully, by 2018 Prince Albert and Pss Charlene shall have at least two children.

I found the link of the interview of Charlene wittstock on the royal correspondent blog two days ago, it spoke about the french documentary that channel 2 made and it spoke about this interview which is entirely.it gave the link, we have more news of her life , her meet with Prince Albert and so; she had to answer the questions to SMS sent to the station of the radio ( it was to answer to Renata for the link of this interview)
To begin with IMO she could speak French and jolly sight better than she does. It really is not good enough IMO she has lived there for sometime.
French people know how it is difficult to speak french, it takes many years for speaking a good french, I am french and I learnt english at school? I use to to speak a little english with people who have native english language, My mother had a shop in Nice and I live in the Alps mountains where there are many english people. When they know I speak english, they don't try speaking french,They have all a high position in the society but they don-t want speaking french because they say all that it is difficult to speak french. They come in france untill long time, but they don't want speaking french.The german tourists speak french and they like speaking french. and monegash people are used hearing english or american people speaking english Princess grace did not speak french untill long tilme. There was only an interview where she is speaking french and the report said that he gave the questions to the palace before the interview, they translate and Princess grace learnt how to answer. It is Pierre Dumayet who was the repor on the 5 colonnes à la une who said this.
And to laugh a little. In a biographie of Princess Grace I read on a book ' a day, Prince Rainier said to father Tucker Princess speaks more and more good french' and the father answered' I thought that love made blind but I did not know that it made deaf'. Here there are many persons who don't speak french, who don't learn french and give lessons, they must try speaking french and they will see it is a challenge to learn language when you are an adult
...they will see it is a challenge to learn language when you are an adult

I agree, Melina. I was 31 when I took French as my language (American English is my first language.) in international business graduate school (where language was 1/3 of the curriculum). I did fine in all of the other subjects, but couldn't get French.

When I went to my professor to get help, he asked if I was good in mathematics. When I said that I enjoyed and did well in finance, he responded that may be the problem. In order to do well in learning a language, one must be willing to make mistakes (good finance = no mistakes).

I'm not saying that this is CW's problem, but it may be a factor in why she's slow in picking up French.
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For Charlene Wittstock, it is not only speaking french for example like for me understand what is saying and what is answering, Stephan Bern said she understands french and she speaks also more and more french ( we see that in the news of monaco, she is speaking to the persons who are mongash) but it is when there is an interview, it is very difficult to suceed an interview in our own language (the politics can you say how it is difficult(stress bad questions and not being confortable this day), it will take her long times for doing this, But all the interviews are prepared the questions are sent to the palace(it was like that at the time of Princess Grace).
Like anything if you wish to learn a language one need to apply itself. Learning at an earlier age is easier. AND the key to sucess is: you need to practice on a regular basis.

I am fluent in French English since I am a child, but since I lack conversational practice, I still struggle with my German, Italian and Spanish. And those a "familiar" languages.

Not helping me is that I am in the mist of learning Chiness, and for that I sympathetic with CW because if you dont have the base 4years or 10 years it wont change anything, it will be hard.

I do not intend to marry in China, but I give myself 18 months - 2 years to finish and be able to have a conversation. I would hope that by the time I finish Charleen will be fluent in French... ( she has a head start on me afterall!)

Time to get back to the topic of this thread! Thanks!
There are a lot of French-speaking people where I live. I love the sound of the language. I often think that they could be talking about something awful, and I would sit there thinking, "How pretty." ;)

Very funny Mermaid1962! I do know a few French swears so I might be tipped off! :lol:

After seeing the photos of CW's trip to Africa I think that if she could bring more of that natural look and warmth and happy look when she is in Monaco that could definitely help her make her own true mark. When I saw her at the circus for example she seemed so much stiffer. The circus should be fun, right?
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Thanks, SimplyAmazing and Lakshmi, for these elegant summaries....

......unfortunately, those who are in the greatest need of learning are often the ones who feel themselves above or beyond any need of it.

Renata, I think you hit the nail on the head here :) and I think it is the answer to your post that proceeds this one:
Renata said:
"Lakhsmi, I still remain unconvinced that CW will do any or all of the things you listed. I just hope and pray that she does not take her new "job" for granted."
(IMO) it is already a given, which has been made evident in her role of the last four years--if she did then, and when she wanted something very badly...why after being just handed what she has always ultimately wanted regardless--why would anyone expect that she wouldn't now? Renata, I think you are going to have some very sore knees? ;) I think the word for it might be entitled. Actually I think Ms Wittstock's attitude about it might mirror more closely with someone like KittyAtlanta's posts.

I could think of a million things another woman might do for Monaco, but I think in Charlene's case since she has had a very long time to prepare on Albert' arm and in Monaco and hasn't thought it important to seize the opportunity she was handed through the years, most anything now would smack of being disingenuous, but then I think that might be the problem all around. :flowers:
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Obviously, no one on this board remembers PA's announcement well over a year ago that any new princess would have their choice as to how much of a role they would play. This is the pronouncement from the Guy in Charge.

I question others (that are not in charge) that have decided that CW is not doing enough. Why question CW's motives when the Prince has made the announcement years ago.
Yes, I recall that :). He also stated in an earlier interview he wanted his future wife to rule with him, and be in on the day to day dealings and duties of being Princess of Monaco.

I just think that some people want to see CW make an impact somehow, and show she is worthy to have the position and title and money that comes with it (whether it is for us to say or not, can't help having opinions). Would Albert care what we (and people who live in Monaco) think? Probably wouldn't keep him up at night. Should he care, I think yes, because the perception people have of CW will affect him very much.

To CW I can't really imagine that the day to day stuff is all that exciting for her, and Prince Albert is probably quite aware of that. So for now all he's given her is a big file of royal/princely protocol to learn by the wedding, and in his eyes I think that will be good enough. Yet a year or two on I think PA's idea of his wife ruling with him, helping him, will become more pivotal and he too will likely expect CW to make a bigger contribution.
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Obviously, no one on this board remembers PA's announcement well over a year ago that any new princess would have their choice as to how much of a role they would play. This is the pronouncement from the Guy in Charge.

I question others (that are not in charge) that have decided that CW is not doing enough. Why question CW's motives when the Prince has made the announcement years ago.

Well smdouglas :) someone started this thread posing the question? And I was just replying directly to another post? I am sorry to have offended you, but it is what the thread is about isn't it? "How Charlene can make her mark in Monaco?" I was just giving my own "sincere" opinion of the situation and what Albert might expect, based on Charlene's history in Monaco, and on Albert's arm for quite a few years now.

It is only natural to expect Charlene might have given this question some thought during this time, or maybe even to have been inspired enough to take some action on her own initiative that might could have help her? Plus it is the exact question being asked to her in interviews now? And I honestly believe this is what Charlene's reputation is going to be based on? It is 2011 a women posing in a pretty dress just isn't all the impressive or novel to people these days? And that is why she now has people asking her this very question. I saw that another poster shared the very same concerns on a couple of points and I responded.

And if the guy in charge :) doesn't really care what kind of role Charlene will play, or care what anyone else thinks about her, then why are people still trying so hard to peddle this woman or rewrite her history? I think people will be more appreciative of Charlene for just being her true self, warts and all, at least she will be honest, which is a much easier and more admirable way to be. From the Palace's own statements, they seem to think they have a lot riding on this union, especially in terms of PR? Trust me when I say, I would REALLY like to see Albert and Monaco prosper, and that is really my only interest here and why I post here, truly! I know it may not seem like that at times, when I try to highlight where I honestly think Albert and Monaco could come up against some REAL problems. I may sound very harsh at times, but there just doesn't seem another way to try to point to an area that might should require some more forethought. I think even the guy in charge could look back and probably agree that he wished he had given some actions or inaction more forethought, and had been able to recognize (at the time) the potential trouble that was up a head, before it created mistakes for him that were not always so easy to remedy, and could or did have a lasting impact in his own life and for Monaco. I have nothing to gain here either way, and I know I'm just a voice in the air here, but I am honest when I say I would really like to see Albert and Monaco be a real success, and so (IMO) it just doesn't seem helpful to ignore or try to sweep under the carpet what should be some important issues or concerns for Albert or Monaco when addressing them in time could make all the difference. Many of us are just giving our opinions here, and it may sound silly and even surprising, but some of these people that seem like they are naysayers are hoping for the best for Monaco and Albert and sometimes think Albert just may not have been willing to recognize his own potential or the things that could be hindering it. :flowers:

Couples very much in love can have a very tough time of it, and in Albert's position and that of his wife's I think that is going to be doubly so. I really hope these two care very much for each other and both Albert and Charlene have thought through what their lives are REALLY going to be like together, either forever or after?

My suggestion to Charlene IF she really wants to make her mark on Monaco is to be as true to herself as possible and find something that is genuinely close to her heart that she is naturally drawn to, because anything short of that is going to seem very artifice and people will resent it and resent her. I hope for her own sake and happiness that she has the ability to make a real effort for Monaco, because Albert is handing her a platform where someone with some real potential has a very big opportunity to be very creative and innovative, and to really do something rewarding, and it would be a real waste or shame if Charlene didn't take that opportunity. I just hope Charlene has the maturity to look outside of herself, because if she doesn't, I'm not so sure she is going to be as happy as she might think she will be in that position, and that could end up being a real problem for everyone.
Sandsla...no offense was taken (nor - I'm sure - intended). My intention was to generate some thought about what might or might not be the directions that PA and CW might be taking.

You have obviously put a lot of good thought into your response. I agree with quite a bit of your logic and observations.

I do understand that forums are a way to socialize our thoughts and opinions and (Thank God!) not every opinion nor thought agrees with what I think or you think or "Mabel and Jim" thinks.

Thanks for your contributions....
Sandsla...no offense was taken (nor - I'm sure - intended). My intention was to generate some thought about what might or might not be the directions that PA and CW might be taking.

You have obviously put a lot of good thought into your response. I agree with quite a bit of your logic and observations.

I do understand that forums are a way to socialize our thoughts and opinions and (Thank God!) not every opinion nor thought agrees with what I think or you think or "Mabel and Jim" thinks.

Thanks for your contributions....

*I just want to apologize in advance for being so long winded.

:flowers: Hi smdouglas, I actually think a lot about what directions Albert and his wife could go in, which is why I posted what I did. Monaco has a very unique situation. Of course Monaco is responsible for it's own economy, which Monaco's reputation will factor in greatly here, but I think Monaco can afford to be innovative in ways others may not, because Monaco and Albert are in a position where they are not really beholden to many, except of course the people of Monaco. In terms of industries he relies on, or who Albert owes his own position to...he doesn't have to deal with a lot of payback, or future votes--he is I think a little more free there. Banking of course has always been the Grimaldi business, but other than that I don't think there is another one source that he has to worry about so much in satisfying other peoples wants and needs. Tourism will depend on him and what direction and choices he takes--Monaco's reputation and what it has to offer. Albert was very lucky to be left the gift of a legacy that was already in place there--he doesn't have to start from scratch, in fact he could probably have gotten a lot of mileage on that alone still, but he is going to be changing things up now.

Monaco's rich history has a lot for Albert to build on, and I think Monaco is in a position even outside of tourism to be creative and innovative where Monaco can set itself apart and build a reputation in new areas. But that depends on Albert and his wife's own creative and innovative ideas and their their ability to implement them successfully and I that that is the deciding factor in which direction Monaco is going to go in. I can think of more than a few specific ideas, starting with a few things that are already on Albert's desk (Creativity is born out of limitation and necessity :)). Ordinarily, I could see a wife of Albert taking on some of this as a personal project, but a Starbucks and a shoe shop isn't exactly what I have in mind ;). Again what's possible is going to depend on their own ideas, their own abilities. In Charlene's case I think her own history or reputation is really going to factor in here for anything she does in the future or tries to attach her name to....that is, in order to be very successful. Just attaching her name (that she cannot alone bank on) to a project will look exactly like that, and therefore unimpressive and shallow and insincere, and that is what I was trying to express before.

If Charlene had listened to her naysayers long ago and got to work on improving herself and her reputation as a woman with some real abilities other than she can swim across a pool, it might have helped her reputation as just being a slacker. So now swimming across a pool is really the only thing that Albert and Charlene have to work with and even that was long ago? I mean even if Charlene had a little education or a job somewhere in her history where most people learn how to work with other people, and with the public in a professional setting. I am afraid what Charlene's own background lacks and leading up to the present (not just on paper) unfortunately leaves her way under the curve here (IMO) for the real job that a man in Albert's position might have hoped his wife could fulfill.

Diana (who was much younger) didn't have much to work with either, but she had realized when she was young and had visited hospitals in school that she was good at it, and so she built on something she already felt comfortable with and already had a history of doing. Diana also had a job in a Kindergarten, so working with children was a natural direction to go in for her. Also Diana's upbringing to the manner born probably helped some in how she handled herself. I just don't see enough in Charlene's own background to come up with any good ideas for her, so I think she is going to have to find some new interests if she hasn't developed any. I hope she has more imagination and interests than we've see so far.

In all honesty it's less Charlene's lack of accomplishment and more her attitude about it, that I think is going to be the most telling.

SMdouglas, I agree with you that opinions on a forum or anywhere else, are only that, and it's Albert's own true instincts (even if I don't think he always listens to them) is what Albert should trust. I just hope he can honestly identify them, and is not just bending for those with other wants or needs and that are not his own. I think he has the ability to reach high in every area if he just had the fortitude to go for it and reach! ;)

Also regarding the direction they go in, I think depends very much on the foundation they stand on.:flowers:
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A very thoughtful and measured piece ! Let's have more of these :))

As to foundation, everyone has one, but not everyone chooses to (or is able to) broaden it and build further on it.
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